If you have been praying for a miracle...look in the mirror! I say this in all seriousness. Look in the mirror. You are a miracle.
Do you know how many millions (or billions) of things had to occur in right and perfect timing just so you could be created?
Maybe what you are really opening to are new pathways...
Pathways to greater creativity, abundance, prosperity, health...
Pathways to a deeper sense of your own becoming...
Pathways through which more good can flow to you, through you and from you.
This is why you are invited to join us for 4 weeks of consciousness raising at www.powerofmyway.com/soulsjourney.html
Can you...will you give 8 hours of your time and energy (ok, a little more to work with the hypnosis and healing audios out of class) to transform your inner and outer reality?
Aren't you ready?
The other day I shared a huge wake-up call I had a while back when I was complaining to God about a few things (forgive me, I was feeling a little taxed...)
Anyway, I'm in meditation, just whining away and I hear (really loud!)...
"If you want God to give you the time of day, maybe you should consider giving God more time each day."
Wow..simple, to the point and WOW.
It is when I do give more time to Source (especially in love) that creativity flows, blocks are released, inspiration comes.
AND...always, there is a decision asking to be made...
Like one of the Declarations I shared with you a few months ago and...
Something we will be exploring together when we gather at www.powerofmyway.com/soulsjourney.html
You have nothing to lose but illusions, doubt, fear, lack...which doesn't seem so bad does it?
Just Imagine what would be enabled, enlightened, experienced...
I would not be inviting you if I didn't believe, absent of any doubt, that it is going to be INCREDIBLE...
Check it out today at www.powerofmyway.com/soulsjourney.html
I'll email you The Declaration tomorrow...here is a portion of it.
"Creator, I declare that am ready to receive the dream you have for my life and I commit to unwrapping the many gifts you will gift me along the way.
I will be open to the learning and wisdom that comes from perceived failures and mistakes.
I will be present to the many ways you speak to me, nudge me, and at times, provoke me to move towards a higher vision for my life and all you have planned for it.
I know that when I am present to receiving this level of Divine Communication, you will speak to me through my own resonance and curiosity, through beauty and inspiration, through intuition and joy, and through synchronicity and trust in Divine emergence and the perfection that is unfolding…
I know that any sense of discontentment is merely a sign of my SOUL UNEXPRESSED, and I take 100% responsibility for my own happiness and fulfillment.
I surrender my human desires for a commitment to serve the greatest good by being a model for what is possible when I tune into, and turn towards, a Higher Will for each and every moment of each and every day. Your will, God, is what I wish to align with."
Visit www.powerofmyway.com/soulsjourney.html , read about it, feel into it and join us today!
Blessings, Ani
Anita Pathik Law