Author, Hypnotherapist, moving keynote speaker, coach and lyricist, Anita Pathik Law, writes about Living The Power of Our Way and Power of My Way community news, music, resources, and articles on spirituality, consciousness, transformation and business. Our focus is on raising consciousness and building bridges of higher understanding within self, in relationships, in business and leadership, and across cultures and religions, thus, ultimately creating a positive connection into the collective consciousness. Anita is the host and gifted moderator for Conscious Dialogues, where we attract thought leaders in the fields of spirituality and business and engage in interviews and multipanel dialogues open to the public.
Respond to the calling of your soul and join us for Awakening the Healer Within!
Visit and reserve your spot in this transformational 13 week journey beginning Monday, November 22, 2010 with an important orientation!
Here is a recent testimonial...
“I am taking advantage of AWTHW for the second time to continue even more deeply to actualize my healer within. And indeed, the Medicine Wheel is my constant companion each day to keep me on track with who my highest self is and wants to be and is my destiny to be. Even though I cannot participate live on this second round of teleclasses, even just listening to the audios is so powerful and keeps me in the energy of aligning with my truest and deepest values and self so that I go out into life each day as the best version of myself that I can be.
I intend to continue regular course work with Ani (Anita Pathik Law) because she is an amazingly conscious and brilliant healer and facilitator for all who want to rise to the best version of who they are and were meant to be. Ani's energy is so loving and accepting and provides a space for all peoples of the Earth, regardless of religion, ethnicity, and culture.
The only bounds to what one can learn and how far one can grow is our own limiting thoughts, which Ani helps us to push far beyond any limitations we previously may have had. One can take AWTHW over and over again and each time have it be a totally new experience. Life is dynamic, constantly evolving, and we along with it in AWTHW.
I have come to trust my own healing abilities and to take ever greater responsibility for making the choices and shifts required each and every moment of every day to become the love and joy and positive energy of which I am genuinely capable.
It's not that life is suddenly easy, but I know what to do to make it more fulfilling and exciting and how to use the Medicine Wheel to help me make the shifts that my soul is calling me to make. AWTHW is unlike any other experience or course or teleclass and you need to experience the process in order to fully appreciate what I am sharing. This course will transform you, whether you expect it to or not. And you will never settle for less again.”
This is both a message and an invitation to join me for a series of three F*R*E*E teleclasses, and can also be received at
Each and every day, regardless of current situations or circumstances, we face endless…countless opportunities.
It may be an opportunity to apply the wisdom we’ve learned, to go deeper into healing or forgiveness, to lighten up, tighten up, to become more present, and/or to simply show up for ourselves and others in a good way.
I’ve been fairly silent the last two weeks, but it doesn’t mean life has been silent, or that Source has been silent. I’ve just bundled up my energy (for good reasons) and attended to what has been most important.
During this time, I’ve witnessed some pretty intense and beautiful things…some invitations, others confirmations.
Absent of any distractions and diversions, and feeling immense gratitude for having said yes to a life steeped in prayer and spiritual community, I wish to share what I sense will be a thought provoking message that will provide both insights and inspiration.
Join me for a series of three teleclasses, each building upon the other, beginning THURSDAY, November 18th at 12:00 Noon EST!
Here is a brief outline of this three part series:
Thursday, November 18th, 12:00 Noon EST: Moving Beyond Your Own Resistance, The Ego’s Surrendering to a Higher Plan
Sunday, November 21, 10:30 AM EST: Staying Awake to the Brilliance of You, Your Life and Emergence
Monday, November 22, 2010 at 7:00 PM EST: Awakening the Healer Within (open orientation call for the general public).
Although each class will be available for replay, if able to attend live, this is highly recommended!
I’ve been guided to open the orientation session for the next round of the Awakening the Healer Within Program to the general public, something that has never been done before!
You can get the details at and for those of you who already KNOW the time is right and you are ready, register now to save BIG and begin to work with the preparation materials and downloads.
I am certain of this;
You are more ready than you give yourself credit for…
You possess, inherently, a wealth of abilities that you are not using consistently and not always for the right reasons!
As you cultivate The 8 Core Energies of Transformation, you will immediately see and experience the difference
When we create the conditions, internal environments and support that is aligned, welcoming and inviting, MIRACLES DO HAPPEN…
Healing goes beyond the body or a life pattern – true healing always alters one’s consciousness, beliefs, and behaviors
Resistance and justifiable excuses are the ego’s way of maintaining more of the same, even if it is not desired or feeling good.
Every life experience has been in service to something that is spiritually monumental, universally interconnected, and collectively imperative
Some, not all people, are being called to initiate radical transformations in their consciousness, bodies, their service, and their relationships…this “some” may include YOU, and deep down you know it and can’t and don’t want to hide from it any longer!
And, for those of you whom can only imagine the extraordinary changes you will experience when you join us for the 13 week Awakening the Healer Within Experiential Teleretreat, sign up today at
Hope to see you for both the F*R*E*E series and Awakening the Healer Within!
I am getting ready to go out of town for a week for a sensitive family “opportunity” (note I’m intentionally not typing other words that are typically used when we face a perceived challenge…).
I ask that you read this post, watch the movies included, and receive a few nudges to contemplate some important, and usually life altering questions...
Parts of me wish to share more detail, however, in my desire to honor others, I will not. This is someone else’s story to share and is yet to be complete. I will share that many have shown incredible bravery and courage and for that I am thankful and humbled. If we truly “sign up” to serve through various life experiences, many people involved signed up for some heavily intensive training and modeling. God love them!
We need not always know “what happened” to offer the powerfully alchemical prayers of wholeness, happiness and healing. Just seeing someone happy and free is enough to activate the magic and blessings of the Divine and bring comfort to those in need. In fact, I long ago realized that I may not be the best judge of what will ultimately bring me and others resolution, healing, joy and fulfillment.
I have enough experience with sad or frustrating events leading to good to know that our preferred routes may not always be the best ones (from a spiritual and evolutionary perspective). So, often I simply imagine a person happy, singing, laughing, and free, trusting that the way to get there is something spectacular being constructed by an Intelligence much more ingenious and creative than me.
The Power of Surrender and Trust
Surrendering to “what is” and trusting that blessings will be received even in the most challenging situations are powerful acts that allow for a flow into the Divine currents of change and transformation. I can look back over my life and see enough evidence to know that if things always worked out the way I wanted them to, things wouldn’t have worked out as well as they did! And, as I write this, I am certain you know what I’m talking about, tapping into several examples in your own life!
I will tell you that this summer, “normal” appeared to have returned in several extended time frames, much earlier than one would anticipate. We went to both the woods and the water for healing and received much needed reminders of the grace and beauty that surrounds us.
Your Past Does Not Have to Become Your Story
This has been a mantra I’ve repeated at least a thousand times over the last few months. Rather than become victims of the situations that have caused pain and broken us wide open, we can instead choose to become empowered students.
If we TRULY believe that everything happens for a reason, and that all reasons are in service to our highest good, and the growth and evolution that is primed to be experienced, we can collapse into our faith and trust in the unfolding.
The power of your story is always in “how you tell it.” Are the details of “what happened” more important than the growth that only became imminent as a result of the situation?
Does the story you tell fight more for your limitations or is the focus on connecting to the good (and God) that came from the divinely undesired?
Are you playing the role of victim or hero, and consciously aware that each moment is an opportunity to choose from love or hate, faith or fear?
One of the opportunities we are all facing right now, regardless of our pasts and what’s coming in the future, is to choose who we want to be in the world.
As much as life doles out challenging moments, in reality that is all they are…moments. What matters most are the times in between the moments, and how we show up, either in alignment with our true natures and God-given potentials, or not.
Simply put, sucky moments do not need to become the proof or justification of a sucky life. Rather, we can approach each moment as an opportunity to co-create a future reality grounded in strength, faith, courage and grace.
Contemplate This! You Choose What to Infuse…
If you were offered the opportunity to infuse the world with one or two things, what would they be? And, what if, regardless of situation or circumstance, what you choose to infuse, is the most important influence of life and others?
For me, I wish to infuse the world with compassion, inspiration and healing. Given that, I often must ask, especially when challenged, “What would compassion look like, what would it say, and what would it not look like?” I’m also reminded of the wisdom of my elders who continue to remind us, “Forgiveness is the most powerful medicine the Creator has given us.”
This morning, as I awoke to feeling a bit out of control, wanting to KNOW the answers to many questions, hasten resolution, and figure out how to shift gears and take care of so much that we’ve had to put off over the last week, I addressed my impatience from a spiritual perspective, again, turning it over to the powers at work.
I must trust that the Universe will take care of us. At some point the laundry will get done, we'll get packed and arrive to the airport on time, the pets will be taken care of while we are gone, my creativity will return, and the house will get cleaned.
If I had a clone I’d assign it the responsibilities of getting back on track with the letting people know about Aligning With Destiny beginning on Nov. 9th at and Awakening the Healer Within, beginning on Nov. 22 at because so much of what I had planned to be doing just hasn’t been able to get done.
I’d assign it the worry about so much lost time that does not get paid when you are a solo-entrepreneur and I’d give myself permission to just take a nap, a swim, or watch movies with my kids all day.
I would give up any worries and concerns without giving in. I turn it over and agree to “not care” about where the money will come from to pay for the last minute expenses (all investments in long term healing) and lost time at work. So, as all things go back to the beginning, I surrender and choose what to infuse into the rest of this day, knowing that in the long run, it will all work out.
Please take a few minutes to receive this message, even if you've received it before...and help us elevate the collective energy and resilience of this truth...that perfection is always unfolding, even when it doesn't feel like it!
I'll let you know when we reschedule Dr. Eldon Taylor (back by popular demand) on Conscious Dialogues for an exploration into Mind, Meaning and Mysteries! He still has the flu and needs some prayers, healing and rest!
Self-Actualization is said to be the full realization of one’s potential. This is only possible by opening your eyes to the truth, and becoming educated about yourself and the world around you. Join Anita and Eldon for a provocative exloration of your mind, meaning and the mysteries and magic of life!
Moving From Lack to Abundance – A Story of Profound Soul Healing and Transformation
How I Manifested $50,000 in Two Weeks
Several year ago I was both pained and perplexed with a pattern that was manifesting as hard ebbs and flows in financial prosperity.Intuitively, I knew it was not a pattern solely established in this lifetime.
A prior experience of “locating” past life imprints that had lead to the creation of Lupus and other autoimmune dysfunctions, beginning at the age of 12, (which were 100% healed in 1997), had opened me to the possibility that I was facing a major opportunity to clear something whose inception began prior to my incarnation in this lifetime.
I engaged in a powerful soul journey while in trance; one that brought me back to the time just prior to incarnation.The experience was beyond any I had known up until that point, and I was transported to a full sensory experience of the moment when I was making agreements and receiving commitments from others whom I would later meet in this lifetime.
In one powerful moment, a significant wounding from my first marriage, which interestingly enough had created a hostile relationship with money, was completely cleared.In that instant, I arrived firmly in a consciousness of Divine understanding and an intense gratitude and appreciation flooded my entire being.
My story of misfortune and victimization transcended the human story that had limited me from accessing spiritual wisdom and a true embodiment of my inherent birthright as both a creator and a receiver. I was completely humbled, both by the amazingly unselfish service my “ex” had provided to me (this was a radical perceptual shift), and the instantaneous way I was unfettered from all of the illusions I had so long carried within me.
I went beyond forgiveness into a state of blissful appreciation, dropped to my knees and asked him (his soul) for forgiveness for not seeing the blessings he had actually provided me…and I gave thanks for it all…
Two weeks later I received $50,000 in back child support, in spite of the fact I had not heard from him for almost a decade. No contact had been made (on a conscious, physical level) but clearly, something had been healed within both of our souls.
Soul Imprints and Contracts
Over the years, I have done a significant amount of work (with self and others) identifying soul level imprints related to lack, unworthiness, and challenges with receiving, often clearing vows of poverty, suffering and struggle. Although I do acknowledge a huge connection between thought and manifestation, traditional law of attraction teachers often deny any connection between what one is manifesting and past life patterns or Soul imprints and contracts.
Traditional law of attraction teachings diminish, or often blatantly deny that we are here for any reason other than to create (whatever we want) and experience contrast. Some of the more popular teachers also say we have no purpose to fulfill. Although our current consciousness can and does influence what we perceive and attract into our lives, I also believe (due to tons of evidence) the propensity towards many life patterns often begins long before this incarnation.
I began sensing “soul contracts and imprints” when I worked in jails with a variety of inmates, many whom had severe criminal records and a lot of trauma in their own lives.Although I was doing cognitive behavioral work in a fairly traditional, albeit progressive environment, I understood that true healing for many needed to occur at the soul level.
Then, about 12 years ago I became aware of prior incarnations where I carried the archetype of a “freedom fighter.” As I saw multiple past life incarnations, I observed being injured and maimed many times, most often “hobbled” at the ankles, knees, wrists, and other joints and I was prohibited to speak. Understandably, I had felt unsafe, overly cautious, and persecuted.And, I also carried painful past life imprints that perceived I had repeatedly failed at my life mission, and a deep guilt and unworthiness had imbedded my soul with patterns that were contrary to receiving both love and abundance.
I found it particularly interesting that in this lifetime, much of my pain and debilitation (literally being unable to use my hands or walk at times) when I was sick had been in my joints and I that had developed severe thyroid disease (think blocked, underactive throat chakra, related to physical expression and speaking truth). I also, at an early age, was determined to “not need anyone,” a ridiculous declaration that remained unhealed until I met my husband and soul partner in 1998.
The deep soul level work (partnered with subconscious and energetic clearing) prepared me for the instant healing I experienced in 1998. Yet, even after my healing, I would go through periods where I would injure myself in the same joints that had once been affected by the Lupus. When I cleared soul-level, past life imprints, all of that went away too.
A Radical Shift to Consider
I invite you to consider a shift from “What you are thinking and expecting creates your current reality” to “the more aligned you are with your soul path; your souls’ unique journey towards Divine expression and evolution, the more likely it is that DESIRE is merely a pre-cognitive, pre-sensory awareness of what is already in the process of coming into your life; in alignment with your Divine Plan!”
Take a moment and feel into this thought. And, open to the ramifications of changing your focus from “manifestation, “conscious creation,” and “attraction” to Cultivating a Welcoming Place for RECEIVING that Which is in Alignment with Your Divine Plan.
This level of receiving is well beyond receiving financial abundance. This level of receiving opens the floodgates for:
Healing Soul Fragments
Think about a relationship or situation from your past that still, to this day, conjures up feelings of resentment, guilt, shame, anger, or even a sense of victimization.From a human standpoint, you can understand and even have compassion for why those wounds still come up.You may have even undergone some layers of healing and forgiveness, but still feel the sting or unresolved pain when something triggers either the direct memory, or digs in to an unhealed wound. It is literally and figuratively as if some part of you, small or large, was left behind, fragmented, if you will, from the truth of your wholeness.
Carrying pain and wounding from the past, in particular when imprinted with ideas of misfortune, abandonment, unworthiness, betrayal, or even persecution, can manifest themselves in life patterns of pain, hurt, lack and loss.
If you still relate back to past situations or relationships in a consciousness of hurt or anger, maybe it is because you “left behind” a part of you when the disappointment or trauma (emotional, mental or physical) occurred.It may have been reinforced through repetitive patterns of similar experiences, each time more deeply imbedding it in both your subconscious mind and your soul (as well as the energy centers of your bodies we call chakras!).
Those little parts, or soul fragments, may be EXACTLY what are needed to embody wholeness, trust, faith, or worthiness. While you may get glimpses of yourself in your wholeness, which is an indication of true spiritual, physical, mental and emotional integration, those fragments may be the key to both embodiment and manifestation.
Ready for this level of healing and transformation? JOIN ME TODAY!!!
This is the focus of the three session teleclass and Soul Journey sessions beginning TODAY, September 21 at and I encourage you to join us, either live, or via the audio downloads, for this powerful healing and deep spiritual reconciliation.
Use coupon code SOUL (all caps) to save over 50% and sign up now to get the bonus downloads that help solidify a prosperity consciousness as we navigate the Soul’s Journey Into Expression over the next three weeks.
Each class will include some teachings, however, the Soul level healing, unfettering and re-alignment is what will be most profound. Consider it fall cleaning for the soul as we prepare for a time of both incredible reunification and enter into the transitional seasons before the New Year…
Listen to the replay of Align With Your Divine Design, the topic we shared in today’s Sunday Soul Service on Conscious Dialogues.
Here is what we explored...What if the deepest meaning and sense of fulfillment truly comes from aligning with your Divine Design? "Discontent is a sign of the Soul Unexpressed," yet, how do we surrender to the highest form of our expression? You were encoded with a unique combination of talents, inclinations, and a map of evolutionary growth experiences all designed to provide you with what you would need to live life according to your Divine Design.
We'll explore the many reasons for resistance and the ways soul and Spirit may be nudging you towards deeper alignment.
If inspired, register at receive updates and MP3 downloads of these gatherings and share an inspired love offering if you have been spiritually nourished!
The next Soul's Journey Into Expression teleclass, a three week journey with a focus on expanding the Soul's capacity to receive abundance, inspiration and prosperity, is beginning at
Join us beginning Sept. 21 and each week, receive a spontaneous Soul Journey meditation that will unfetter you from blocks to receiving that which is your Divine Inheritance!!
Here is a 10 minute clip from the last Soul Journey class (all in all, six hours of delicious teachings and guided Soul Journeys!)
Would you love to learn how to transcend the limited thinking and beliefs of the world and experience abundance regardless of world conditions?
Do you want more financial abundance, more energy, greater health, the job of your dreams and more loving relationships, but are more focused on lack, doubt and negative expectation, or are not seeing evidence of abundant change?
Opening up and creating room for receiving all the abundance existing within us starts with cultivating an awareness that we already are, have, and enjoy overflowing abundance in all areas of our lives.
Cultivating a welcoming place for receiving begins with transformation at the level of consciousness and extends into a multi-dimensional view of yourself, your sense of worthiness, your beliefs about money and manifestation, and your relationship with the true Source of your abundance.
Learn how to harness the power within, the wisdom beyond, and how to cultivate the consciousness and behaviors that create a welcoming place for receiving…
Listen to Welcoming the Wisdom Beyond and Abundance Abounding, a Conscious Dialogue with Anita Pathik Law, Paula Langguth Ryan and Robin Reiter…
Join the Irreverent Reverend, Paula Langguth Ryan, Barefoot Preacher, Robin Reiter, and Midwife to the Soul, Rev. Anita Pathik Law, for a transformational evening that will leave you feeling prosperous, connected, and expanded on all levels!
You will be given resources and sacred alignment tools and practices that are grounded in principles of creation and abundance that you can immediately apply in your life, business, and relationships.
Paula has a special knack for helping us lift the ego's veil that we have used to keep us from claiming our good and playing BIG! She joins us to offer concrete strategies and instant tools for a magnificent change in perception that will have you taking responsibility for your own shift in new and empowering joy-filled ways!
Robin is recognized as one of the most dynamic speakers in the Unity movement, largely due to her innate gift of spellbinding storytelling and the dramatic flair that has become her signature, Robin delivers powerful and transformative messages time and time again.
Anita’s unique ability to create and hold the space for miracles (many medically documented) is credited to her dedication to be “the hollow bone,” for the flow of sacred, Divine energy, information, and transmission of healings during trance. A modern day shaman, Ani integrates the science of the mind, consciousness, and metaphysics with ancient indigenous wisdom and medicine.
More about the presenters…
Rev. Paula Langguth Ryan
is a Magnificent Manifesting Force in the Universe. As a prosperity guru, Paula has been featured nationally on TV, radio and print media including PBS' Financial Freedom, Your Money magazine, Successful Living and WOR Radio Network's Smart Money With The Dolans. Paula is the author of Giving Thanks: The Art of Tithing (the only book by a living author with a foreword by Catherine Ponder). She has helped tens of thousands dissolve their fears, resolve their inner conflicts, break sabotaging patterns and create lives of inner and outer abundance that exceed even their wildest dreams.
Rev. Robin Reiter
is an inspirational speaker and a catalyst for personal transformation.Known as the “Barefoot Preacher,” Robin travels around the country speaking, teaching, and training and has helped thousands awaken to the magnificence of their divinity.She is the founder of Sacred Abundance Ministries and has dedicated her life to helping all people realize Heaven on Earth. Creator of Sacred Abundance, a system of 7 spiritual principles and practices that deeply transform the lives of all who work with them, The Sacred Abundance Program has been designed for personal and group study and incorporates foundational spiritual teachings, practical tools and ancient wisdom.. Each principle is simple and yet profoundly impactful.
Rev. Anita Pathik Law (Ani)
is known as a manifestation magnet and a midwife to the soul. Founder of The Power of Our Way Community and Hypnotic Manifestation, Ani assists her clients in leveraging the power of the mind and spirit in facilitating miracles and sustained changes.Her first book, The Power of Our Way; A Path to a Collective Consciousness, her healing meditations, movies, and hypnosis audios have become daily staples and are credited with creating the conditions for healing and transcendence of undesired patterns and dis-eases with clients around the globe. Her ministry offers Divinely guided messages and healings that often integrate the music she writes with her husband, Brent Law. As a coach and mentor, she has worked with other healers, lightworkers and coaches to develop their signature products and develop a resonant marketing system that opens to the door to more authentic, passionate expressions and abundance on all levels.
Listen to the two inspiring Conscious Dialogues with Ward Flynn by scrolling down!
Most of us has been touched by cancer; some personally and others peripherally ,with a loved one or friend.
Recently, I was inspired to open a powerful dialogue about the cancer journey when my friend and soul brother, Ward Flynn, announced, quite publicly, that while he plans to put up a good fight, it is time to acknowledge what seems inevitable.
As Ward says, “Any Damn Fool Can Die from Cancer, the Challenge is Living with It…Really LIVING…”
He has been exploring how you do both at the same time, and in the process has discovered the middle road--being in the moment; the still point between living with gusto and accepting mortality.
Ward's perspective speaks to the patient, their loved ones, and the caregivers as well, and I am beyond honored to provide a space for Ward to share his inspiring message of love and wisdom.
Ward gives us a rare, intimate and poignant look at both the spiritual and physical aspects of the cancer journey and the most profound gift of all…Learning How To ReallyLiveWhen Death is Looming.
Listen to this unique, candid, inspiring two-part series of Conscious Dialogues with my good friend and spirit brother, Ward Flynn, and share the blessings of Living Until You Die...
In this intimate dialogue with author, speaker and all around amazing guy, Ward Flynn, we’ll be exploring the gifts of living, healing and ultimately dancing with the reality of cancer’s return and the choice to live...fully and boldly in each moment...until he dies.
We explored the profound choice of “Life, Death or Both?” and the power of surrendering to a higher plan. As one man contemplates his life, death, and leaving loved ones behind, he discovers that forgiveness is the only path to surrender…
Over this series of three intimate dialogues, we’ll explore all the questions that come up…like, “Why Do I Have Cancer?” and the gifts in balancing the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of this profoundly transformational journey…
These are two of the messages that were shared...listen here...
Join us for the next unique Soul Journey teleclass series at will bring a special focus on expanding worthiness, receiving and abundance...on all levels...
Each week for three weeks we'll be delivering a message and facilitating a dynamic discussion prior to entering into a Soul Journey example of which you just listened to!
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