I am connecting with you today share something quite personal and to invite you to join me on a journey that is beginning very soon. It is one I have been honored to guide people through for several years, yet know that this last year has prepared me to share it with you in a way that holds a much different meaning, in a vastly expanded way.
There is something profound that happens when you face —and make peace with—death. I’ve been given this gift a few times in my life and know it is not uncommon with people who walk a medicine path. What is so incredible is what I was taught and how it is being prepared to be shared.
The last 2.5 days I have been overcome with some of the most intense inspiration I have ever experienced. I have written over 197 pages of what I know is a direct outpouring of all I have been taught and shown over the last 9+ months. This book can barely contain its own excitement and as part of the invitation I extend today to join me for a powerful telegathering, I am sharing a small portion of a message I was given just before entering into a radically life altering gestation period. Interestingly, this has become the beginning of a book that I am already humbled by.
I then invite you to visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html and join us for what I know is my most important contribution—a humbling one—of my life thus far. Please enter this code (REBIRTH) for a wonderful surprise if you choose to join us at this time.
There are many of you, that I know, absent of any doubt, that have been praying for what this program provides. Please do not pass on what may be a Divine Appointment!
Here is what is wishing to be shared with you today…
Dear friend,
Join me in the spaciousness of infinite wisdom - an intelligence that seeks to be felt, heard and expressed through you. It does not matter what you call IT; God, Universe, Great Mystery, Source, or Higher Self. It is all the same and knows of Itself by no one name.
You are here to give presence to this consciousness within your Self and to transcend the human mind that says you are limited.
It is time to claim your Divine inheritance and know the truth of your existence.
You are the bridge to all healing, and all healing comes from your Source, your Creator, God.
In Lakota, my favorite words used to describe, or name God are Taku Wakan Skan Skan, which essentially translates into "something sacred is in motion."
The sacredness of this "something" in motion is a moving presence that exists in all things material, non-material, living and inanimate.
This awareness is asking to be felt, known and demonstrated in your life. You are being asked to actively participate in your own evolution, healing and growth.
And, as you know, it's not always comfortable or timed to fit into your busy schedules, nor is it willed away when you seek the illusionary solace of convenience or comfort.
You are receiving an invitation to move towards embodiment. Conceptual understanding is not nearly as meaningful, nor potent, in the ways of co-creation and healing.
But, you already know this and intuitively, you are aware that you are being nudged to integrate the wisdom that has traveled with you since your inception.
You do not lack capacity or ability and worthiness is just a given. You can argue against all of this, but to what end? Denial of your birthright? Dismissal of the sacred encoding that was born into you?
Enough! It is time to say yes to a reality that exists whether or not you see it, believe it or think you are worthy. It's not personal. It is simply a universal truth that is not capped or hindered by any self-limiting beliefs or the parts of you that resist or are unconscious of it.
Seek communion in your breath, your thoughts, and in the moments of silence that reveal the still voice of infinite wisdom and possibility.
And if wondering today, "What is mine to do and be?" Ask in the silence and receive the wisdom that is in motion within you. Taku Wakan Skan Skan...and remember, the something sacred in motion is also you.
Be love, be peace, be hope, be faith. Be in the allness of the everythingness and rest in the grace of your Divine nature.
These are the words that wished to be spoken today and effortlessly, they have typed themselves into existence. As much as I sat down to write something entirely different, I've long ago learned that getting out of the way is my number one job in the roles I have come here to play.
Recently, I was cajoled by many of my clients in the Power of Our Way Community to consider something that I resisted for many months - almost a full year; to really tell the truth of some of my most profound spiritual experiences. I had become attached to a picture of what things needed to look like and in my awareness of this attachment, I surrendered it.
Or, so I thought. Recently, through the grace of conflict, I saw how I had been holding back. I saw how I had denied my own self and allowed an "other" to dictate my worth. Of course, since there is no "other" in the highest of spiritual contexts, I had chosen my own denial.
You would think that a person, such as me, (so my inner ego’s conversation goes) would know better! Alas, the hilarious nature of spiritual amnesia and divine forgetting.
To Truth, I reawaken. As I come out of my own hiding, I say yes to that which I have resisted and now fully rejoice in all of my humanness.
Want to join me?
It begins with a question. What is it within you, your thoughts, your past, and your life that is asking to be transcended, released and healed?
Healing is what delivers us into an experience of gratitude that is so potent, it naturally fosters peace. Healing, not just in physical form, but at the levels of both consciousness and identity, is how you - we – transcend stories and experiences of perceived limitation into an experience of infinite potential.
Clearing the field for infinite possibilities requires a deeper exploration of what we hold as TRUTH, and in doing so we identify the many illusionary beliefs that have created the undesired perceptions of the various worlds we live in.
Compassion enables this exploration, just as empathy enables forgiveness. To create from higher intention requires us to release anything tethered to judgments, resentments or unforgiveness. Releasing such constrictive energies will clear you of spiritual, mental, physical and emotional clutter that blocks a deeper dialogue with spirit and soul.
As you well know, gratitude is clouded by the many constrictive thoughts we carry about ourselves, others and the world. Releasing or healing that which fosters a constrictive energy (such as judgment, regret, doubt, etc.) creates an immediate and expansive opening to new realizations, creations and inspirations. It actually expands your vision and opens up that part of you that once saw from a different level of consciousness.
This is the path of the awakened healer. And, I invite you to visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html and take a few minutes to learn more and read about other people’s experiences. Then, join us (and use code REBIRTH to reduce both options by 20%, through Monday, June 25) for what I can promise will be an incredible, life changing process.
Throughout our time together you will:
- Reawaken and remember that you have a direct relationship and connection to the Divine Mystery.
- Learn powerful ways to pray and utilize various healing activations effectively – with yourself and other—in service to healing and transcendence.
- Become more conscious and present to your innate abilities to heal at the conscious, unconscious, cognitive/mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual and physical levels and be given tools and instruction that will open these abilities on a greater scale.
- Rewire the connections that have been compromised by your conditioning; your human experiences, religious, familial, spiritual upbringing, and the busyness and constant mind chatter that distances you from your original intention and inherent power to heal.
- Become more aware of your own thoughts, energy and emotions and learn how to become more of an observer and alchemist in your own life.
- Work with energy in various ways, through various exercises and activities.
- Have an experiential awareness of what resonates and works for you and learn tools that you can continue to use, develop and practice for ongoing self-healing.
- Learn how sound, vibration, breath, hypnosis, theta, prayer, meditation, shamanic healing, touch, or other forms of energy healing modalities may be calling to you to go deeper and engage in consistent practice.
- Experience a variety of group and partnered healing sessions and release and expand in the ways you are ready and want to!
And...so much more than you can imagine!
Visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html and take a few minutes to learn more and read about other people’s experiences. Then, join us (and use code REBIRTH to reduce both options by 20%, through Monday, June 25
Register at www.powerofmyway.com/awakeningthehealerwithin.html for several *F*R*E*E audio downloads on this topic and join us for an open orientation call on June 28th. Hope to see you there!
Immense love and blessings, Ani
Anita Pathik Law, Power of Our Way Community
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