A theme that has emerged during client sessions and classes of late is around people feeling more of desire to feel a deeper sense of engagement and connection in their lives, families, and work.
What had previously brought a sense of engagement or connection may have lost its wonder, and the feeling of being disengaged (disconnected) can feel both draining and perplexing. For others, it just feels as if something is missing, such as passion, focus and clarity.
An overwhelming feeling of disinterest in continuing in old patterns, roles, and responsibilities seems to be a prevalent experience and yet, if one is unclear as to what they want, or what they believe will bring them a sense of meaning and engagement, it can be challenging to know what to do!
Are You Denying Your True Self?
Denying one’s true self and the passions that I believe are our GIFTS from our Source, just ain’t working anymore! Over time, denial of passions leads to boredom, resentment, and in the long run, can lead to all sorts of dysfunction. Whether we experience dysfunction within ourselves, our bodies, our relationships, or our work or finances, at some point, we just got say, “Enough! It’s time to take responsibility for my own shift™!”
Meaning, at least a deep sense and conscious connection to one’s true and destined meaning, seems to be lacking and is often the underlying reason we feel such disengagement. Instability (anything that we see as insecure) in one’s life and fears of an uncertain (or negatively projected) future can become the main focus of attention and we find it easy to get distracted and may lose focus and energy easily.
Without a foundation in meaning, purpose, and clarity in direction – those things that truly stimulate our souls and engage our minds and hearts - life can feel, well, a little bit like a pinball machine. We bounce from one thing, task, responsibility, or crisis to another but don’t feel that sense of being very grounded in anything particular – or meaningful.
We may find ourselves obsessively reflecting on a past that no longer exists and ruminating over a future that is not yet here. Being fully present to the here and now moments (and all the perfection and miracles that come with being present), is challenging at best.
Sound familiar?
Deep down, I truly believe that all human beings want and need the same things. Love and belonging, expressing one’s freedom of choice, contribution and worth (and various forms of acknowledgment), fun and pleasure, and a sense of being a part of something larger than ourselves is just as core to human existence as those things we equate with survival.
A Desire for Significance
Maybe on some level, meaning and purpose (and the significance that is a wondrous byproduct) is what enables our soul to feel engaged and relevant - an active participant on the human journey. After all, why did it come here? From my perspective, it’s got to be about more than just being dragged along through life as a victim or observer of the complex ways we deny ourselves and others of just simply being who we came here to be, learn what we came to learn, and serve in the ways we are Divinely designed to serve.
Significance and meaning brings an inner sense of stability and purpose that can become the guiding force in our lives. At the core is an awareness, acknowledgment and acceptance of our unique purpose for being and living here on planet earth.
Many people, or so it seems, don’t give much thought to this bigger picture view – the one that directly ties into evolution and growth – of the individual and the collective. Maybe it is because they’ve talked themselves into believing there really isn’t a point to this level of self reflection and growth. Maybe it is because a part of them knows it would demand change. Maybe it is because that what they think is the stabilizing aspects of their lives would no longer hold the same value.
Moving Beyond Fear and Resistance
Over the last few weeks, as is customary for me whenever I am preparing to teach Awakening to Purpose (we begin on Tuesday, March 30 at www.awakeningtopurpose.com), I too enter into a deeper reflection regarding who I am in the world and what I am being called to do in my own authentic expressions.
I too feel the fear come up. What if I discover I’ve been wrong? What if “how” I’ve been expressing my purpose needs to change? What if what was an authentic way of serving in the past is no longer a fit moving forward? How will I be challenged to change? What will I be asked to let go of? What will I be asked to say “yes” to, even if I don’t feel ready or capable?
Every step towards greater alignment with my soul’s path requires some sort of shifting. Whether in perspective (HUGE!!!) or in behavior, I can guarantee some change is on the horizon.
Considering our human propensity to seek and stay in the familiar, and seek certainty in our lives, we can have compassion for the resistance that is likely to come up. The mythologies we must reconcile are not always easy to confront. The bigness we are being called to step towards can feel overwhelming. Parts of you may feel like they are competing with other parts of you.
Yet, intuitively, we get it don’t we? We get that during each phase of our evolution; we must brace for and, more importantly, embrace a natural, necessary process of expansion and constriction. We get that life is not about staying comfortable, but rather about staying on course with what is emerging on our soul path, and engage our humanness in ways that it (or human self/ego) feels like a part of something spectacular!
And, here is the thing. You are more ready and primed that you give yourself credit for. The “who” you are today is not the “who” you will become…The “what” you feel capable of will expand. The identities of limitation and not enoughness will transform along the way. You might feel hesitant to take the next step and not even be sure what that is.
Normal. It’s all normal! And, you don’t need to be alone in what you know is as an imperative, important, and significant journey. This is one of the reasons I am so excited that Awakening to Purpose is beginning tomorrow. I’ll be right there with you – not just as the teacher – but also as a student – again.
Everything Flows from Purpose
Purpose is, and should be, the foundation from which all else is constructed and flows. Your relationships, the work you do, the new commitments you make, are all WANTING to be founded and grounded in your purpose – your unique reason for being existence on the planet!
Ready? Nervous? Excited? It’s all good…all of it, and I look forward to hearing you tomorrow and walking alongside you every step of the way!
Join us for this powerful journey into Awakening to Purpose… Visit www.awakeningtopurpose.com and listen to the message that will immediately begin playing.
Check out past participant reviews at http://www.awakeningtopurpose.com/reviews/ and listen to some recent interviews on the topic at http://powerofourway.blogs.com/power_of_our_way_blog/2010/03/and-so-the-table-is-turned.html
Then, if your soul begins to hum a little and your heart begins to smile in curiosity, sign up at www.awakeningtopurpose.com and begin tomorrow by reading through the preparation guide (one of three main workbooks in this program).
Hurry! www.awakeningtopurpose.com begins on Tuesday, March 30. Join us LIVE for the last time it is being taught be Anita!
Awakening the Healer Within is right around the corner! Visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html for more details.