Yesterday, after another fabulous Sunday Soul gathering, I received the nudge to capture some of the main points in writing. From my heart to yours, it is my prayer that you come away with a greater understanding of how important your life, and why aligning with the Divine Design that is unique to you, is so vitally important to the rest of us.
This message came two days after I heard myself respond to some Divine Guidance to make a new movie and extend an extraordinary opportunity for those of you who are committed to aligning with your soul’s path and honoring your “Divine Design,” but still find yourself asking, “Why bother? What’s the Point?”
Every day I witness one of the most intriguing dynamics between humans and the Divine. It is akin to playing tug-o-war with one’s lower self and higher self and quite honestly, it can feel as if we are being split in two.
When played out in our relationships and work, or even in how we relate to money, or our deepest, most Divinely inspired dreams, it can be quite destructive to a greater intention that wishes to be fulfilled...
Simply put, this intriguing dynamic reveals the ongoing ways we war against our innate and intended potential as human beings, in relationships with others, and certainly in relationship with our Higher Power and what we’ve come to call our “Divine Design.”
In fact, many of today’s greatest minds would agree that much of what we are facing—as individuals and as a human race—is a powerful urging and urgency to align with our Divine Design and move beyond lower levels of consciousness and behavior that foster more separation and less unification, within ourselves, and in relationship with others.
They would also agree that this level of alignment begins with you – the individual—to come into greater alignment with your Divine Design.
And, you might be asking (thru layers of past disappointments, or ego interference), “Why Bother?”
Here is why you should bother, ok?
Aligning with Your Divine Design will clear blocks to receiving a good unimagined, and more importantly, it aligns the energy and courage it takes to act on the wisdom, guidance and inspiration that are aligned with your very reasons for existence.
This level of alignment will also bring clarity to why you have lived the life you have lived thus far and what you have been prepared for, in ways previously unimagined, or unaware of. Imagine the potential freedom in that one statement!
Our next Soul’s Journey Into Expression Series, will be focused on Aligning with Your Divine Design; opening you to receive your Creator's vision and understanding of what is most aligned with your soul path and the contributions you have been uniquely created to make in the lives of others…beginning with yourself.
In tandem to the clearing of unconscious and conscious blocks and beliefs that hinder you from surrendering to a higher and greater will for your life, relationships and your unique business expressions, you will then be infused with the energy, perspectives and the willingness to fully surrender to your Divine Design, and what is being called forth right now in one or more areas of your life.
Think about this next statement and the amazing implications…
The more aligned you are with God’s will for your life – the very reasons for your existence and the life experiences you have had thus far –the more likely it will be that your desires will be a pre-cognitive, pre-sensory awareness of what is already in the process of coming into your life.
In other words, you will no longer desire something because you think it is lacking or absent from your life. Instead, desire will be an indication of something you are being prepared for, in alignment with your greater “why…,” and in service to a destiny that is in the process of unfolding…
My questions for you are…
Are you prepared? Are you willing? Are you open to a actively engaging in an expedition; not into the vast “unknown,” but rather into the vast expanse of the “inknown” wisdom that has always been?
Are you a welcoming place for receiving energy, inspiration, guidance and clarity that comes from your inherent divinity, as opposed to taking actions (or inactions) from fear, lack, or some other humanly conditioned form of fear and lack?
Or, over time, is it possible that the environment of your mind (and what you have come to believe and disbelieve) has become an unwelcoming place for much of what will bring you the greatest joy and fulfillment?
I know this is a tough question to ask and honestly answer. I also know it is both important and urgent. It is worthy of your time, energy and contemplation.
After all, until you truly know yourself as God knows you, you can never really claim authenticity or fully “own your power”…can you?
Until you trust yourself as God has entrusted you from the beginning – at the genesis of your creation —how can you really place trust in the very foundations of your faith and ever fully understand what it means to surrender to a vision and will that is simply Divine in its intelligence, creativity and reasoning?
Take a moment and consider the potential that is activated when we come into alignment with a higher will.
- Imagine how the things you desire might change, what will suddenly make sense to you, and the distractions and diversions that will no longer be an issue.
- Imagine embodying the value of your worth and how that will completely alter the trajectory of your life, let alone your day-to-day decisions!
- Imagine trusting your inner (Divine) guidance, and the peace that will follow.
Imagine the power and potential of partnering, on all levels, with God’s will and wishes for you to know yourself as God knows you, and be the expression that is most aligned with your Divine Design, in forms unique to you!
What would you be thinking, feeling and doing that you are not currently (or consistently) thinking feeling and doing?
What would you no longer be thinking, feeling and doing that may, in fact, be excuses, diversions and distractions that are diminishing the very “stuff” you are made of and blinding you to your own pre-destined potential?
Here are just some of the words you might begin using to describe your life…
- Extraordinary
- Magical
- Synchronistic
- Amazing
- Beautiful
- Soulful
- Aligned
- Supremely guided
- Fulfilling
- Abundant
- Prosperous
- Miraculous
Here is something you may not have thought of before…
God trusted you with the gifts, talents and passions you have been given. God has placed faith in you with every glorious opportunity and every challenge or burden you have ever faced, even those you didn’t think you could handle.
This is not something I say casually, nor is it something you should “skate by” without really exploring the profound nature of a co-creative relationship that began long before most of us can or will ever remember.
If you have really given yourself permission to take this all in, you will be feeling humbled right about now. Honored. Excited. Maybe you are even a little nervous (which is soul-level excitement interpreted by the ego as fear).
Although you have been conditioned to question your faith, deny your intuition and ignore many forms of inspiration, you possess the power to go deeper within (to your core essence, intelligence and Divine Design) and higher above, in both perspective and perception of identity.
Are you experiencing a sense of frustration and stuckness and wish to take steps forward?
What would it feel like if your EGO was fully in service to your SOUL...instead of FIGHTING AGAINST IT?
Are you unsure of whether fear is motivating you (or demotivating you) and yet know that you authentically wish to be grounded in faith, aligned with God's WILL, rather than your humanly conditioned will?
Imagine Your Will Aligned with the Divine's...
Imagine being able to get the inspiration from your Soul and your right, creative brain to INITIATE strategy and actions in your left brain...with your body, mind and spirit truly working together to help you show up brilliantly in your life...
This is the focus of our next five-week Soul’s Journey Into Expression Series, centered on Aligning with Your Divine Design; a transformational and expansive journey that will open you to receiving Creator's vision of the service most aligned with your soul path and the contributions you have been uniquely created to make in the lives of others…beginning with yourself.
Join us for the next mini-teleclass and soul journey experience for five consecutive Tuesday's beginning on February 21, 2012!
**The first ten people to register will also receive a FREE one-on-one healing session with me that we'll record for your ongoing use!
The Soul's Journey Into Expression is an ongoing journey of unfettering and opening, releasing and allowing, in a series of three weekly gatherings that incorporate Divinely inspired messages, discussions, and guided Soul Journey meditations with Ani Pathik Law...
Each Soul Journey is unique and offers a powerfully insightful and transformational journey that is inspired by the group that is guided to come together...
An emerging focus of this five session experience will be to:
- Come into Greater Alignment With the Divine's Will For Your Life, Business, and Priorities
- Tap Into the Wellspring of Creative Energy Within
- Partner Your Ego with Your Soul's Aligned Desires and Purpose
- Get Re-charged and Motivated to Take Inspired Action, in Alignment With Your Highest Good
- Experience Yourself as Motivated, Consistently Following Through on Self Commitments
- Find Balance Between Doing and Being, Dreaming and Implementing
- Find WHOLE-BRAINED approaches to creating and implementing aligned actions
- Align Productivity with Purposefulness and Intention
- Ground Dreams in Your Physical Reality
Don’t delay registering! The first ten people to register will receive a private healing session with Anita (Ani) Pathik Law that she will record for your on-going use!
Register today at!
I've been use Writer for over a year on my photoblog. I have the ficklr and twitter plugins. I do have an issue with my Wordress Reviews plugin, in that the code I need to insert into a post doesn't work with Writer. I have to post my Reviews from Writer as a draft to my WordPress blog and then manuualy insert the review code prior to publishing.I also haven't found a way to insert WordPress Post Tags, but that mzy be that I haven't found how to implement that feature. Technorati tags are built-in, but I don't believe Technorati is nearly as popular as in the past.
Posted by: Aleksandar | July 01, 2012 at 08:25 PM
Miryah, I spend 30 minutes each mrnniog in quite mediation and silence. I've been doing this for the last 7 years and my life has completely changed. I now know my power comes from within and no matter what obstacles come my way I can look within for the answers. I know this is the Truth that sets me free.
Posted by: Torat | April 02, 2012 at 01:01 AM