Author, Hypnotherapist, moving keynote speaker, coach and lyricist, Anita Pathik Law, writes about Living The Power of Our Way and Power of My Way community news, music, resources, and articles on spirituality, consciousness, transformation and business. Our focus is on raising consciousness and building bridges of higher understanding within self, in relationships, in business and leadership, and across cultures and religions, thus, ultimately creating a positive connection into the collective consciousness. Anita is the host and gifted moderator for Conscious Dialogues, where we attract thought leaders in the fields of spirituality and business and engage in interviews and multipanel dialogues open to the public.
I have
been in prayer and quiet for the last few days. There have been prayers for others, for
those throughout the Middle East, for Foreign Service workers
internationally, but most of all for the parts of ourselves that are so
vulnerable to hatred and cultural pain that it outpictures in such
devastating ways.
This is not really about a movie or even religion. It
is about something that has been lost at a deep level; the unyielding
awareness of our sacred connection to all of which exists in creation.
us today in Spirit (I am sharing a prayer and a music video) and
tomorrow, Sunday, September 16th at 10:30 AM for a powerful circle of
prayer, community and power. We alone may have only a droplet of
faith...together we have an ocean.
next Sunday Soul Gathering will take place on Sunday, September 16th at
10:30 AM EST and we will gather in prayer and of the highest intention
to come together in a sacred and powerful way. To join us LIVE, call
218-862-1300, pin 151992...
Here is a prayer from this morning...
God, Divine Mystery, I am grateful for receiving the gift of life
today. With every breath I fill myself with the energy of the Divine. As
I walk softly through this day it is my prayer for all to know that
peace truly begins within. May all violence end first in our minds. May
we entertain only loving thoughts and remember that we are all related;
brothers and sisters born of the same Source. May we believe enough in a
greater potential so that it overshadows doubt. May we find love in our
hearts for every human being. May we think kind thoughts and speak only
in love and faith. Have compassion on us Creator for many have lost
their way through deep cultural misunderstandings. I apologize, on
behalf of the entire human race, for the deep forgetting that has lead
to violence against others. I apologize on behalf of those never taught
another way. I apologize on behalf of those who believe that God and
religion authorizes violence of any kind. I apologize for those who are
unwilling to forgive. Unsimala Tunkasila...Wopila Tanka.
Believe it and Be Free!
next Sunday Soul Gathering will take place on Sunday, September 16th at 10:30
AM EST. To join us LIVE, call 218-862-1300, pin 151992...
Thank you for
investing the energy in signing up to receive a powerful collection of audios
(and a few handouts)
from our Sunday Soul Gatherings. The last few messages (and meditations) are
centered around Agreements, Declarations, Manifestation, Love, Faith and
Willingness. Listen to the most recent one first (Agreements
and Declarations and Their Impact on Manifestation.)
It is fascinating how many people reach out to me for assistance with pain. It is also fascinating (and understandable) how many are seeking a magic bullet and not turning inward to tap into their inherent power to heal.
Chronic pain is exhausting. It can degrade our thinking, interrupt normal functioning and drain energy.
What most people don't realize is that their thoughts can make it much worse and over time, it is evident that pain can quickly become part of one's identity.
This is why we are getting ready to offer a teleclass specifically designed to transform pain and teach and use hypnosis as a proven tool for analgesia and even anesthesia!
Can you...will you give 8 hours of your time and energy (ok, a little more to work with the hypnosis and healing audios out of class) to transform your inner and outer reality?
Aren't you ready?
The other day I shared a huge wake-up call I had a while back when I was complaining to God about a few things (forgive me, I was feeling a little taxed...)
Anyway, I'm in meditation, just whining away and I hear (really loud!)...
"If you want God to give you the time of day, maybe you should consider giving God more time each day."
Wow..simple, to the point and WOW.
It is when I do give more time to Source (especially in love) that creativity flows, blocks are released, inspiration comes.
AND...always, there is a decision asking to be made...
Like one of the Declarations I shared with you a few months ago and...
I'll email you The Declaration is a portion of it.
"Creator, I declare that am ready to receive the dream you have for my life and I commit to unwrapping the many gifts you will gift me along the way.
I will be open to the learning and wisdom that comes from perceived failures and mistakes.
I will be present to the many ways you speak to me, nudge me, and at times, provoke me to move towards a higher vision for my life and all you have planned for it.
I know that when I am present to receiving this level of Divine Communication, you will speak to me through my own resonance and curiosity, through beauty and inspiration, through intuition and joy, and through synchronicity and trust in Divine emergence and the perfection that is unfolding…
I know that any sense of discontentment is merely a sign of my SOUL UNEXPRESSED, and I take 100% responsibility for my own happiness and fulfillment.
I surrender my human desires for a commitment to serve the greatest good by being a model for what is possible when I tune into, and turn towards, a Higher Will for each and every moment of each and every day. Your will, God, is what I wish to align with."
"People who get comfortable of mind and intellect get dull, people who get comfortable in their spirit miss what they are created for. They were created to magnify the glory of the world, not simply to reduce in size and fail to reflect that spirit."
Over the weekend I had the occasion to catch a compelling, tear jerking speech by Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker addressing the 2012 graduates of Stanford.
In the comments found on the you tube site, I was a bit perplexed that even one graduate found his words to be irrelevant to them. Call me naive, but I was also shocked at a number of comments that appeared to be flavored by racism and political and social views that can often cause a blanket dismissal of receiving anything of value from someone who holds different ones.
Maybe it is that many of Stanford's college graduates have not yet bumped into the world unsheltered or maybe it is that they have not yet needed or found within themselves a spark that they will need to both carry and cultivate in a world that offers no guarantees of happiness, peace, fairness, success, or ease...
Cory Booker spoke about those who have found themselves embracing discomfort and making the courageous choice to keep going, in spite of the lows that can sideline a passion and dedication to live a life grounded in a conspiracy of love, not just for self but for all.
He spoke of courage, love and faith through a reflection of stories from a cultural history many would rather forget and a present that many don't want to see. He spoke of unity and service as a mission, not just a dream.
The quote at the top of this article is one you will hear as you watch this powerful plea, not just to 2012 graduates, but to all people of every nation, race and creed. As he spoke the words, it was as if he knew exactlty what I (and many others) needed to hear.
I realized that I had been shrinking, or as he stated, reducing in size and questioning something I have known since I was a little girl; what I was created for.
I realized that in the past I I have felt indebted to people and communities that didn't really support a deeper essence and expression from me. Of course, if I choose to be 100% responsible, this was merely a reflection of feeling indebted to a part of myself that does not really value who I am, what I do and therefore, the gifts I have been given.
And, I apologize. I apologize for discounting the gifts I have been given (whether recently or a decade ago!) by not seeing them as worthy, valued or valuable and for settling as a result. I apologize for continuing down paths that are just not mine to take anymore and being unwilling to take ones that have not already been cleared for easy navigation!
When I said yes to a higher calling, I left a very successful and financially rewarding but spiritually vacant career. After my first two years in business, I made another shift and all but stopped working in corporate and government settings. I stopped saying no and finally began saying yes - not to a personal desire as much as to a calling to live a life many would judge as insane and at times, completely irresponsible.
Taking time off this year was not much of a choice and it "appears" that much of what I have contributed and created over years of dedicated work and service was lost in the process. I say "appears" because appearances do change, in an instant, and are not always based in fact. And boy am I living, breathing proof of that!
As Booker said (amongst dozens of golden nuggets), "He who has a heart to help, definitely has a right to complain."
Well, I have a heart to help. As much as the who, how and through what is a mystery, I have a heart to help and serve in the ways I have been created for. I have a heart to change what needs to be changed and I pray to God I have a heart to never change what is mine to do and who I am (in God's eyes), absent of being influenced by anything external to me.
But, complaining without the willingness to take action--even difficult action--is a waste of precious energy I am just now getting joyfully reacquainted with.
Do take note of any agitation you experience because it is a call to make a change and it may not be the change that seems to be most obvious. Challenge your judgments and fears. Be willing to dissect and re-write the story that seems to define you and open to writing a revised version.
Be aware of sedentary agitation, as Booker speaks to in this speech, but don't necessarily ignore or attack what agitates you. Instead, go deep into conversation with your Source and ask where you are being asked to seek a deeper truth and clarity. Decide who you are going to be, regardless of all of the invitations to be something you won't really love or be proud of, and BE IT, regardless.
It takes courage and guts, resilience and discipline. It takes energy and failure and learning from every single interaction with aspects of ourselves we don't always embrace, let alone like.
And remember, as you will hear towards the end of this powerful tribute to all who have walked before and those who are yet to come, "when life has beaten you down so low...or you've done something wrong and are laden with guilt....or you lie in curled up in bed sleepless at night, courage is not a roar" (not always).It is "the small voice that says 'get up, take a shower, brush your teeth and go out there and love..."
Before watching the video (of one of the greatest songs ever), and the accompanying lyrics at the end of this article, I ask you…
“Have you ever had a moment when you felt as if a great, big, huge wall was standing between you and a more desired reality or goal and then you suddenly realized you had built the wall with your own two hands (proverbially speaking, of course)?”
Last week we began a teleclass called Aligning with Your Divine Design. As with most offerings these days, it began as more of an “instruction,” as opposed to an inspiration.
I had all sorts of reasons why it was a bad idea. My personality argued primarily about the timing, concerned that the start date (which was part of the specific instruction) was neither practical, nor convenient.
Now, imagine getting into an argument with God. It shouldn’t be hard to do, especially since I’m fairly certain you, as do I, do it all the time, whether or not we acknowledge it as such, or recognize it for what it is.
So often Divine Instruction comes as a fleeting thought or nudge, one that if we are not fully present to will literally go into one ear and out the other. Other times, it comes as a deep longing that requires willingness, commitment, and action that gets thwarted by fear or patterns of self sabotage.
Other times it hits up against a wall we’ve built around the highest aspects of ourselves, our innate wisdom, and the parts of us that we’ve tucked underneath some of the most elaborate illusions and identities adopted or imagined.
What I have come to understand over the years is that when I say yes to the instruction, the inspiration follows, bursting into my mind and heart as if it was merely awaiting my invitation – or an allowing of the mystical to overcome the practical.
Well, you can imagine who won the fight this time, and finally, I gave in and began the process of letting folks such as yourself know that it was happening. I surrendered my expectations (or so I thought) and the day of the orientation I was flooded with so much information that I was vibrating with excitement and curiosity.
Before we were even halfway through the orientation call, something happened that took my breath away. If I hadn’t already been lying down, my guess is I would have fallen to the ground. Those of us on the call took in a few deep breaths and just sat in silent reverie of a shared moment of knowing that a Divine Hand had been at work all along.
The “why” had so clearly revealed itself that all I could do was cry, look up to the ceiling and whisper, “Thank you God, thank you God. I am so sorry for doubting you. I promise to remember this moment and the perfection you have shown me.”
In that moment, there was confirmation; a sacred validation of a faith I choose to follow, honor, show up for and extend, regardless of outcomes and absent of the conditions my personality so often wants to demand, often for very good reasons.
After wrapping up the session that night, I leaned into the humble knowing that I had witnessed, and fortunately participated in, such a Divinely orchestrated answer to many prayers spoken and unspoken.
Yet, as is still true today, 4 days later, I also felt a deep sadness. I knew there were many people who had ignored the nudge to join us, or never opened the email or read the articles that contained an answer to their prayers.
Timing, cynicism, lack, unworthiness, fear and all sorts of reasons had built a wall between the present and the future, conflict and peace, longing and fulfillment, misalignment and harmony, pain and comfort.
I get it. And, more than ever, I know that life is unpredictable and time can feel short. I could feel remnants of my own co-dependence getting tantalized by the idea of shouting out to who I could feel were thousands of people (not just dozens) whose prayers were answered but ignored or dismissed in ways that have become habitual; a byproduct of conditioning and the ego’s greatest victory when it wins over an opponent to its own transcendence.
Life has an interesting way of revealing what has always been known, yet often denied. Beyond the walls built by fear and the denial or resistance of who we have always been there awaits the treasures you have been seeking.
Listen to this song, The Wall, by the band Kansas, and follow along with the lyrics that follow. It totally aligns with essence of this ongoing exploration into aligning with our Divine design.
The Wall
performed by KANSAS, (Kerry Livgren / Steve Walsh)
I'm woven in a fantasy, I can't believe the things I see The path that I have chosen now has led me to a wall And with each passing day I feel a little more like something dear was lost
It rises now before on me, a dark and silent barrier between, All I am, and all that I would ever want be It's just a travesty, towering, marking off the boundaries my spirit would erase
To pass beyond what I seek, I fear that I may be too weak And those are few who've seen it through to glimpse the other side, The promised land is waiting like a maiden that is soon to be a bride
The moment is a masterpiece, the weight of indecision's in the air It's standing there, the symbol and the sum of all that's me It's just a travesty, towering, blocking out the light and blinding me I want to see
Gold and diamonds cast a spell, it's not for me I know it well The riches that I seek are waiting on the other side There's more that I can measure in the treasures of the love that I can find
And though it's always been with me, I must tear down the Wall and let it be All I am, and all that I would ever want to be, in harmony Shining true and smiling back at all who wait to cross THERE IS NO LOSS
Two days ago, I was in meditation and received the inspiration and guidance to make a new meditation movie called “The Journey Into the Inknown.”
Given the 30 hours of work one of these movies can take I could feel some resistance pushing up against what I have come to recognize as pure Divine Guidance.
I had tapped into a question that I sense many people have been asking lately, especially when they are engaged in consistent, conscious choices but are not seeing the desired results, in the timing of their preference, both of which are often equated as proof or evidence of success or failure.
Many people are asking, “Why Bother?”
I've noticed that I too will ask this question when I'm disconnected from my higher purpose, or am not trusting my Divine Plan, or my ability to really show up in a good, solid, compassionate, loving way in the face of challenges or adversity.
Fortunately, I’ve come to know the tone of my ego when it is in resistance, and I invited her to sit back and enjoy while I followed the Divine Instruction. But, I still hear that question come up in my mind when I am being guided to create something (like this movie), and I get attached to people watching it.
In these moments I'm simply not being present to the absolute awe-inspiring experience of co-creating with the Divine, regardless of what anyone thinks, does or feels in response to the co-creation.
Now I ask you to do the same by turning up your volume and pushing “play” before reading the remainder of what I know is an important message, from my soul to yours…
For the remainder of this message, one I know (and you know) that ways you may not have thought of, visit and join us for the next teleseries on Aligning with Your Divine Design….
***Hurry! The first ten people to register will receive a FREE, one-on-one healing session with Ani that will also be recorded for your ongoing use!
Here is recent testimonial from a business and marketing coaching client who recently scheduled a healing session!
“Ani, I’m writing share the incredible results I experienced after just one of your healing sessions! I came to you because I was stuck – in my life and business. I didn’t know how to break through and needed some miracles now! During the session I felt tremendous peace and the sense that all would be well. After the session I saw significant results in DAYS that impacted me AND my family.
The day after my session with you, a generous friend called & offered me a paid trip to New York, which allowed me to network for my business AND have a much needed vacation.
Our home sold in record time (escrow closed in 3 weeks!) and in a matter of days a beautiful new home was provided for us exactly the day we needed it. And get this, without even asking, friends showed up at door ready to help us move.
My husband was offered a new job and started 30 days after our session!
My daughter was offered a paid trip to South Korea where she spent her holiday break from college teaching English and learning a new culture.
Amazing…all this from one healing session! I can’t thank you enough for the wisdom, support and healing that you shared. Your warmth and compassion was greatly appreciated during a time when it didn’t seem to make sense. Since our session, clarity has set in and I see doors continue to open that I had only dreamed of. From the bottom of my heart…thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Remember, each week we engage in a group healing activation as part of the Soul’s Journey Series.
And, if you register before midnight on Saturday, Feb. 18, you will receive a private session that we’ll even put to music, (people generally tithe between $150-$500 per session) for absolutely FREE!
It is a provocative message in prose called The Great Belonging and you can listen to a recorded version, in spoken word, as you read along...just brush your mouse over the grey icon and push play!
During this time of the holy-days around the globe, some of my deepest prayers were put to music...enjoy them from the spirits through which they were created!
Over this last year, and even the last few weeks, I've come to understand the importance of knowing, activating, and living and leveraging our higher purposes in ways beyond my previous comprehension.
I have seen, firsthand, seemingly difficult situations distill down to a series of Divinely Orchestrated opportunities to root ourselves in a higher purpose (a.k.a your entire reason for being born) and have observed the transformation that is both inevitable and imminent.
This purpose (on both the macro and micro levels) is never governed by fear because it is anchored in spirit and tapped directly into a strategic (and yet oh so Divine) plan for our lives that, on many levels, is unfathomable from the often limited and ego based human perspective.
And, the focus is on GIVING of your natural born talents, gifts and purpose...not just "getting" or attracting the things you think will fulfill you or bring you security.
This is why we offered an open (and complimentary) teleclass for all members of The Power of Our Way Community (and beyond), called The Power and Potential of Purpose!
Listen to this teleclass by "brushing" your mouse over the title and an arrow to "play" will immediately appear...
Now more than ever it is as if the whole world is offering an invitation to step into the hidden knowledge buried deep within the original seeds of our unique encodings. Whether navigating challenges or opportunities, healing the past, or re-designing your future and altering the trajectory of your life and work, at the core is something that goes largely untapped and under-recognized.
Purpose exists on multiple levels and is one of the three main tenets of truly living "the Power of Your Way."On one hand, we might agree that we as human beings have one universally common purpose; to grow and evolve and serve others in their growth and evolution.
On the other hand we may also agree that each and every one of us was designed for a unique purpose, one that literally wishes to be created and served THROUGH YOU for an impact that is uniquely yours to have.
BUT (and this is a big, huge, radically distracting but), a lot gets in the way and sadly, I've know a lot of people who left this physical reality without knowing and living out their purpose. When we are aligned and activating our unique purpose into all of who we are and all of what we think, feel, choose, do and create, EVERYTHING changes.
You change. Your relationships change. What once was so hugely important becomes insignificant because you've tapped into the spectacular nature of your REASON for EXISTENCE, the path to deep meaning and fulfillment, and the keys to having a holy and sacred impact on the world around you.
This is not fluff either. Just think of a business and business leaders (heck, world leaders) who are tuned into and directed by a solid, common purpose beyond the bottom line - or what they think will get them the most fame or fortune.
Think of the people in your life that have had the most inspired impact on you...I bet money on the fact that they were living from a deep sense of purpose and their passions and authentic expressions enabled that purpose to be consistently lived and shared with others.
It is where we draw from for clarity, guidance, direction and motivation. It is also the birthplace of the great magic and mystery you were designed to co-create here on planet earth, as a fully embodied human being who desires to make a difference in the world, in your own life, and in the lives of others.
Everything you think, feel, do and create has a potential to be rooted in your unique purpose. And, when aligned and conscious of what that is you are more able to draw from the gifts and talents and inclinations that make you the you of a Divinely Designed expression of the creative intelligence that is perfectly unfolding into its potential each and every moment, whether you know it or not..
Join us this Thursday, October 6th for a powerful call at 7:00 PM EST/6 Central/5 Mountain, 4 Pacific that will offer insights and exercises to tap into a potential that makes sense of just about everything.
Some of you may choose to continue in the formal exploration and journey with us for 8 more weeks by signing up at
Because the last two weeks have been mired by several days absent of internet and phone access, followed by a week of needed recovery, we are extending the early registration option by gifting you with a coupon for a 150 reduction.
There is no coupon required! Simply visit and register (if called) at, and the savings will be automatically calculated. Once registered, you'll get all the details, plus three workbooks you'll be receiving as your guide to navigating "the 7 Keys to Awakening."
I hope you join us for this worthy seriously has the potential to change everything for the better and bring a lot of clarity, ease and grace to every single aspect of your life!
When I first went into business for myself, I designed a strategic plan that enabled me to feel comfortable enough to take a significant leap out of a 14 year career that was promising continued successes and opportunities if I stayed put.
Something was missing…not just from my career in the Criminal Justice System; it was missing from my original business plan. It was also missing from what I was permitting myself to dream and envision in all aspects of my life.
Can you relate?
It turned out that the something missing was something else that was wishing to be expressed through me; something I resisted and denied for a long time before I finally had the guts to get more willing and surrendered that I had ever been.
I know you know what I mean. You can’t be alive for more than 15 years before you begin to experience this mysterious tug-o-war between what has become comfortable and familiar and what is being called forth!
As much as I wanted to be content with making a ton of money doing what I was GOOD at (and continue on that “easy” path!), I came to understand that just because I was good at something, it didn't mean it was mine to do, nor did it mean I loved doing it.
I'm not just talking from a professional standpoint either, although that was what I first gave myself permission to explore. Really it extended into EVERYTHING – My marriage, my relationships, my creative expressions as a writer, lyricist and teacher, my role as a parent to five children, and my spiritual life.
It was all about allowing the space to the Divine to Express Itself through me in ways I never dreamed of, let alone believed were possible. I resisted, I fought, and I gave the Universe every reason, excuse and justification for why the instructions (which ultimately became kicks!) would not work, why I was not the one, why I should just stick to my plan, why, why, why...
BUT, as my husband always says, "The Universe Makes it Impossible to Stay the Same..."
Something much more powerful than myself (thank goodness) started positioning itself as the authority over my life. The less I resisted, the easier it got. Every story I peeled away revealed truths I could no longer deny.
When it got right down to the final layers, I knew that resisting who I was and what was mine to do was only creating pain - and undue suffering.
What had been "comfortable" and "safe" and "familiar" was actually blocking God, my best self, and my purpose from fully manifesting in every aspect of my life and my business.
The truth is that whatever you think you have gotten from your involvement in The Power of Our Way Community and the resources (movies, songs, books, audios, teleclasses), programs, groups and people (like you) that have touched your life, would not have been a part of your LIFE EXPERIENCE if I wasn't willing to say yes and get the heck out of the way.
I’m going to ask you to seriously think about “what would not be” if I had not allowed a much more Divine Expression to come through me. Who would not be in your life? What revelations would not have come, what books would you have not read, what healings and creations might not have occurred? What messages would you have not heard, what classes would you have not taken, and what meditations would you never have had access to?
It is IMPORTANT for me to emphasize something. This is not about me. It is not even, in the long run, just about you. It is about a potential that is WISHING to be birthed in humanity as a whole and the ripple your life was designed to create. It is about the past that will heal, the future that is unfolding, and the altered trajectory of your life when you simply surrender to what is divinely yours to do and be in the world.
Something quite Divine is wishing to express itself through you. It often begins as a niggle, sometimes, as an inspiration. Either way, at some point if you don’t listen and receive whatever form it is taking, you will feel it and know it as a sense of discontentment. After all, as you have heard me say, “Discontentment is a sign of the soul unexpressed.”
As a soul based entrepreneur, or someone dreaming about running a successful business doing what you love, you might (in the beginning) be personally experiencing frustration, lack of clarity, or procrastination and impatience. You may feel as if you are lost or have a vision that you can't imagine manifesting in the physical. You may be experiencing a deep longing for "something" that feels out of reach or undefined.
There are so many forms Birthing Your Divine Expression can take. For some it is an innovative idea or new business venture. For others it may make way for a radical shift in consciousness that will change EVERYTHING. For others, giving birth to a Divine Expression may be the healing of one’s body, past, or relationships.
Whatever it is it will bring focus, clarity, direction, energy, and resources you did not even realize you had (in the present and what is in the process of coming to you) together in service to something much higher that is wishing to be co-created and manifested THROUGH YOU…
The unique approach to the Thriving Soul Based Business Program at offers a spiritually grounded, intuitive and strategic approach to business development and marketing.
It offers a system, a process, and tons of re-usable tools and resources that will keep you and your business fresh and innovative in response to your unique and ever-changing expression. On some level I think this class has been one of the “best kept secrets” in this community.
You too may be one of the best kept secrets in your field of passion and expertise. And that isn't doing anyone any favors is it? Especially you and all of the people who are MEANT to work with you but don't even know you exist!
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