Last evening, we offered a meditation called The 9 Steps to Integrated Transformation that men and women alike will enjoy listening to.
If you did not register to attend the two live gatherings and receive replay access, please do so at
Give yourself the gift of entering into this meditation today and see what shifts in your awareness…
In this short and timely meditation, at , you’ll explore a recipe for integrated transformation that walks you through nine progressively powerful elements that will move you into liberation…
1. Agreements
2. Accessibility
3. Releasing
4. Initiation
5. Activation
6. Demonstration (setting your “demons” straight thru aligned demonstration)
7. Observation
8. Receiving
9. Celebration, Gratitude and Acknowledgment
Part one of last night’s call and the first session on June 29th are also posted for you. Go to while the audios from our recent gatherings are posted!
Women Ready for Fully Integrated Healing and Transformation are invited to join us beginning TODAY, July 6, 2010 at
Use coupon code CHALICE (all caps) to receive a gift of 100 off of both tuition options…hope to see you tonight!
Many blessings, Ani