Imagine the potential that exists when you return to wholeness, and know, absent of any doubt, that you were and are loved and cherished.
Imagine knowing that you are worthy and deserving of joy, pleasure and all of the energies in motion in the world around you.
Dream and weave with me, acknowledging the creative power of the Divine Feminine that is alive within you.
Yes, at times, wholeness feels just a few pieces away and joy is a story unable to be lived.
As a woman, you carry the archetypes of all women; each waiting for the time their appearance is needed.
You have wept for yourself and others and knelt beside all of the pains and joys of the world.
You have fought for things never intended for you, and resisted that which is most Divine and sacred within the encoding of your soul and the unfolding plan for your life.
In your own becoming there have been times of forgetting. Yet, deep down you know you are the essence of all that is good, powerful, strong and sacred in the world.
For you are a woman, existing in the layers of all that appears to exist in contrast. You have given birth to the world, if not from your own womb, from the imaginings of grace and beauty that call forth the creation that is seeded first in your mind.
You are a channel, an alchemist with a power beyond your awareness, with a mission beyond your understanding, and gifts that are to be shared, not hidden or denied for even one more second.
“A collector of love and seeker of many truths,” you are being called towards a deeper awareness, clarity and contribution, and it is time to Heal the Chalice.
A year ago, during a time of extended prayer, fasting and purification, I received a powerful vision, one that has come into form over the last few weeks.
The timing is Divine and the gifts we will be sharing cannot be fully expressed in words because of the experiential nature and all that transforms on a non-conscious level.
It is time to step beyond the limitations taught through past experiences and move beyond the wounds and fears that veil you from the reality you are here to experience.
And, you are ready, willing and able.
This is the first time I have offered a program and process exclusively for women, yet know it has been in motion since the beginning.
We'll tend to your mind, your body and your spirit, helping you to unfetter from the past and move beyond past patterns that have prevented you from living and receiving to your highest potential.
Feel good in your body, safe in your emotions, alive with possibility, embodied with joy, and prosperous and empowered because you've seen a grander vision for your life and know you are loved and loveable and imagine the potential.
Learn more and join us for this transformational journey at
Namaste, Ani
Rev. Anita Pathik Law,, and