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    « Is Something Missing in Your Work? | Main | If You're Frustrated...It Could Be a Purpose Issue! »

    September 13, 2011



    I have found the majority of arctelis to be very interesting and certainly well researched. I think it is wonderful to have alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs. Of course there is a time and place for everything and both surgery and pharmaceutical drugs have saved lives many times over. What is not often documented is the bandaid' approach of western medicine giving one tablet which has a side effect and then giving another tablet to counteract it!!! Blue Heron gives the knowledge to enable us to make informed decision and is a marvellous tool on the Internet to reach so many people. Personally I would like to see research arctelis on natural alternatives to dementia treatments as this affects so many people across the globe and is a very sad and misunderstood condition there are so many different types of dementia but so far the medical profession is at a loss as to both prevention and cure. At the moment all medications whilst helping in the early stages sadly can make it far worse after they come off it and there is no going back .at the moment dementia sufferers are being treated as guinea pigs .I do agree with Dr Mulheran's Comment regarding research material evidence based to give credence to the Website .However thank You Heron Health for your efforts in researching natural therapies and helping people to understand there ARE alternatives but always remembering monitoring of conditions is important ..

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