Over the last several weeks, I have been praying quite a bit in preparation for some upcoming ceremonies. Each time, I experience popcorn epiphanies that often get recorded in my journal. Funny, the act of focused prayer always reveals the deeper, sometimes non-conscious need and desire in a way that is often quite spectacular (picture “I could’a had a V8!”).
The eureka moments, although surprisingly common, are always extraordinary in the revelations and clarity they deliver and, like a treasure hunt that follows the crumbs to ultimately find the gold cache, I find myself traveling into some interesting and powerful awarenesses each time.
Some are private, and held sacred, but yesterday, I knew I would share something I began to ponder. I will go into greater detail today at 3:00 pm EST during a preview call for The Power of Our Way Coach and Integrative Healer Program at www.powerofourway.com/coach
Are You Praying for Proof, or Are You Praying for Embodied Awareness?
At the center of The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel, we begin to see how the final three “bridges” of Faith, Unity and Trust lead us towards a consciousness that is:
· truly embodied in its awareness,
· immovable and calm in its power,
· integrated in its wholeness, and
· grounded in a sense of oneness that is beyond most of our human perceptions.
Yesterday as each prayer (by the way I was on about prayer #900 of a 1000) revealed a deeper one, I realized (duh!) that I was focusing more on praying for proof as opposed to the more profoundly impactful embodied awareness .
Let me share an example. Last week I welcomed in the clarity of one of the prayers I will take into ceremony this year. It took a long time (almost a year) to really get to the essence of it.
“To know my value and worth in a way that is fully embodied.”
I shared it (in a traditional ceremonial way) with my main supporter and spiritual community on Monday night. My supporter also declared that nothing would hold her back from making the trip and that she was willing to get there with no supplies, no tent, and trust that the rest would be taken care of. The trip (like a pilgramage) is long and expenses are fairly high. We all prayed for the resources to show up in a good way, and all who were going also made statements of their commitments.
The very next day, out of the seemingly clear blue, some friends of hers were inspired to buy her plane ticket so she could attend. Excited at the immediacy of the Universe’s response to both of our commitments, she called me to share the news. Much of the potential stress of finding the money to make the pilgramage was completely gone, and she saw that the Divine response was directly related to her vivacious declaration (with no back doors) the night before. Clearly, she had moved from desire to decision and she quickly and effortlessly received her response.
Yesterday, I fully realized that her abundance was also my abundance. In truth it is also abundance that, in its unique ways, will ripple out to everyone in our community because of what she and I will bring back to it.
I did not, however, immediately see it as evidence, or proof of the prayer I so clearly communicated the night before. As most of my friends and close clients know, I love evidence. I love the validation that can boldly arrive when we see physical, touchable, tangible proof of the mystical and miraculous. And, I love it when others are present to witness those miracles.
And then, yesterday, it hit me. So often I am praying for proof, as opposed to praying for embodied awareness. Think about it. Let’s say you are praying for a certain amount of money to show up. The money becomes the proof that the Universe is taking care of your needs, or that you are doing a good job, or that you are loved and cared for, worthy, deserving, or even possibly, that prayer and intention does, in fact, work.
Imagine the difference if the focus was not on the external, often uncontrollable physical evidence that is so often “outcome based,” but rather, the focus was on the internal - the root from which all else grows.
Imagine if my prayer for embodied awareness of my true value and worth came true. Imagine if absent of any doubt, hesitancy, or outside physical evidence, I just knew, to the core of my being, that I was of immense value and worth, regardless of what “proof” manifested in the four corners of my life, as opposed to the focus on just one – the physical.
What would be different? What would I be experiencing more consistently? And, what would I no longer experience because it is completely counter to this deep, immovable awareness of my own value and worth? What if I no longer needed physical evidence, but just knew? The implications run far, deep and extend out into just about everything I can currently wrap my head around.
I knew that what I was truly tapping into is about Returning to Our Original Intention, and Embracing Our Own Becoming.
And so the Story is Revealed
As you examine what sits around the circumference of The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel, we can easily identify all that keeps us “circling the edges of our inherent potential and true spiritual power.”
Some related to the beliefs established during our upbringing, or adopted as a result of our conditioned experiences, much of what prevents us from standing firmly in the reality of our Original Intention (your core purpose for existence, the intentions for your soul’s experience, as well as the Higher intention for human evolution on a collective level), are simply the stories we tell ourselves.
Recently, several of my old (geez, wasn’t I done with that?) stories have come back up to the surface to be healed. Several go way, way back, and possibly began to imprint well beyond the childhood years of this current lifetime. These stories, and I KNOW you can relate, present themselves as patterns and blocks to the true experience and expression of our Divinity. They tend to flavor everything we see and experience, and blind us to what is TRUE and real.
Here are just a few select power hiding, energy sucking stories that are just “oh so common,” that we almost need to take a step back and engage in one universal chuckle at the commonality of our collective struggle to return to wholeness and love!
· I’ll never be good enough
· I’m not loveable
· Good things only happen to other people
· I’ll never heal
· I’m all alone
· Money is hard to come by and only certain people are destined to a life of financial ease
Now, Think Proof vs. Awareness
What if you embodied the absolute, unequivocal knowledge and awareness that were loved and always have been loved, vs. being focused on manifesting all of the various ways you would potentially see the proof or evidence of that unconditional love coming into your life?
The latter requires something in the external, physical world to be present in order for us to be happy. What that essentially means is that we walk around thinking, albeit not always consciously, that “I won’t truly be happy, or at peace, until x, y, z happens.”
Imagine just simply knowing you were loved, as opposed to having to see that soul mate show up at your doorstep, or your dead mother descending down upon you and apologizing for all the ways she made you feel unworthy or not good enough during childhood, as the way you heal from the mythology of being unloved.
Imagine knowing, absent of any doubt, that you are valued, as opposed to a certain amount of income being the focus of your prayers. Awareness, embodied, carries us through the times of human uncertainty and centers us in immovable, unshakeable faith and trust.
The point here is to examine the focus of your desires, or your prayers and go deeper; beyond the surface of our desires (the physical) to the core of what you are really wanting.
You are Being Prepared for Something Quite Spectacular
There is a higher energy attempting to be received and channeled through you. It is more sophisticated in its intelligence and simply requires you to be a more open, clear pathway through which it can manifest.
Think about it. Just as water flows through territories that are least resistant, and typically, that are more receptive to the gravitational forces of the physical universe, anything that hinders its flow will either be avoided or destroyed.
I say typically, because I happen to live near The St. John’s, a river that flows North (not common), as opposed to South; up, as opposed to down. The most famous river that flows north is the Nile in Egypt. Seemingly, the laws of the physical universe just don’t seem to apply.
The laws that become the governing forces of your experience, and what you believe is possible, are often not based in TRUTH with a capital “t.” Rather, your beliefs (many illusionary in nature) become the laws that your life experiences must abide by. Any violation (or occurrence of the contrary) is interpreted as a freak, and often temporary (don’t hold your breath) blip in the scope of what you believe is possible or impossible.
Over the last few years, many of us have noted an acceleration of sorts. It’s as if we’ve stepped on the fast track to evolution and many are in serious transition as part of their personal preparation.
I recall the essence of a favorite quote from the bible. “God doesn’t call the qualified; rather, God qualifies the called.”
Tag! You’re it! You are being qualified and prepared to receive the deeper prayers of your soul – not your personality.
The challenge and opportunity many of us are facing is to get truly grounded in two main things.
1. Our Original Intention (as individuals and as a collective),
2. Trust in our faith (yes, faith in our faiths, and in the unseen that lacks evidence, interestingly enough)
Imagine the difference between embodying your faith, as opposed to seeking evidence that your faith is valid?
Imagine feeling grounded in your core gifts and feeling confident in your mission to share them abundantly, regardless of what anyone else thinks, validates, encourages, discourages, says, supports, or approves of?
What FLOW would you then open to? What would you be doing and demonstrating, regardless of what was going on around you?
What would be more welcome to arrive and reside in your life?
What Blocks Your Allowing of this Flow?
Today, regardless of your interest or disinterest in becoming certified as a Power of Our Way Coach, I invite you to join us at 3:00 PM EST for some empowering instruction on how to use The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel as a pathway to transcendence, healing and manifestation.
In particular, we’ll focus on cultivating The Core Energies of Transformation and reveal what unfolds as we cross each of the eight bridges depicted on the wheel.
Simply register for the telelclass at www.powerofourway.com/coach and you’ll get the new and improved Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel that was just completed by my amazing designer, Kelly Patrick, a prior client and an amazing artist whose website is http://www.kellypatrickphotography.com/design-marketing/ .
Are You Ready to Embrace Your Own Becoming and Initiate the Unfettering Needed for the next phase in your own expansion?
If so, you’ll want to join us beginning on Wednesday, April 14th for an 11 week journey into all 46 layers of the medicine wheel.
Get the whole scoop and reserve your spot at www.powerofmyway.com/return.html
Leave your comments below...blessings, Ani
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