Yesterday was pure magic. As I was preparing to call into the bridge line for our Sunday Soul Gathering, a poem erupted in my mind and we shared it at the beginning and again, as we entered into the beautiful time of meditation (which we have enhanced with music on the download).
Listen to The Seed, the Dream and You and learn about the quantum possibility that was encoded into you...and learn a whole different approach to manifestation! Listen right below (brush your mouse pointer across the title and push play).
The Seed the Dream and You with Anita Pathik Law
To download this audio message and meditation, receive the PDF version of the poem, You Are Chosen, and get the details for the next Sunday Soul Gathering sign up below...
Join us on January 30th for a never before offered event with me and 13 Power of Our Way Prayer Coaches! Initiate your Divine SHIFT and allow us to hold intentions for you for 31 days straight! Get the details at