When I first went into business for myself, I designed a strategic plan that enabled me to feel comfortable enough to take a significant leap out of a 14 year career that was promising continued successes and opportunities if I stayed put.
Something was missing…not just from my career in the Criminal Justice System; it was missing from my original business plan. It was also missing from what I was permitting myself to dream and envision in all aspects of my life.
Can you relate?
It turned out that the something missing was something else that was wishing to be expressed through me; something I resisted and denied for a long time before I finally had the guts to get more willing and surrendered that I had ever been.
I know you know what I mean. You can’t be alive for more than 15 years before you begin to experience this mysterious tug-o-war between what has become comfortable and familiar and what is being called forth!
As much as I wanted to be content with making a ton of money doing what I was GOOD at (and continue on that “easy” path!), I came to understand that just because I was good at something, it didn't mean it was mine to do, nor did it mean I loved doing it.
I'm not just talking from a professional standpoint either, although that was what I first gave myself permission to explore. Really it extended into EVERYTHING – My marriage, my relationships, my creative expressions as a writer, lyricist and teacher, my role as a parent to five children, and my spiritual life.
It was all about allowing the space to the Divine to Express Itself through me in ways I never dreamed of, let alone believed were possible. I resisted, I fought, and I gave the Universe every reason, excuse and justification for why the instructions (which ultimately became kicks!) would not work, why I was not the one, why I should just stick to my plan, why, why, why...
BUT, as my husband always says, "The Universe Makes it Impossible to Stay the Same..."
Something much more powerful than myself (thank goodness) started positioning itself as the authority over my life. The less I resisted, the easier it got. Every story I peeled away revealed truths I could no longer deny.
When it got right down to the final layers, I knew that resisting who I was and what was mine to do was only creating pain - and undue suffering.
What had been "comfortable" and "safe" and "familiar" was actually blocking God, my best self, and my purpose from fully manifesting in every aspect of my life and my business.
The truth is that whatever you think you have gotten from your involvement in The Power of Our Way Community and the resources (movies, songs, books, audios, teleclasses), programs, groups and people (like you) that have touched your life, would not have been a part of your LIFE EXPERIENCE if I wasn't willing to say yes and get the heck out of the way.
I’m going to ask you to seriously think about “what would not be” if I had not allowed a much more Divine Expression to come through me. Who would not be in your life? What revelations would not have come, what books would you have not read, what healings and creations might not have occurred? What messages would you have not heard, what classes would you have not taken, and what meditations would you never have had access to?
It is IMPORTANT for me to emphasize something. This is not about me. It is not even, in the long run, just about you. It is about a potential that is WISHING to be birthed in humanity as a whole and the ripple your life was designed to create. It is about the past that will heal, the future that is unfolding, and the altered trajectory of your life when you simply surrender to what is divinely yours to do and be in the world.
Something quite Divine is wishing to express itself through you. It often begins as a niggle, sometimes, as an inspiration. Either way, at some point if you don’t listen and receive whatever form it is taking, you will feel it and know it as a sense of discontentment. After all, as you have heard me say, “Discontentment is a sign of the soul unexpressed.”
As a soul based entrepreneur, or someone dreaming about running a successful business doing what you love, you might (in the beginning) be personally experiencing frustration, lack of clarity, or procrastination and impatience. You may feel as if you are lost or have a vision that you can't imagine manifesting in the physical. You may be experiencing a deep longing for "something" that feels out of reach or undefined.
That is why I am soooo excited to share a series of 5 FREE audio downloads specifically for soul based entrepreneurs at http://www.powerofmyway.com/criticalsuccessfactors.html and http://enlightenedbiz.com/listbuilding/
There are so many forms Birthing Your Divine Expression can take. For some it is an innovative idea or new business venture. For others it may make way for a radical shift in consciousness that will change EVERYTHING. For others, giving birth to a Divine Expression may be the healing of one’s body, past, or relationships.
Whatever it is it will bring focus, clarity, direction, energy, and resources you did not even realize you had (in the present and what is in the process of coming to you) together in service to something much higher that is wishing to be co-created and manifested THROUGH YOU…
The unique approach to the Thriving Soul Based Business Program at www.enlightenedbiz.com offers a spiritually grounded, intuitive and strategic approach to business development and marketing.
It offers a system, a process, and tons of re-usable tools and resources that will keep you and your business fresh and innovative in response to your unique and ever-changing expression. On some level I think this class has been one of the “best kept secrets” in this community.
You too may be one of the best kept secrets in your field of passion and expertise. And that isn't doing anyone any favors is it? Especially you and all of the people who are MEANT to work with you but don't even know you exist!
Ready? I am! Download the free audios today at http://www.powerofmyway.com/criticalsuccessfactors.html
and http://enlightenedbiz.com/listbuilding/
Love, Ani
Agreed. The Demon Haunted World is an excellent book, and Sagan is hilghy quotable. Sometimes, when I lose my usual skeptical viewpoint and go off on some weird metaphysical tangent, I go back to that book for some stability. It's handy! Of course, there are times when I LIKE to go ballistic and think outside the restrictions of reality. But it's nice having something to bring me back once I'm done.I keep it on my nightstand.
Posted by: Visal | July 04, 2012 at 01:20 AM