Last week I experienced a profound "waking up moment" that left me with a question...and began the process of writing a new book (which I'm sharing a portion of below)...
"Is it your intention to deny yourself of your birthright?"
"Of course it is not my intention!" I responded.
"Then why are you ignoring your guidance?"
Whoa! The conversation got my attention and I sat in the mire of my own resistance for a few days, wanting to be honest in my response.
Maybe I was afraid. Maybe I was allowing lack consciousness to influence me...regardless, on Friday, I began writing and this morning, realized a book was being birthed...
Here is a small portion of the introduction...
"This is your story; one of an accessible potential that isn’t as far out of reach as you have previously imagined. It is a story that is already in the process of manifesting, if you allow it, partner with it, and surrender to the reality that truly wishes to paint the details of your life. It requires greater participation on your part, and a willingness to have some things within you released, some things reactivated, and other things recalibrated to be in better harmony with your Divinity and the purpose and potential you were born to.
In order for the vision detailed in these pages to manifest in your experienced reality, you may need to liberate aspects of your thinking that have masqueraded as “truth.” This is not always easy, but it is possible when you fully participate in the re-creation of thought that will usher in grace, beauty and a level of Divine perfection that at times is beyond your current capacity to imagine.
Each step forward will reveal courage you didn’t know you had. Each step backward will offer teaching and reminders. All will be experienced as movement towards your highest good. This is not a story of “how.” Rather, this is a story of “what” is possible in principle. The thing about principle is that nothing can change it or alter it, even when it is ignored, denied or fought against. One does not have to believe in something for it to be true. Conversely, something does not have to be true in order to be strengthened by our beliefs.
You are so much more than you realize. You are so much more loved than you know. And, you are far more supported than you’ve ever felt. Life is meant to serve you and you are meant to serve the lives of others. This story—this vision—is an invitation to surrender to the emergence of a Divinely timed NEW REALITY and an elevated way of interacting with life and the world around you. As you change your interactions, you will come into greater contact with your own Divinity and the destiny that is efforting hard to unfold in the reality of your experience.
You just need to stop resisting the Divinely inevitable. Of this, I am sure…
Mitakuye Oyasin, Ani"
That is just two of the 80 pages written thus far...and trust me, it gets better...
Without going into the entire story and how it has been unfolding, I wish to ask the same question for those of you who have been feeling the nudge to go deeper with us and join Awakening the Healer Within, but are ignoring, or fighting with yourselves!
"Is it your intention to deny yourself of your birthright?"
Hopefully, you've attended or listened to the preview calls we posted at
And, hopefully, you've perused the website, details and testimonials at
We even extended a coupon and are offering a four part tuition due to requests that came in last week... (use NEW coupon code INTENTION to save $200 on the full tuition option!)
We begin next Monday, December and the group that is forming is spectacular!
Check it out...and I'll be in touch, Love, Ani
Use coupon code INTENTION (all caps) to save $200 on the full tuition!