Last evening, we gathered for the final of three powerful teleclasses (download them at focusing on Awakening the Healer Within.
They've all been posted at and you will also find some links to movies and meditations that support where we have traveled thus far…
There is a powerful, unmistakable pull happening for many of us and it is this “pull” that I will address…I sincerely hope you are able to join us and be fully present to what is yours to receive.
I awoke this morning feeling both gratitude and sadness. I was grateful for my life and the ingenious ways Spirit introduced me to an unquestionably challenging and rewarding path of spiritual growth and of service. I was grateful for several radical yes’s and for the unquestionable, and heavenly orchestrated support that was already in place…just waiting for me to surrender!
The sadness has come through my observation of how difficult it can be for many to say yes to what is so clearly right for them. I’ve been there. I’ve rejected my own resonance and in short I have told God “No way!”(and have even declared that the guidance I’ve been given is outright crazy!). I’ve reasoned my way out of a clearly destined path and ultimately, just delayed the divinely inevitable by essentially demanding more discomfort and pain before I was finally willing to surrender.
A few years ago, after a seemingly tragic event (it was so filled with miracles and confirmations, I know it to be a blessing), I found myself finally accepting what I had denied for so long. Within a few days, I received an unexpected invitation that has forever changed my life. The timing was clearly right. I received my instructions and within 24 hours had everything I needed. In spite of a very specific list of materials I didn’t have and tasks I never had done, somehow, even the most random things came into my possession.
What for many can take a full year to complete, I effortlessly completed in a full weekend. Each time I was tempted to “give up” or put it down and come back to it later, something more powerful than I whispered, “Keep going Anita!” When I completed the tasks, I had blisters and cuts on my hands but something had forever changed in my heart and Spirit. I had no doubts and no fears. I knew all was in the hands of something beyond me and yet, a part of me.
The next set of instructions came and once again, everything fell into place. I had completely surrendered to what was simply my Divine Plan and the ease at which it was all coming together was both spectacular and humbling. I had accepted a responsibility and honor to step on a particular path and since have undergone several initiations, none of them easy, and none without lots of opportunities to back out.
Yet, as I have found is true in life, each time I recommitted, the way was made clear. Each time I made a shift from wishy washy, excuse laden thoughts into a firm committed decision, I was immediately rewarded. Since then, I’ve had the most profound validations of my life and I’ve experienced and witnessed miracles that bust through some major cultural, medical and religious paradigms.
I know you have a lot of questions. I know you, at times, don’t believe in yourself or the possibility of that which you most desire actually manifesting in your reality. I know you have secret doubts and fears, hopes and dreams. And, I know I have a reference point for my faith that reminds me, constantly, that you are so much more powerful and supported than you can possibly imagine.
I think this is one of the greatest gifts of the Awakening the Healer Within Program at
Throughout this 13 week journey together, we will share in the receiving of transformational wisdom, including scientific information that provides evidence of why ritual and ceremony, meditation, prayer, energy alchemy, and visualization techniques are so important to add to your unique healing recipes.
We will expand our perception of healing to extend beyond the physical realm of experience, as I did in 1997, when I received an instant and Divine healing from Lupus.
After my miraculous healing, I became a student to my own inner guidance. I opened to a tangible, spiritual force that was moving through me during meditation, dreams, visions, and while in healing sessions with my clients.
I was given or "shown" specific instructions that I first applied to myself and later shared with others.
Although formally trained in several healing modalities, many ancient indigenous in origin, the truth is that I became an apprentice to a force and an energy of consciousness that is communicating to all of us, all the time.
I just got quiet enough, still enough, and willing enough to listen, write, and respond to what I sensed was an untapped wisdom that is alive within each of us.
As much as I feel honored to receive and bring forth a message of healing, I do not feel any more special than anyone else. It is my belief we are encoded with everything we need to access the intuitive guidance that now guides me in all aspects of my life.
Today, I simply ask you to allow for the opportunity to also receive these gifts into your life and Awaken to the Inner Healer Within.
Together, we create a powerful force for transformation, each of us bringing a unique infusion of talents, gifts and experiences that can be leveraged to heal ourselves and serve the collective. Evidenced in too many examples to list here, we can all agree that we are alive at an incredible time in an evolving history of humanity- one of both transition and transcendence.
As we continue to transcend perceived limitation within our minds and spirits, we will witness great openings to miracles that our human conditioned mind can actually block from our perceptions, let alone our experiences.
What was commonly held as TRUTH thousands of years ago became tainted with social, political and religious forms of manipulation and abuse (all the while enticing people with promises of salvation and freedom).
I am confident that our future generations will see themselves as aspects of the Divine, regardless of the many labels humans used to place upon them (or attempted to).
Just as is reinforced in, we will find ourselves more able to see the Divine presencing itself in every single person on the planet.
Race, gender, sexual orientation and religion will become irrelevant when assigning worth to the diverse members of our human family. Instead, we will see an insurgence of compassion, empathy, love, gratitude, faith, and unity within the very fabric of our collective consciousness.
Holy, sacred, and fully integrated, our next generation will better understand their inherent power to create heaven on earth. They won't be fettered by the same insecurities, fears and perceived limitations to what they can create in the world, their bodies, and their relationships.
Mastery will be encouraged by leaders, teachers and preachers because they won't be afraid of losing power or influence. Equality amongst all peoples will be a reality not a dream.
Peace will become The Power of Our Way as a global community, and any emerging conflicts or disparity will be seen as an opportunity to come together in CommUNITY - within ourselves and in relationship with others.
War will become a historical and educational reminder of what happens when we lose touch with knowing one another as brother, sister and cousin - as children of a Divine Source of inherent goodness.
Healing our bodies will begin with healing our hearts, minds and spirits. Energy healing modalities will become the norm and we will learn how to harness our innate abilities as healers and conscious creators for the good of all, beginning with ourselves.
We won't see poverty and homelessness as options for anyone in our human family and no child will ever go to bed hungry or without a family who loves them as God does.
I see this shift happening as a spiritual inevitability. When it happens, and the grace and support we experience, relies on our choices of today. And, intuitively, we know it begins with healing our own internal beliefs and divisions and taking responsibility for our own shifts.
This is why I exist. It is why you exist. It is why we are coming together in such powerful ways and I am honored to be playing my own part in the creation of this new reality.
Because of the level of work we will be doing together, this program includes two private sessions with me (this is a $300 value alone).
The first session would ideally occur prior to the first group session and the second will occur during the program.
I am sensing a level of urgency that is usually connected to the readiness of the people who, in my firm belief are scheduled for a divine appointment to gather and expand in this capacity. You can get all of the details at
Through November 23, there is a 100 discount as a reward for early registration. AND, because you attended one or more of the Awakening the Healer Within mini-classes, or have been working with the healing audios, or are a recent Soul Journey program participant, I am also giving you a coupon that will save you an additional $40.
Simply enter coupon code HEAL at check out!
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin (all my relations),
Ani (she who lives on and lives for the people)