Recently, one of my clients, Charlie, a mortgage broker from Houston, has gotten a lot of chuckles about being our “token male” in the Thriving Soul Based Business and Awakening to Purpose groups. His presence is both welcomed and valued. His questions and contributions always move us into a higher potential, just because he is there!
In spite of a fairly equal number of “passive community members,” meaning a fairly balanced male to female ratio in subscribership, the truth is that most of the men in this community appear to be passively involved. Note the word appear. Just because men are not signing up for programs, coaching or healing work with me to the degree I wish, does not mean they are not “doing the work.”
It has both concerned and perplexed me, especially since I used to work primarily with men, absolutely love the depths we can travel, and see a more urgent need for more men to step up into “their heroes journey” in a way that demonstrates a gentler, yet no less powerful way for all who are touched by them.
Many of my favorite guests on Conscious Dialogues have been men, and a few years ago we interviewed the infamous Matthew Fox, author of The Hidden Spirituality of Men. The title alone reminds us of a current phenomenon with a lot of men in this world.
“The deepest desires, dreams, questions, fears and pains of our men largely remain unexpressed and unaddressed, a secret rarely revealed even to the most intimate of friends.”
Last week, we joked with a few of our single friends that we needed to figure out how to get more single men to come to church. I would venture to say that for every 20 women coming through the doors of churches there might be one man, if that.
I Can Handle it on my Own!
The men I have worked with (in my current work), interestingly enough, have shown a pattern of attempting to “go it on their own,” and in spite of great effort, stay stagnate or worse yet, give up and are challenged to implement and bring to completion some incredibly worthy and important projects.
Looking back, all of these projects and endeavors have promised significant service to others and all of them were quite compelling and exciting when we first began to work on them. Then, as often seems the pattern, something comes up that stirs up a pattern of insecurity or fear and they all but throw their hands up in the air and announce “Never mind, it was bad idea any way!”
Here’s the thing. None of these endeavors I am thinking about was a bad idea. In fact, they were brilliant and very much needed. They would have filled huge holes that have been a vortex of unaddressed topics, needs and desires of men and women alike.
A few weeks ago, I received a lovely email from a gentleman who pops up every now and again. Upfront, I perceived the only correct response on my part would be to present a solution that was quick, easy and involved no real work or investment on his part. I also perceived that his demand for a quick, instant solution to a lifelong pattern of pain was not about being lazy or even unrealistic.
It was about the dirt he didn’t want to have to dig up to get the gold.
I suggested doing some one-on- one work. I suggested that he sign up for an upcoming class that has proven, over and over again, to resolve past patterns of conflict and hurt. I also suggested coming on to a free teleclass that was hauntingly connected to his plight.
“I wonder if he’ll ever be able to share his amazing gifts with the world?” I pondered. “I wonder if he’ll ever truly dance his dance and sing his song.” I thought to myself.
It will sure be a shame if he doesn’t. I thought of the thousands, if not millions of people who would LOVE what he could be offering, if only he was able to get out of his own way.
I’m calling out to the men in this community.
I’m calling out to you men who are ready to step up and step into your brilliance in way that empowers you to fully express and be who you were born to be. I’m calling out to the men who wish for balance and soul, mind and heart, to be present in all of who they are and all of who they are invited to become.
The world needs you and your passion is truly what the world is hungry for. We want to hear your voices and the wisdom you are being positioned to share.
Call into a Conscious Dialogue and share your questions and comments, join a teleclass (we have two formal programs beginning at and ) and/or reach out to me personally to explore the opportunities you are facing.
Plus, my husband, Brent, who historically performs 99% of his service and offerings in person, as opposed to on the telephone, is an amazing mentor and spiritual teacher whose own contributions in this community are more vast than most realize.
We wish to serve you…and invite you to take the next step!