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    « Prayers for All Occasions! | Main | A Prayer of Love Meditation and Message »

    February 11, 2011



    How incredibly well said, Ani! Blessings - to you and to all of the Middle East!

    I knew when the protests happened in Iran that things were beginning a huge change. I remember thinking when the protests in Egypt started that it would all end well. I told someone that because the people were peaceful, and because they would not back down, it would not be long before they would gain their goal.

    I can't help thinking about Ghandi... In his day, he practically had to starve himself to death to show the people and the government what was possible. Now, people - individuals - men, women and even children are beginning to understand who and what they are, and are using their love, rather than fear and hatred to move into a new world!!

    There was so little hatred, fear, even anger - really, the feeling was determination rather than anger - and so little violence. I don't know why, but the conclusion was a given from the beginning for me. Rather like watching the first crocus popping up through the snow.

    You say above "allow yourselves to be affected." I couldn't stop it if I wanted to - but it feels GOOD (so why would I want to stop, lol?!)

    I surely like THIS "New World Order" a heck of a lot better than some of the other versions I've seen!! The hope, love, inspiration, pride (yes, I am PROUD to share the planet with these people!) and incredible passion I feel as I watch what unfolds half a world away is almost overwhelming.

    Just keep BEING peace, and peace will come for us all -

    Many, many Blessings -


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