As I began to write a simple reminder to register for Initiate the Shift this coming Monday, January 30th at, this is what poured out of me.
It is a provocative message in prose called The Great Belonging and you can listen to a recorded version, in spoken word, as you read along...just brush your mouse over the grey icon and push play!
The Great Belonging by Anita Pathik Law
The Great Belonging
Anita Pathik Law, January 26, 2012
Like music without a melody, or words with no meaning
I arose this morning without a vision, not a glimpse nor a gleaning
Deep inside the thoughts, seemed unable to be formed
into something much more meaningful, than the tears I now adorned
The jewels of God’s unanswered prayers that covered skin and face
was the grief of the ancients, my people, my race
Of course I belong nowhere, or so it has been told
Too brown to be white, I heard as a small girl
As I grew older, I became perpetually confused
What makes us so darned different? Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jews?
And what is so feared, about Muslims and the Koran?
As far as I could tell, we were all part of a Divinely orchestrated plan
Of course I grew up in a world, built by terror, threat and fear
Skin color or accents, determined who you would or could endear
Religions all divided, between and within
Who was this God, who created us in sin?
Why would he do that? If we were truly made
In their likenesses and image, were the Gods full of hate?
And so I grew up, in worlds of secrets, spite and lies
I was told we are all equal, yet so many still despised
Anyone different, in religion, creed or race
I was the lesser of two genders, and belonged in no one place
But my God showed great mercy, to a girl in growing pain
And told me he was the God, known by thousands of holy names
spoken in tongues and languages foreign to my mind.
That it was people’s misunderstandings that had made them so clearly blind
And my saving grace was that, I was put on a path of service and love
It happened ever so quickly, at the young age of twelve
I let go of all identities, found my purpose and my truth
Cocooned in a world I fashioned, where skin color was simply moot
Yet all around me, this hatred did still reign
Now it’s nation against nation, hating immigrants and gays
Politicians acting like children, name calling, hate and blame
And somehow they justify their behaviors, all in God’s good name
Sure there have been some changes, on paper we know at least
But man and his ego, can turn beauty into beast
If someone changes their mind, about policy or law
We discount evolution of consciousness as the celebrated cause
Instead we call them flip floppers, and use their growth against them
Now it’s conservatives against liberals, bickering lions in the den
Personally I believe, that leaders should demonstrate change
Evolve and create more solutions, instead of causing so much pain
United we stand, divided we fall
Haven’t we learned anything at all?
Or is it just a game of power and greed?
That denies us of freedoms, regardless of culture or creed?
I watch them behaving like children immature
It seems as if we accept it, conflict anchored at the core
Hate ads and campaigns that point fingers and cast blame
Neanderthals with money, it’s a dangerous political game
Grow up and get on with it, it is time don’t you see?
To see all people as sacred, as holy, and as born free?
Some people won’t admit that they really haven’t changed
That they don’t really want better, so all of humanity can gain
Instead they hold onto the rhetoric of the past, hating portions of the population
Even within their own families, communities and nations
I used to believe I was lucky that we lived in the land of the free
Yet there’s still a generation of ignorance, denying that liberty
Belongs to all the people, across oceans and all lands
That all the borders built, have been built by hands of man
Holy men preaching hate, saying only a few can be saved
Politicians masking hatred as worthy ideals are all the rave
Doesn’t it seem funny that in 2012 we still can’t seem to agree
That all life is precious, and it is this that we refuse to see?
I wonder if there ever, will be that blessed day
When what we all do is aligned with all of what we say
And that what we say is said from love, compassion and respect
That we no longer fight to be better than or best
But rather we grow up, humanity as a whole
And begin to care about each other; that this becomes the core
Of every nation and religion, to find a common ground
To recreate this world we live in, every city, every town
Yes it will take courage, to go against the grain
Yes you’ll have to evolve beyond all your self-justified pain
It begins with the individual to forgive and move on
And stop looking for what is different than you, as something that is wrong
Personally it is easy when you open up your heart
Compassion and forgiveness is a worthy start
Admit where you’re confused and ask to understand
Take personal responsibility and reach out a gentle hand
You may call me a dreamer, idealistic and naïve
No matter your opinion, I still bet you would agree
That what we have been doing, up until this point
Isn’t really working, and that something’s out of joint
And that maybe we could pursue a higher form of thought
So all the work that has been done, will never be for naught
And we’ll know that using fear and hatred to manipulate for gain,
Violence and oppression is what truly has been insane
I wonder who we’ll give credit to, as history unfolds
And a greater story of past and present soon it will be told
That what once was wrong will be seen as right and right will be so wrong
That the essence of why we all exist will all clearly become known
A higher vision already born, of unity and love
Will make its mark in the hearts of all, in all nations under God
Where no other is caste above another human being,
and we co-create a better world by simply changing what we’ve been seeing
You may not think it possible, but I ask you then what’s the point?
And why with such vast choices would we not anoint
Compassion and love as our ambassadors, and finally choose to live
All as one and one for all is possible, when we all decide to give
Our time and energy to love and care, because it is what we do
Come together in unity and love because we’ve all worn the other shoe
This is what will save us from any more disgrace,
A humanity reborn in love, on behalf of the entire human race
It can all start now, right here, right now, today
There is no valid reason to wait even one more day
Clean up your mind of conditioned clutter, take responsibility for your shift
Accept a higher calling, and live like you can truly live
What kind of God would create so many, just so they can hate?
It just does not make any sense, it cannot truly be our fate
But I am just one speck of God created in time and space
So I’ll need your help to begin again and quicken up the pace
Are you in or out I ask, can you step up to the plate?
And align with a will higher than most, releasing fear and hate?
It’s all about us choosing to live the power of our way
And together we can rise, into a brand new day
Where all our children can feel safe and sheltered from all storms
Where love is what we choose from and it simply becomes the norm
Retune our eyes to beauty and see the good in all
This is my heart’s desire and though the order may seem tall
I do believe it possible, probable in fact
If we all just take a moment and choose the highest act
One of good will and shared fortune, you soon will come to see
That it really is as simple as moving from “me” to “we”
Us and them no longer works, as if it ever has
Too many lives unlived or lost, present, future, past
It will be worth it in the end when we all look from above
That all it took was a simple shift; a change in our perspective
And we’ll be proud of where we ended and how we all got there
We’ll laugh at our own misunderstandings, and fix what was unfair
So will you join me in this dream? Yes it may take time.
But after all we are all related, the fruit of the great Divine
So the time we take to right ourselves is worthy, it makes a difference don’t you know?
The only real requirement is a willingness to grow
Above, beyond and back to center is where we’ll need to travel
And all the stories and mythologies will finally be unraveled
We can co-create great strides, and live heaven here on earth
Personally I think that is why each of us was birthed
So join me on this journey, back to a wisdom once inknown
And co-create the Great Belonging, where the entire world is home
Join me on this worthy and transformational journey, and Initiate a Shift on Monday, January 30, 2012 at
A powerful 31 day journey into your "inknown" an author lead journey into The Power of Our Way; a Path to a Collective Consciousness
Love, faith and blessings, Ani
Watch The Power of My Way Movie...lyrics by Anita Pathik Law and music and vocals by Brent Law...
copyright 2012, Anita Pathik Law