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    « A Miracle, Milestone and Gift for You | Main | To All Fathers-A Dedication and Prayer »

    June 14, 2012



    First of all, I love this project/mission. I'm all in when it comes to soetmhing that's so completely POSITIVE. I hope this grows beyond your wildest dreams.As for what I, personally, hold sacred, several things came to mind pretty much at the same time. Family, Faith,and the American flag.As a wife and mother (3 daughters, 4 cats, 1 son-in-law, 1 future son-in-law, and 1 to-be-determined-son-in-law!), my beloved family is the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. When I'm weak, they give me strength and when I'm strong they make me invincible.My faith is sacred because it's mine, all mine! I believe in God as much as I believe in my next breath. I know He's there and no one could ever convince me otherwise. When you feel your faith down in the core of your being, it's a part of who you are even more so than your DNA.Finally, the American Flag should be sacred to every American. Men and women have fought for, and given their last breath for, the stars and the stripes. They do so even today. Our country is a beautiful mixture of many races and fascinating cultures and I think of all of us when I look at the American Flag and it never fails to stir my emotions.

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