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    « Aligning With Your Divine Design | Main | For Healing to be Made Manifest... »

    February 06, 2012



    I've been use Writer for over a year on my photoblog. I have the ficklr and twitter plugins. I do have an issue with my Wordress Reviews plugin, in that the code I need to insert into a post doesn't work with Writer. I have to post my Reviews from Writer as a draft to my WordPress blog and then manuualy insert the review code prior to publishing.I also haven't found a way to insert WordPress Post Tags, but that mzy be that I haven't found how to implement that feature. Technorati tags are built-in, but I don't believe Technorati is nearly as popular as in the past.


    Miryah, I spend 30 minutes each mrnniog in quite mediation and silence. I've been doing this for the last 7 years and my life has completely changed. I now know my power comes from within and no matter what obstacles come my way I can look within for the answers. I know this is the Truth that sets me free.

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