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    « Ladies, Ready for Holy Integrated Healing and Transformation? | Main | Meditation-Surrender to the Truth of Your Being Today »

    June 24, 2010


    Anita Pathik Law

    Thanks everyone for your comments! Blessings to you all and thank you for the prayers! Love, Ani

    Barbara Larcom

    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for this list. I can only imagine the wealth of experience (especially over the last couple of weeks) from which it was derived. Please know I've been sending you many loving thoughts recently.


    Velma Alford

    Anita, thank you for this list. They shed light on maneuvering thru the deep emotional pain someone is experiencing. Sometimes we dont know what to say, or how to help. Knowing what not to say helps us to get cloeser to what and how to be present and loving and kind and supportive. Sometimes a hug, a deep connection thru the eyes is a powerful support without saying a word. And not rushing the person thru the emotions and the experience is a God-send. Allowing them to gently flow right where they are, supporting them with Loving prayer. Blessings of Love, Peace and Light to you.

    Donna Marie Thompson, PhD

    Dear Ani,

    These are great. "I know how you feel" is very insensitive because it takes away the listener's individual perspective; their history, current situation and environment; their unqiue circumstances; and their access to resources. Rather than being comforting, this statement can lead to a contest of whose pain is worse. Not good -- and not what the listener needs when someone is "trying to help".

    Donna Marie Thompson, PhD

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