We are facing one of the most critical opportunities as a global community. In spite of the fact that we are inundated with bad news, the fact of the matter - the real TRUTH - is that as a human race we are continually evolving in consciousness.
AND...everything that we expereince is in service to evolution.
We are evolving in terms of what we see as possible.
We are evolving in our understanding of ourselves and the incredible power each of us possesses in influencing great change.
We are coming into a greater understanding of our power to heal, manifest, and co-create joy and love.
We grow through forgiveness and gratitude, healing the past and opening to greater possibilities in the future.
As leaders we are understanding the importance of coming from a place of purpose, integrity, and higher states of awareness of the impact we have on our teams and organizations.
As parents and partners we are expanding our awareness of how we can support one another in being our best while honoring one another's gifts.
And, we are growing in our awareness of how precious our lives are, and are giving more thought to WHO WE WANT TO BE IN THE WORLD.
We are taking greater responsibility for uncovering and re-structuring our beliefs - for identifying our unique gifts, talents and living the Power of Our Way - a life defined by passion, purpose and authentic expression through our choices and endeavors.
This is who we are in TRUTH - even when we don't see it or understand it - these are Universal Principles that operate at all times.
I invite you to visit the many resources we have created at www.awakeningtopurpose.com and http://www.enlightenedbiz.com
These are our contributions to supporting the raising of consciousness around the world and we would love for you to join us at this amazing and beautiful time in our evolution as a human race.
Namaste, Anita