It has been beyond amazing to "get back to the work of my soul" and begin teaching and facilitating private client sessions again. We received some of the best feedback yet for our most recent Sunday Soul Gatherings, and one of our most active community members and coaches, Deb Morris, suggested that we share the meditations because they were so transformational.
Listen to SAMPLE CLIPS of two brand new HEALING MEDITATION audios that we are sharing with you so you can "get a taste."
Then, to download the FULL-Length mp3'S, sign up below to get these as MP3 downloads today for a love offering, as opposed to charging a set price. Move your mouse over the grey box and push play to hear the MP3 downloads you will receive when you sign up below!
Embracing the Whole of You Healing Activation SAMPLE with AnitaPathikLaw
The Dance of Transcendence Healing Activation SAMPLE with AnitaPathikLaw
I tried to download. Computer trouble. Only once I encountered the pay button. When I tried to paypal, screen went blank again. I will try again, even before being able to listen to you!
All my best wishes and love for you and your family and a happy 2012.
Vera Vixseboxse, Netherlands
Posted by: Vera Vixseboxse | December 26, 2011 at 05:25 AM