This morning I received this message and initially thought it was to be shared with the folks going thru the Initiating the Shift Program.
Then, I realized it is for here it is!
"For healing to be made fully manifest, what has previously been unconscious must become conscious, in both the human perspective and from what has always been within the Divine's Perspectives. When able to see through Divine eyes we receive an understanding beyond the conditioning and consciousness that is human in perspective. As you allow yourself to rise up into the expansiveness of this knowing, all will be forgiven and reinterpreted as the gifts of their Original Intention. You hold the key to freedom. In the letting go of past perspectives held in any form of resentment, guilt, shame, blame or victimization, you allow for the expansion of your God self to be made more aware within you, in others, and in all situations and events of the past. It is not just you that benefits...the entire world benefits.
For this, God gives thanks. Allow yourself to fully receive the blessings that are imminent when you clear space for the good that is wishing to be made manifest within all layers of your being and in every detail of your life. Forgiveness opens you to be infused with the consciousness of love that precedes all healing. Prepare yourself now by saying yes to love inhabiting you in ways that may feel foreign to you at first. Your woundedness may fight to survive. Old stories may try hard to revive themselves. Embracing your shadows in love and acceptance for what they have taught you is a gift you can now give to yourself and others. Celebrate how they revealed that which was in need of the Compassion that opens you to Truth, the Divine Empathy that opened you to Forgiveness and the Love that will be the bridge to healing beyond anything that you can possibly imagine.”
Also, a reminder...Everyone who registers before midnight on Saturday, Feb. 18 at will receive a free private healing session that we'll record and put to music....