Author, Hypnotherapist, moving keynote speaker, coach and lyricist, Anita Pathik Law, writes about Living The Power of Our Way and Power of My Way community news, music, resources, and articles on spirituality, consciousness, transformation and business. Our focus is on raising consciousness and building bridges of higher understanding within self, in relationships, in business and leadership, and across cultures and religions, thus, ultimately creating a positive connection into the collective consciousness. Anita is the host and gifted moderator for Conscious Dialogues, where we attract thought leaders in the fields of spirituality and business and engage in interviews and multipanel dialogues open to the public.
When I awoke on Sunday morning, I had no idea what the essence of our Sunday Soul message and meditation was going to be about.
To be quite honest, this is true most of the time, but on this particular day, I wasn't even given a title to work with. Fortunately, over time, I have embodied the perspective that if I do my part and become the "hollow bone," the message will be clear, and certainly one I will need to hear myself.
The Power is in the Perspective
As I listened this morning, the title became clear and as I received the message I had delivered the day before, I was humbled by the contributions of many who attended live. Listen here and complete the form below to receive this (and a dozen or so inspired messages) as an MP3 download.
Join us for the next Sunday Soul on January 29th and then begin a 31 day journey into The Power of YOUR Way on JANUARY 30, 2012...get the details re: Initiating the Shift at
Download this audio (and more) by completing this form...
Yesterday was pure magic. As I was preparing to call into the bridge line for our Sunday Soul Gathering, a poem erupted in my mind and we shared it at the beginning and again, as we entered into the beautiful time of meditation (which we have enhanced with music on the download).
Listen to The Seed, the Dream and You and learn about the quantum possibility that was encoded into you...and learn a whole different approach to manifestation! Listen right below (brush your mouse pointer across the title and push play).
To download this audio message and meditation, receive the PDF version of the poem, You Are Chosen, and get the details for the next Sunday Soul Gathering sign up below...
Join us on January 30th for a never before offered event with me and 13 Power of Our Way Prayer Coaches! Initiate your Divine SHIFT and allow us to hold intentions for you for 31 days straight! Get the details at
During this time of the holy-days around the globe, some of my deepest prayers were put to music...enjoy them from the spirits through which they were created!
This is a clip of a powerful prosperity meditation called A Declaration to Receive Your Good. We made it available initially for a love offering and it is no longer available. Please register at for another free download and to receive notification of similar downloads!
It has been beyond amazing to "get back to the work of my soul" and begin teaching and facilitating private client sessions again. We received some of the best feedback yet for our most recent Sunday Soul Gatherings, and one of our most active community members and coaches, Deb Morris, suggested that we share the meditations because they were so transformational.
Listen to SAMPLE CLIPS of two brand new HEALING MEDITATION audios that we are sharing with you so you can "get a taste."
Then, to download the FULL-Length mp3'S, sign up below to get these as MP3 downloads today for a love offering, as opposed to charging a set price. Move your mouse over the grey box and push play to hear the MP3 downloads you will receive when you sign up below!
Over this last year, and even the last few weeks, I've come to understand the importance of knowing, activating, and living and leveraging our higher purposes in ways beyond my previous comprehension.
I have seen, firsthand, seemingly difficult situations distill down to a series of Divinely Orchestrated opportunities to root ourselves in a higher purpose (a.k.a your entire reason for being born) and have observed the transformation that is both inevitable and imminent.
This purpose (on both the macro and micro levels) is never governed by fear because it is anchored in spirit and tapped directly into a strategic (and yet oh so Divine) plan for our lives that, on many levels, is unfathomable from the often limited and ego based human perspective.
And, the focus is on GIVING of your natural born talents, gifts and purpose...not just "getting" or attracting the things you think will fulfill you or bring you security.
This is why we offered an open (and complimentary) teleclass for all members of The Power of Our Way Community (and beyond), called The Power and Potential of Purpose!
Listen to this teleclass by "brushing" your mouse over the title and an arrow to "play" will immediately appear...
Now more than ever it is as if the whole world is offering an invitation to step into the hidden knowledge buried deep within the original seeds of our unique encodings. Whether navigating challenges or opportunities, healing the past, or re-designing your future and altering the trajectory of your life and work, at the core is something that goes largely untapped and under-recognized.
Purpose exists on multiple levels and is one of the three main tenets of truly living "the Power of Your Way."On one hand, we might agree that we as human beings have one universally common purpose; to grow and evolve and serve others in their growth and evolution.
On the other hand we may also agree that each and every one of us was designed for a unique purpose, one that literally wishes to be created and served THROUGH YOU for an impact that is uniquely yours to have.
BUT (and this is a big, huge, radically distracting but), a lot gets in the way and sadly, I've know a lot of people who left this physical reality without knowing and living out their purpose. When we are aligned and activating our unique purpose into all of who we are and all of what we think, feel, choose, do and create, EVERYTHING changes.
You change. Your relationships change. What once was so hugely important becomes insignificant because you've tapped into the spectacular nature of your REASON for EXISTENCE, the path to deep meaning and fulfillment, and the keys to having a holy and sacred impact on the world around you.
This is not fluff either. Just think of a business and business leaders (heck, world leaders) who are tuned into and directed by a solid, common purpose beyond the bottom line - or what they think will get them the most fame or fortune.
Think of the people in your life that have had the most inspired impact on you...I bet money on the fact that they were living from a deep sense of purpose and their passions and authentic expressions enabled that purpose to be consistently lived and shared with others.
It is where we draw from for clarity, guidance, direction and motivation. It is also the birthplace of the great magic and mystery you were designed to co-create here on planet earth, as a fully embodied human being who desires to make a difference in the world, in your own life, and in the lives of others.
Everything you think, feel, do and create has a potential to be rooted in your unique purpose. And, when aligned and conscious of what that is you are more able to draw from the gifts and talents and inclinations that make you the you of a Divinely Designed expression of the creative intelligence that is perfectly unfolding into its potential each and every moment, whether you know it or not..
Join us this Thursday, October 6th for a powerful call at 7:00 PM EST/6 Central/5 Mountain, 4 Pacific that will offer insights and exercises to tap into a potential that makes sense of just about everything.
Some of you may choose to continue in the formal exploration and journey with us for 8 more weeks by signing up at
Because the last two weeks have been mired by several days absent of internet and phone access, followed by a week of needed recovery, we are extending the early registration option by gifting you with a coupon for a 150 reduction.
There is no coupon required! Simply visit and register (if called) at, and the savings will be automatically calculated. Once registered, you'll get all the details, plus three workbooks you'll be receiving as your guide to navigating "the 7 Keys to Awakening."
I hope you join us for this worthy seriously has the potential to change everything for the better and bring a lot of clarity, ease and grace to every single aspect of your life!
When I first went into business for myself, I designed a strategic plan that enabled me to feel comfortable enough to take a significant leap out of a 14 year career that was promising continued successes and opportunities if I stayed put.
Something was missing…not just from my career in the Criminal Justice System; it was missing from my original business plan. It was also missing from what I was permitting myself to dream and envision in all aspects of my life.
Can you relate?
It turned out that the something missing was something else that was wishing to be expressed through me; something I resisted and denied for a long time before I finally had the guts to get more willing and surrendered that I had ever been.
I know you know what I mean. You can’t be alive for more than 15 years before you begin to experience this mysterious tug-o-war between what has become comfortable and familiar and what is being called forth!
As much as I wanted to be content with making a ton of money doing what I was GOOD at (and continue on that “easy” path!), I came to understand that just because I was good at something, it didn't mean it was mine to do, nor did it mean I loved doing it.
I'm not just talking from a professional standpoint either, although that was what I first gave myself permission to explore. Really it extended into EVERYTHING – My marriage, my relationships, my creative expressions as a writer, lyricist and teacher, my role as a parent to five children, and my spiritual life.
It was all about allowing the space to the Divine to Express Itself through me in ways I never dreamed of, let alone believed were possible. I resisted, I fought, and I gave the Universe every reason, excuse and justification for why the instructions (which ultimately became kicks!) would not work, why I was not the one, why I should just stick to my plan, why, why, why...
BUT, as my husband always says, "The Universe Makes it Impossible to Stay the Same..."
Something much more powerful than myself (thank goodness) started positioning itself as the authority over my life. The less I resisted, the easier it got. Every story I peeled away revealed truths I could no longer deny.
When it got right down to the final layers, I knew that resisting who I was and what was mine to do was only creating pain - and undue suffering.
What had been "comfortable" and "safe" and "familiar" was actually blocking God, my best self, and my purpose from fully manifesting in every aspect of my life and my business.
The truth is that whatever you think you have gotten from your involvement in The Power of Our Way Community and the resources (movies, songs, books, audios, teleclasses), programs, groups and people (like you) that have touched your life, would not have been a part of your LIFE EXPERIENCE if I wasn't willing to say yes and get the heck out of the way.
I’m going to ask you to seriously think about “what would not be” if I had not allowed a much more Divine Expression to come through me. Who would not be in your life? What revelations would not have come, what books would you have not read, what healings and creations might not have occurred? What messages would you have not heard, what classes would you have not taken, and what meditations would you never have had access to?
It is IMPORTANT for me to emphasize something. This is not about me. It is not even, in the long run, just about you. It is about a potential that is WISHING to be birthed in humanity as a whole and the ripple your life was designed to create. It is about the past that will heal, the future that is unfolding, and the altered trajectory of your life when you simply surrender to what is divinely yours to do and be in the world.
Something quite Divine is wishing to express itself through you. It often begins as a niggle, sometimes, as an inspiration. Either way, at some point if you don’t listen and receive whatever form it is taking, you will feel it and know it as a sense of discontentment. After all, as you have heard me say, “Discontentment is a sign of the soul unexpressed.”
As a soul based entrepreneur, or someone dreaming about running a successful business doing what you love, you might (in the beginning) be personally experiencing frustration, lack of clarity, or procrastination and impatience. You may feel as if you are lost or have a vision that you can't imagine manifesting in the physical. You may be experiencing a deep longing for "something" that feels out of reach or undefined.
There are so many forms Birthing Your Divine Expression can take. For some it is an innovative idea or new business venture. For others it may make way for a radical shift in consciousness that will change EVERYTHING. For others, giving birth to a Divine Expression may be the healing of one’s body, past, or relationships.
Whatever it is it will bring focus, clarity, direction, energy, and resources you did not even realize you had (in the present and what is in the process of coming to you) together in service to something much higher that is wishing to be co-created and manifested THROUGH YOU…
The unique approach to the Thriving Soul Based Business Program at offers a spiritually grounded, intuitive and strategic approach to business development and marketing.
It offers a system, a process, and tons of re-usable tools and resources that will keep you and your business fresh and innovative in response to your unique and ever-changing expression. On some level I think this class has been one of the “best kept secrets” in this community.
You too may be one of the best kept secrets in your field of passion and expertise. And that isn't doing anyone any favors is it? Especially you and all of the people who are MEANT to work with you but don't even know you exist!
It is time to have a conversation about faith, one that I will begin by asking you to read what is here. If called to, please share your comments and questions and add a layer at the end of this post!
We were joined by a few special guests...Rev. Paula Langguth Ryan, Rabbi Ed Weinsberg, and other inspiring minds and spirits for a provocative exploration on this juicy topic!
Let's Begin...From the Beginning...
Since the beginning of our time and running through the threads of humanity’s evolving sense of both God and consciousness, we have sought to understand, live from, and teach on the subject of faith. For many, attempts to define faith through identification with a particular religion – or, more accurately the accepted interpretations of that religion – have left more questions than answers, especially when variance in both interpretation and demonstration so often exists.
I’ve come to understand that faith and religion are not the same. Although we may derive and define ideas of about faith, just as we develop perceptions of right, wrong, good, bad, morality and immorality, I often wonder how many of us truly explore, inquire, and ask the questions that will assist us in walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Frankly, we all know a lot of religious people who have more faith in their fears than they do in the core promises of the teachings and truths they profess to identify with.
You Do You Define and Develop Faith? In What Ways Do You Question it?
Conceptually, we might define our faiths according to the way a particular set of teachings or spiritual interpretations has been passed along to us. We might develop faith through experience. And, we might discount, or even reject past ideas of faith based on an interpretation of a challenging event or circumstance that challenged (and most likely revealed) where we placed our faith in the first place.
Interpretations of faith and how we apply it, live it, and are empowered or guided by it may not always bring us the comfort and security we are humanly conditioned to seek. An important question I often ask of myself and others is, “Are you seeking faith or are you seeking comfort?” Heck, it is easy to be in faith when things are working according to our master plan. It is not as easy when things are working out according to the “master’s” plan!
Maybe the only way to know faith is to be challenged by it. As human beings we are offered daily opportunities to truly examine the inconsistencies and polarities that exist within our own minds, especially when our faith is challenged. We question our faith, go against it, and at times we may even ask ourselves, “When, if ever, is faith irresponsible?”
For example, on the subject of attraction/manifestation, depending on the focus, we may find ourselves assessing an outcome as being in direct contradiction to what we had been asking for. When a prayer isn’t answered in “the form” of our request, we may entertain doubt and disappointment, not understanding that the “substance” of our prayer is, in fact, being tended to, just in ways that look different than what we had in mind.
Sometimes, when things are not happening in the timing of our preference, we become impatient and without knowing it, we take our “order” back in ways that can actually create a counter intention or request. Just examine the often vast differences between what you want and what you expect and you’ll begin to identify a whole slew of internal inconsistencies that influence both perception and reality.
Usually, the underlying tension is a result of the idea that the specific outcome focused upon in prayer or other practice must manifest in both “our way and our timing,” less we don’t - or can’t - believe. Faith, if seen as a teacher, teaches us that there is an intelligence that knows the essence – the substance beyond the identified form – that is spiritually ideal, even if it is humanly undesired, or unimagined.
The ideas that organize our sense of faith and the quality of relationship we have with God may not be Sourced from the highest perspective, but rather from conditioned ideas that we have come to align with from, interestingly enough, fear.
As a spiritual teacher and minister I am asked this question - and ask this question - a lot. A few days ago, it came in the form of it is...
Let Go, Let God
Faith in its highest form does not seek proof or justification. It relinquishes timing and form, outcome, and expectation to the sweetness of a surrendered expectancy in the highest good emerging.
It proceeds into its next right and perfect action absent of any conditions or demanded outcomes. Faith surrenders form for substance. It loves through trial and tribulation. It allows space to be present and observing to what “is,” as holy, sacred and fully awakened to the reality that perfection is always in the process of unfolding.
Faith is an unwelcoming place for fear, or doubt, or worry, yet it presents temptations to the ego’s resistance to its own unfettering.
Faith does not judge, for it is both compassionate and patient as it watches the world in wonder infused with a level of patience that only comes through trusting in the outcomes of surrendering.
Faith tunes its eyes to beauty and paints all of what it sees, thinks, and creates with tonalities of love and a presence that is unmistakably Divine in both consciousness and perspective.
In the letting go, we make room for the allowing…and in our surrendering, we make room for the Divine to dance its dance and inspire us to sing the songs of our souls into glorious perfection.
You, as the channel, the bridge, and the vessel through which the Divine can presence itself within and beyond your once humanly defined edges, are already primed, prepared and ready.
Register for THREE FREE Downloads, Releasing the Future, Transforming the Past, Leveraging the Power of the Mind, and a BRAND new healing activation called...Rewiring to Receive...sign up below!
Nudging you towards a future infinite in potential…
One filled with a possibility unimagined and dreams barely explored
Are you listening?
I have a lot to share with you. Although the story is quite intriguing, at times shocking, and in the end, quite miraculous in its unfolding, you don’t need the actual story, the background, or even one single gory detail to receive the essence that is most important to share…
And the essence has got to be shared with you…
It’s got all the elements of any good, engaging story filled with dramatic twists and bizarre crescendos that takes you to the edge of your seat and what you think you are capable of. It is a story of good vs. evil, heroes and “victims” (she says knowing there is no such thing), building tensions, crisis’, mystery, and an ending that is less of an ending and more of introduction to the sequel that you can hardly wait to come out.
Long story short; sometimes you gotta travel through hell to get to heaven. You can walk right into the storm, face and dance with your fears, choose love over every other alternative, show up in the awareness that you are not alone, and simply accept that the entire universe is lining up to support your highest good, if you can surrender, let go, ask and receive.
As I settled back into “normal” this week after a week of delayed flights, lost luggage, unexpected dramas, life threatening, yet completely Divine “interventions,” I came to a conclusion that there is nothing normal about my life. In fact, it is quite extraordinary. The miracles that came out of the mire are breathtaking and still unfolding in exquisite detail and I am excited to share some very powerful understandings that I know can and will make a difference in your life immediately.
The key points I would love to have the opportunity to share with you are simple, life altering, and apply to every situation, every challenge and every opportunity…and I’ll be delivering a message on this topic this SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2011 at 10:30 AM EST on Sunday Soul.
Join us for The Dynamics of Attachment, Surrender and Allowing Your Good to Flow…and sign up for the next Sunday Soul at
Last week I shared a NEW MOVIE that you may not have taken the time to watch…quite honestly, the energy and information shared in the full audio was instrumental in all that was EMPOWERED last week…please watch it and pass it along at
Last week I traveled to Maryland for an emerging family need...trusting that all was in Divine Order and surrendering to Perfection Unfolding.
This was GREAT NEWS for those of who are ready to ACTIVATE your potential in the upcoming Soul's Journey Into Expression Teleclass, because we delayed the official first class...and it now begins TOMORROW!
Learn more today at and when you reserve your spot you'll receive both the day and nighttime Imagine healing audios, three other healing activations, the orientation audio, a private healing session with me, and five LIVE teleclasses (all recorded) that begins on Thursday, July 28th!
Monday night, during a private gathering, I recorded what I’ve since realized is a monumentally important healing activation called Imagine; so importantthat we shared the full version for 24 hours (sorry if you missed it!) and are now posting a ten minute clip of this 37 minute theta wave healing audio in the form of a 10 minute movie....
Love the Imagine; Activate Your Potential audio sample in the movie? Order the complete Daytime and Nighttime MP3 downloads (two 37 minute audios) for Imagine for only $24!
The Power of Imagining and Activating Potential
Yesterday, after a “rough” start to my day that began with what I thought was really devastating news (from the human perspective), I found myself looking up to the sky, through eyes clouded by tears, saying, “Really God, really?”
Given I had a whopping 5 minutes to mentally reorganize and start broadcasting our daily morning radio show, I closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed to align with right and perfect thought and asked that anything contrary to love and compassion be removed from every level and layer of my being.
I put the morning “in a box,” compartmentalized, and asked to be guided by an intelligence beyond my own. Immediately, I felt a shift. Everything I had been imagining and projecting from fear dissolved and in one instant, I felt a complete calm coming over me.
I soon found myself in awe of something magical that was happening deep within me and all around me. As my husband and I sat on our bed talking, a powerful awareness came to us.
We were consciously witnessing a miracle well beyond our own creation, yet clearly, we had elevated our consciousness to the level needed for miracles and spontaneous healings to manifest in our physical reality.
This morning, as I listened to Imagine: Activating Potential, the healing meditation I had spoken and recorded the night before we received several miracles and Divine Manifestations,I knew that it was more powerful than I realized. I knew it contributed to the immediate manifestations we witnessed and received yesterday.
I also offer a reminder that we begin what I sense will be one of the most life altering Soul’s Journey Into ExpressionSeries offered to date.
Sign up today at and receive the orientation audio, and several other audios to help you prepare for the next class!
Whatever your primary focus, whether you desire to heal your body of a chronic illness or pain, or you wish to heal a tired pattern or circumstance in your life, this teleclass will rock your world by clearing, activating and integrating on five distinct levels.
Imagine is an example of the healing activations we will be experiencing each week of the program…and as a special bonus, we’ll be adding this audio (the nighttime version) as a gift…
Healing is multidimensional …Body-Mind-Spirit
In my observation, healing is rarely addressed at all five levels…rather, most people and practitioners (traditional and non-traditional) focus on only one or two and then wonder why results don’t manifest or at the very least, are not sustained.
Physical – symptoms, disease, habits, energy that has formed itself into matter.
Emotional – patterns of grief, pain, anger, regret, depression, guilt, shame, unworthiness, hopelessness, sometimes connected to past experiences of trauma, conditioning, and often cause chemical, neural, and organic imbalances.
Mental – conscious and subconscious programming and beliefs, perceptions, obsessive thought patterns, cognitive dysfunction.
Energetic – held memories, blocks, excesses, depletions, imprints, and leakages within the various energy bodies, auras, meridians, and chakras that can, overtime, form themselves into a physical manifestation. Energy Medicine can identify potential disease or malfunction energetically, years before it manifests itself in physical form. You can also hold memories and beliefs in your muscles and organs…
Spiritual – your soul’s evolutionary journey sets you on a life path that provides you with the opportunities to grow and serve as your soul intended, prior to incarnation. Agreements, requests, destiny, purpose, fate, and karma may all come into play…
Non-serving fears and beliefs about yourself, others, relationships, your body, healing, family, cultures, religions, sub-cultures, healing, illness, faith, are asking to be healed.
You have an immense collection of beliefs relating to the realms of human experience. Some are sourced in fear and they play out in the most mysterious of ways.
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