You are invited to join us LIVE for a Sunday Soul Gathering that IS HAPPENING this weekend! Please take note of an IMPORTANT time change due to a "good problem to have" on the last few (and upcoming) Sunday mornings!
The next Sunday Soul Gathering is scheduled for Sunday, April 10th at 1:00 PM EST and I'll be delivering a message called A Time of Liberation; Taking Back Dominion...
At the time of the call, dial 218-862-1300, bridge pin 151992.
If possible, please listen to the (F*R*E*E) audio download from the March 17th Global Gathering BEFORE can get it by signing up at
Humanity as a whole is shifting trajectory and many of you are feeling it and seeing evidence in your own life in the conflicts you are navigating and the opportunities you are facing.
With change often comes resistance. Good things are coming to an end to make way for better things that are ready to emerge. The letting go of the "old" and allowing of the "new" can kick up the dusty remnants of our fears, judgments, and some of the attachments we still have...
We are experiencing a mass movement around the theme around liberation..
- Liberation from old patterns sourced in lack and illusionary conditioning
- Liberation from past regret, resentment and trauma
- Liberation from False Identities and Non-Serving Beliefs
- Liberation from past patterns of scarcity, fear based leadership
- Liberation from tired stories and exhausting projections
It may seem that I've been quiet or "missing" over the last few reality I've just been very present to profound changes occurring on both the individual and global levels and the impacts (good ones) to my schedule and how I am being called to serve in the world.
Locally, here in Jacksonville, Florida, Brent (my husband and co-creator) and I have been called to "step up" and begin working together in ways we've been unable the last few years, both in live, in-person settings and virtually...
Schedules are flexing and moving and he is even teaching the current Soul's Journey class with me which has been simply amazing.
I will be in touch with some more exciting news that is still in process...
Join us LIVE on Sunday, April 10th at 1:00 PM EST for A Time of Liberation; Taking Back Dominion...
At the time of the call, dial 218-862-1300, bridge pin 151992.
If possible, please listen to the (F*R*E*E) audio download from the March 17th Global Gathering BEFORE can get it by signing up at
JOIN US IN BOULDER for a 4 Day Retreat!!! Visit for details!
You are blessed, Ani
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