I invite you to receive an invitation– one that has the potential to change just about everything – to join a monumentally life altering training and certification program with a foundation in prayer (details are all at www.powerofmyway.com/prayercoach.html that we've been previewing over the last few weeks during a series of teleclasses at www.consciousdialogues.com
This morning, I was nudged to share something in the first training manual (you'll receive it the moment you sign up!) and invite you to receive it fully...
Imagine standing on the earth, your bare feet touching the ground, and extending roots from the souls of your feet down into the center of the earth, where they join the energetic roots of all living beings on the planet.
You are happy to exist in this time and place. You are feeling incredibly grounded, solid and strong. You are happy with your life and find and appreciate pleasure each and every day. You are acting on your Highest, most Divinely connected will and are proud of the choices you have made. Your heart is open and you feel incredibly nourished through your relationships and the activities that add to the quality of your life. You speak your truth without blame or judgment and see yourself as divinely creative.
As you breathe in a grounded, nurturing energy up from the soles of your feet, you feel the energy of creation moving up through your body, traveling through your chakras, bringing balance and aliveness to all parts of you; energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As you simply take in a few expanded breaths and slowly exhale all energies contributing to constriction, you feel your heart filling with gratitude, love and compassion. As you sink even deeper into your breath, feel the healing energy of faith permeating every cell of your body and awakening the core of your being to an expanded sense of possibility and purpose.
Imagine that you have transcended past limitations, perceived and real, and you now find yourself in spaciousness of thought where you truly know your place and purpose in the world. In this elevated place, you have unfettered from the fears and insecurities that once diverted you from operating from a consciousness grounded in faith, compassion, love, trust and awareness. You have discovered your Truth and you’ve Forgiven that which was yours to forgive. You have Healed harmoniously and gracefully and experienced a great sense of deep inner Peace as you stepped fully into and claimed your inherent Power.
Imagine that you are now physically opening doorways found at the center of your forehead and at the top of your head, at the crown. Open to your inner vision by tapping three times on your brow chakra/third eye, reciting “I see my life as God desires it to be. I see great beauty in all that I have received. I see my dreams made reality. I see… (fill in and repeat) and I give thanks. I see… (fill in and repeat) and I give thanks. I see… (fill in and repeat) and I give thanks.
Now, give yourself permission to envision your life as God envisioned it, prior to your incarnation and the Divine forgetting that followed. Give yourself permission to see you as God sees you, absent of the human influenced tendencies towards fear and judgment. Imagine being faced with no disapproval or doubt and being able to tap into the energy and consciousness of Creation Itself. Entertain the vision of you feeling and knowing the true Source of EVERYTHING and being confident in your ability to truly tap into this Higher Intelligence, whether for healing or inspiration, clarity or direction, energy, motivation, or will.
Now, imagine being able to transport yourself to a time and place exactly one year from now. As you observe yourself in this future reality, you can see that you are experiencing the life and rewards that you intended to co-create and manifest over the last year. You live from your Truth, have Forgiven all, including yourself, you have Healed harmoniously and gracefully, feel grateful and abundant, and experience a great sense of deep inner Peace, as you stand centered in your true spiritual Power; all that is aligned and supportive of your Original Intention…
Imaginings that were once only wishes and dreams have manifested in your physical reality. Dreams long forgotten are alive with positive anticipation. Changes once seen as impossible are now sources of healthy pride because you know, absent of any doubt, that you’ve show up for yourself and others in a good way. You’ve stuck with it, transcended past excuses, and have clearly transformed at the level of self-identity. Past triggers to pain, anger and worry no longer impact you in the same way. Something deep within you has become centered and your perceptions and thoughts are guided by a mind elevated to a spaciousness that is Divine in its perspective.
You are not the same person you were a year ago, yet, deep down, you are more of the person you were created to be and this brings you great happiness. What was once seen as impossible isn’t…and what was once seen as inevitably unfortunate in your own worrisome predictions, rarely crosses your mind. When it does creep in, during times of vulnerability, you feel stabilized by a foundation of faith that is stronger than it has ever been. Overall, your expectation is positive and steadied by a strong connection to your soul path and a deeper trust in Divine unfolding. You are more open and less attached to life looking a certain way in order for you to feel good.
Because what you used to concern yourself with rarely enters into your mind, you find yourself to be more positive, energized, and self accountable. Your confidence and self-trust has grown by leaps and bounds, yet you feel incredibly humble and are in awe with how your life is unfolding. You’ve created beauty and love and have taken major leaps forward with projects and endeavors that had once seemed daunting. Each day is met with a sense of success, achievement and alignment with what is most important, as opposed to what is most pressing or urgent. What used to feel hard is now easy and you’ve implemented new rituals and activities that bring much joy and fulfillment to all areas of your life, work and relationships.
Your life has more meaning and each day you feel connected to your purpose and the Source of your Divinity. You are consistently using and sharing your gifts and your curiosities have guided you into explorations that have yielded many miracles and responses to prayers you may not have been aware you had prayed simply by acknowledging the desire and wonder that whispered you into motion.
Although there are days when you find yourself in slump, you know how to embrace and explore the underlying reasons and move through challenges and diversions with grace and ease. You have become conscious that you are seamlessly unaffected by past patterns that had once held you back or created hesitancy or stagnation. You are no longer imprisoned by your thinking, or the cultural mythologies that once held inspiration at bay. Decisions are no longer struggling to be made because you’ve released ideas of unreadiness or unworthiness. Truth that you once understood and agreed with in concept is now embodied, and you are fueled and fed in ways that resonate at a deep soul level.
What once appeared to be un-healable or un-resolvable has been healed and resolved. You truly know you are a recipient of much grace and assistance from a force and Source of consciousness that wishes you great happiness and fulfillment. As you look back at the accomplishments and growth of the last year you feel fortunate for the new agreements and commitments that led to this moment. You are proud of your yeses and your no’s and can see how just a few decisions reshaped your entire reality.
Feeling unified, whole and complete within yourself, you know your worth and value yourself in ways never imagined. Your relationships reflect your growth and the level of intimacy and communication that now defines them continues to be enhanced with each interaction. You feel guided by an intelligence and intuition you place trust in and rarely hesitate to act on the Divine nudges that wish to inspire you into action.
This is your life and you love it and appreciate it, thus gratitude flavors and colors all of the details great and small. You feel aligned and focused, prosperous and generous, inspired and creative. You’ve mastered the art of influencing your own mind at the conscious and unconscious levels and are keenly aware of subtle energy changes within you and in your environments and thus, are enabled to shift trajectory in any moment. This awareness is supported by your practice and you experience yourself as alchemical force in your own body, mind, and spirit and certainly in the world around you.
You’ve become a model for healing, transformation and transcendence. Even the people in your life that had once negated your nudging, and the choices you were making, have become your greatest cheerleaders and allies. You emanate something real, authentic, pure and desirable; a luminosity that is felt and seen by others. You have become an energy alchemist and a conscious creator and you are living the life of an awakened healer. Life is good.
Reflection Exercise: Take a few minutes to meditate on what you have just read and record your insights, experiences, and thoughts…
This is the vision I've been given for the ultimate experience of those entering into this program with us tonight... Join us at www.powerofmyway.com/prayercoach.html and bring with you the focus of your desires - the intention you have for yourself. Even if you don't want to be a "coach" or "healer" per se, the benefits of this training on a personal level will be significant...
Through this 16-week teleclass, which begins on the evening Monday, June 13th, you will you learn the power and potential of prayer in your own life, relationships and business, and you will become more comfortable, confident even, in your ability to enter into and hold a place of prayer for others, regardless of the situation or your perceived experience.
In addition to an in-depth, hands on, experiential training that explores the history, modes, types, and various forms of prayer, you will also be taught the art of self hypnosis, enabling you to easily enter a trance state while still being able to verbally communicate in prayer on behalf of others.
If honest, most of us would admit a certain level of confusion about what prayer is and isn’t, and even if exposed to prayer early in life, wonder… “How do I pray, and what should I pray?” and “is there a right or wrong way to pray?”
We’ll answer questions like:
- Is it ok to be specific in my requests?
- How do I come up with the right and perfect words when asked to pray with – or for – another?
- What are all the different forms of prayer and when do I engage in them?
- How can I become a hollow bone – an open and clear channel for the Divine Intelligence to move through me, speak through me and work through me?
- What can I clear and cultivate within my own consciousness to be a powerful, prayerful presence, even when not formally praying?
- How can I clear my own blocks, in faith or attitude, and truly surrender and open to a power beyond my own, yet one that exists with me?
- If new, or if feeling like a novice when it comes to prayer, how can I hold this space for others, in confidence and faith?
During the 16 week tele-training program, we’ll be exploring these questions (and so much more), create the structure, practice time, and provide the content in the form of;
- 16, 2-hour teleclasses,
- Weekly one-hour prayer gatherings at a time and day to be determined by the group
- a comprehensive workbook,
- dozens of written prayers for a variety of prayer opportunities,
- practical exercises,
- self hypnosis training, and
- recorded prayers and meditations…
The Benefits of Prayer
What are some of the benefits of prayer?
1. Our thoughts, perceptions, emotions and attitudes get purified during prayer – the depth of one’s prayerful state and time engaged do make a difference and both of these aspects grow easier – more effortless.
2. Our pathways to divine communication open to receive greater access to guidance, direction, and inspiration that we can move into action and demonstration. What this really means is that we increase the likelihood that we are acting in accordance with Divine will, as opposed to the often fear and insecurity ridden conditioning of the human psyche.
3. Prayer can reposition us to be more receptive to God – to the energy, will, assistance, love, and direct communication that comes in the forms of inspiration, intuition, instinct and instruction. When we partner meditation (listening) with prayer (which often feels like talking), we can have some really powerful conversations with our Source.
4. Prayer can actually reveal the internal inconsistencies and belief structures that are underlying just about every conflict we are experiencing. It can also be the vehicle thru which they can be re-patterned.
5. Prayer can also help us to grow in faith because over time we become more expectant of good and miracles and give ourselves the opportunity to release habits of negative forecasting, doubt and disappointing projections…and begin praying believing in a higher good that is at work and a divine plan that is unfolding in absolute perfection.
6. Prayer (and curiosity) is the antidote for fear and a powerful vehicle for releasing anger and getting to a deeper and higher truth that is more empowering.
7. Prayer opens up pathways in our brain, mind, bodies, and energy centers for Source energy to do what it is supposed to do – give us energy, healing, insight, inspiration, guidance and a level of communication that is unconditional and unlimited.
In spite of all of these benefits, how many of us resist setting aside the time to deeply pray?
Why do you believe you resist (when you do) going into prayer or meditation?
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