Do you want to make a positive difference in the lives of others?
Does that desire show up as a deep longing fueled by a sense of urgency?
Are you making a difference right now but know you possess the potential for a much greater impact?
Do you feel a little frustrated or disappointed regarding your own progress, especially around goals and desires you’ve had for a long time?
Are you unsure about what you “should” bring into greater priority in the coming year, or can’t quite get clear on “how” to successfully meet new intentions and commitments you feel ready to make?
Or, are you just feeling exhausted by the last year and unsure where to even begin?
Well, you are certainly not alone! Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat things…2011 has been a challenging year for many people around the globe. Regardless of how you have been personally challenged or impacted by the trials and tribulations of the people around you, I feel confident in stating that you were given many opportunities for growth, healing and reconciliation.
Metaphysically speaking, the overarching theme in 2011 (from my perspective) has been all about liberation, which is usually an ongoing, ever-evolving process, not merely a singular event that changes everything in one fell swoop.
Whether confined to a constrictive way of living because of external factors (such as a dictatorship in one’s government, work environment or primary relationship) or feeling constrained by your own mental attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, liberation is always preceded by some form of an uprising; a revolt or rebellion against something or someone that has had authority over you.
And, (this is vitally important) in order for any change to be sustained (no matter how small or big), there must also be an uprising—an up-leveling, if you will—in consciousness… a true liberation from the thoughts and beliefs that have influenced our perceptions, decisions and experiences in the past.
Absent of this critical and necessary shift in consciousness, things tend to return to what they once were, or interestingly, they will often revert to a state or condition that is worse than what existed prior to the uprising. And, when this happens, on the human level we often (not always) experience disappointment that can lead to cynicism and doubt in both the possibility and potential of ever achieving sustained positive change.
At the macro level (think globally) we’ve witnessed large-scale uprisings and the systematic dismantling of governments led by dictators with a blatant disregard for the humane treatment of the very people they are commissioned to govern and protect. We’ve observed courage, bravery and great sacrifices made by the people most committed to contributing to positive change, in spite of fear and the threat of repercussions.
“We cannot change that which we’ve grown to tolerate.”
~author unknown
What had once been tolerated became unacceptable and what had been the norm—the status quo—suddenly (or so it seemed) was revolted against in numbers and ways that made it impossible for the world, or its leaders, to ignore or dismiss. Technology made it possible for the world to witness the revolts in “real time,” thus creating strong accountability for those with the power to make a difference and begin instituting demanded changes.
At the micro-level (think about your own life), maybe over this last year you’ve become more aware of how your thoughts and beliefs have governed your life in ways that have held you back from truly living free and you became willing to make some new—and characteristically different—decisions. Maybe you acknowledged that you had been imprisoned by your own fears and insecurities or have felt restricted by ideas of “not enough,” and therefore realized that you’ve made many decisions from a consciousness of fear and lack, rather than faith and abundance.
It may be that you finally recognized and released the weight of long held resentments, or unburdened yourself of tired excuses that hindered self expression so you could take that first critical step towards a dream not yet achieved. Whatever it is, it is often predicated by a growing sense of intolerance for what is or what had been so that you can begin to make room for what wishes to be. After all, we truly cannot change that which we’ve grown to tolerate and, what we believe and expect is most often what manifests.
“What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.”
Personally, I never could have predicted some of the challenges I have faced over this last year as a mother, wife and business owner. Yet, looking back, I can honestly say that I am proud of how I and we, as a family, have navigated what could have been a devastating year of loss, pain and from some people’s perspectives, family oriented tragedies that some never recover from. And, we are stronger. Closer. More resilient.
By all appearances, it was one of the worst years of our lives, yet, oddly enough, I must admit that I am happier than I’ve ever been. Why? Because no matter the situation or circumstance, I know I am empowered to choose both my attitudes and my responses, ideally in perfect alignment with my Divine Purpose – the very reasons for my existence—and the impact I can have when I stay aligned. Even as I lay in bed, physically recovering from a spontaneous leakage of cerebral spinal fluid that temporarily blinded me and caused pain beyond anything I’ve ever experienced, I can tell you that I feel freer than most because I embody this core understanding.
Sometimes you gotta travel through hell to get to Heaven
Yes, I may very well be confined to bed for another 10 weeks, unable to take care of most of my physical needs, but I am no less “alive and kicking” than I was a few months ago. In fact, in some oddly Divine way I’ve been given a new perspective on what “living free” actually means…and I “take responsibility for my own shift,”™ when needed. Those shifts occur first in the perspective, and it is in the perspective that we find pleasure or experience pain. In other words; “The pain is always in the perspective and suffering is always a condition of the mind.” And, I am human. There are times I enter into the “vast forgetting” and lose sight of the opportunity that is playing hide and seek in the imagery of a challenge, and the blessings that, at first glance, look more like a burden. As I’ve recently shared with clients and Power of Our Way Community members, “sometimes you gotta travel through hell to get to heaven.”
The Greatest Gift I Received
There have been many gifts received in this experience, most unexpected and certainly unpredicted, but the greatest gift I have received came in the form of two simple but hugely profound statements made by my husband, Brent Law. The other day I was feeling a little sorry for myself, envious of those who were free to engage in the wide array of holiday traditions and activities that I, from my bed, was unable to participate in. Here it is almost January, 2012 and I had been in bed since mid-October, and sick on and off since the beginning of September! Looking back, it was as if almost half of the year was reorganized around changing priorities and family or medical emergencies and I was feeling a little defeated.
To top it off, many of the goals I had set for myself to complete earlier in the year were ‘interrupted” and the physical condition that came to a head (ha, ha, literally and figuratively) in October has limited what I can and cannot do. Understandably, I was feeling restless, guilty, and a little resentful and I voiced some of my frustration to Brent.
He listened, relating some of his own personal revelations and commitments as of late, and then, in his infinite wisdom, my husband, who has become my primary caretaker said; “Ani, think of the woman who has four kids and is constantly exhausted because she is working three jobs just to make ends meet and rest for her. Think of the person who has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy but has to go to work every day so she can keep her health benefits and rest for her.” In an instant, his words transformed my perspective and I replied, through tears of undeniable truth, “I can do that. I can rest for them.”
As a couple, our core indigenous spiritual traditions and practices have demonstrated (not just taught), over and over again, the connectedness of all beings and the potential that exists when we live our day to day lives present to this reality. Personally, I have been physically sustained during four days of fasting from food and water because others were consciously eating and drinking for me. I’ve had firsthand experiences where someone healed because someone else had prayed for them. I’ve seen and experienced things that overshadow any doubt I may have carried about the existence of God or helpers (angels, guides, spirits, etc.) from other dimensions; a veiled reality beyond this physical realm that is accessible to us all…but only when we are accessible to them!
Becoming a Hollow Bone
Personally, I think that at the core of all authentic and worthwhile spiritual practice is consistent engagement in activities and practices that make us more accessible to the energy, wisdom, guidance and inspiration of the Divine. We call this “becoming a hollow bone,” and it entails several steps, the first being an acknowledgment that we need to empty ourselves (on all five levels) so that we can be an open channel or vessel through which the Divine can presence itself and create and serve through us…not just for us!
I’ve also been reminded, time and time again; by my trusted elders that the reason we (our family) had been given certain challenges to navigate and heal was because we could. Because we were willing and had cultivated the tools, support, and spiritual resources we would need, we were asked to heal several painful themes within the human experience, while another person or family simply could not survive yet one more challenge or disappointment in their lives.
It may have taken a dozen years of learning and practicing these ancient ways to really embody, but I got it. I finally understood and accepted that “because of the spiritual commitments we had made to be of service to ‘the people,’ we had also agreed to ‘take on’ some of what causes so much pain in the world so we could heal it and resolve it on behalf of others, and in service to the evolution of the human race.”
“Discontent is a sign of the soul unexpressed.”
What if the very thing you are struggling against the most is truly designed to be a gift for your growth and evolution? What if the longing you are experiencing is less about something you believe you can’t have and more about something you have been uniquely designed to co-create through willingness and commitment? And, what if the discontentment you feel as it relates to one or more areas of your life is simply your soul’s way of saying, “Hey, I’m here to help facilitate change and just need the room to express myself more fully, as was originally intended when we decided to incarnate!”
I am eternally grateful that, although I won’t be stepping onto a stage or podium anytime soon, I am still able to freely express who I am both personally and professionally. I may not be able to leave my house or chip in when it comes to the day-to-day responsibilities of running a house or taking care of my family, but in no way is my value diminished or my potential hindered. In fact, recently when someone asked me if I felt less credible as a facilitator of healing in others because of my recent medical condition, my response was, “Absolutely not! I feel more credible than ever because my understanding of the dynamics of the body, mind, illness and healing has grown immensely!”
“Show up, look pretty and be of service to God.”
About a dozen years ago, one of our dearest friends, Paula Langguth Ryan, shared the above quote with me and my husband. Her great-grandmother had once told her that the only thing she should ever concern herself with was “Showing up, looking pretty, and being in service to God.” This quote became a mantra and time and time again, it has been the reminder that has served—and at times unnerved—us the most. It has tempered the ego’s response when results were less than we had hoped for and it has guided us back to the center-point of our accessible wisdom – a higher intelligence within each of us that sees, perceives and interacts with the world from a place of pure love and potential, as opposed to fear and limitation.
This sage advice extends well beyond what I might categorize under the umbrella of “work.” It speaks to how we can show up every day in every way. Looking pretty is not about looking as if you just walked out of a salon or are adorned with the perfect outfit. Rather it is about being the most beautiful reflection of the light and potential in others and the most soul-full expression of our innate, Divine potential, no matter what.
The third component, “being of service to God,” is easiest when we are showing up, being fully present and look’in pretty, and if awake, we begin to see that every moment is an opportunity to serve the Divine; sometimes in the solitary moments when no one is looking and sometimes in how we are actively in service to others. The key here, one that can be very difficult for we humans to master, is show up and be of service to God and others with absolutely no demand or expectation of return.
So often, we give to get. Even what appears to be the most selfless acts of giving can have some attachments to what we receive in return. We give with the expectation that some will acknowledge us, love us, pay us or return the favor. Giving to others for the sake of giving to God, the Source of our infinite supply, may very well be one of the biggest opportunities we face as human beings.
You are Free and Unlimited
Going into this last year, I had no idea that my soul’s purpose would be the one thing that guided, not just how I showed up, but also how I would think, feel and respond to personal adversity. If my purpose is to “raise consciousness and build bridges of higher understanding” (which, by the way is the purpose of the Power of Our Way Community), then I had been given a Divine opportunity to do so as it applied to the physical condition that has prevented me from even sitting or standing for more than a few minutes at a time since October!
My own teachings, in particular what we share in Awakening the Healer Within, the Soul’s Journey Into Expression Teleclasses and the Prayer Coach Training, expanded into an even greater understanding – an embodied awareness of truth that could not be negatively altered no matter what appeared to be happening in the physical.
Bottom line is, I am free and I am unlimited, just as you are. Regardless of how you might judge the current reality of your life, from a point of spiritual perspective – the Divine Perspective – you are free and unlimited. Your ego may fight against this by calling up your inner victim, or by reminding you of all of the reasons why this can be true. Your ego may blame its lack and limitation on your past, another, your physical health, your bank account, or even the global economy.
As I lie here, unable to lift my head higher than two inches, remanded to what could be several more months of strict bed rest, reliant on others to take care of me, I know, that from the highest perspective that I am free and unlimited. As long as I don’t over-identify with being a body and I do my part to elevate my attitude and energy when needed, I can exercise the truth of that freedom and limitlessness in some really creative ways.
So can you. And, you must first make a decision; a decision that will help you reveal all of the ideas and beliefs that can hinder you from truly living free, before you can truly embody this awareness. Each limiting belief, resentment, disempowered idea or behavior disables you from fully feeling the presence of the indwelling Spirit within.
Aware of the spirit of God ever-present within me, I am free and unlimited. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
--2 Corinthians 3:17
Will You Practice Living Free With Me in 2012?
So I ask you this question. Are you willing to be open to the possibility that you are more free and unlimited than you have ever thought or believed? Are you open to the potential that can be birthed through you when you let go of ideas of lack and “not enough?” And, are you willing to choose one major theme in your life that has caused you pain or discounted your purpose, value and worth here on planet earth, and make it your number one healing priority?
If so, go download three FREE meditations that have been recorded in the last few weeks (yes, while I’ve been in bed!) and share the sign up page links with everyone you know! If you are spiritually fed and nourished and find them to be valuable to you, you can provide a financial love offering to help support this community and all we have to offer. If not, keep them or delete them!
Grab A Declaration to Receive Your Good at
Download Embracing the Whole of You and The Dance of Transcendence at
Love, Ani
Copyright, 2011, Anita Pathik Law, founder, The Power of Our Way Community
Download Living Free in 2012 as a PDF file!
Takes one to know one! I love and miss you! You are an inspiration of strength and determination to so many!
Posted by: Anita | January 01, 2012 at 11:08 AM
Thank you for this. i have relied on your wisdom and guidance through our coaching sessions and friendship. You are an amazing woman.
Posted by: Lorri Wilson | December 31, 2011 at 10:50 AM