Why wait another day to begin manifesting a better life?
It is time to remember and re-kindle your relationship with Source and unfetter yourself from the limitations of the past and the present. Step into your future with renewed zeal, passion, and purpose!
It is time to discover and unleash a power that is aligned with a much higher intention for you and your life - the original intentions of your Soul and the higher reasons for incarnating on the planet at this time...
It is time to remember the Divine Knowledge that was gifted to you before you were even born!
It Is Time to Claim Your Divine Inheritance...to Awaken to Your Divinity and Accept and Receive Incredible Peace and Joy...
This knowledge, when aligned with your soul purpose and your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors, and applied within the context of Aligning with the Mastermind, will open you to a Power that is asking (or begging) to be birthed from your unconscious...and welcomed into your physical reality.
Think about it, simply using the word “Attraction” implies that what you want is “out there” and fosters the illusion of separation and lack - immediate and insidious Enemies of the Conscious Mind™
The truth is that you are always creating, consciously or unconsciously...and when you go Straight to the Source, partnering with your highest and most authentic self, you will see your life changing right before your very eyes.
For the most part, Spiritual Amnesia and Divine Forgetting prevent you from accessing and even understanding the deeper principles and laws that are working in your life, such as:
- What you have come to believe about yourself, the world and how things work is largely false.
- Unconscious beliefs and expectations create major obstacles to manifesting that which is asking to be received into your life...
- You came here for a reason and most likely have forgotten it!
- The very experiences you have labeled as ‘bad,” tragic, undesired, or unwanted are gifts that reveal important keys to your purpose, your power, and the peace, harmony, love and joy that is yours to claim.
- You made requests for experiences and soul growth that you later resisted, thus turning away much of your Divine Inheritance.
- You can’t (and shouldn’t) have everything you want from the human perspective (Thank God!)...You get everything you need and wanted from the soul perspective - if you Awaken to the Divine Perspective Within.
- Unfettering Your Desires and Aligning with the Mastermind will open you to your inherent and inborn ability to Consciously Create true fulfillment, joy and deep inner peace
- Shifting the Trajectory and Velocity of Your Energy opens you to Divine Flow
- Partnering with Source is the highest form of Receiving the Bounty of Goodness and Prosperity that awaits your welcome
So, are you already vibrating at a higher level?
Are you feeling an inner knowing, a building interest, curiosity and excitement?
If so, you are experiencing RESONANCE, a Divine Inner Knowing of TRUTH.
And, if you resonate with what you have read and heard so far, please know this...I have just touched on the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
You can review the main elements of the retreat at www.metaphysicalmasterminds.com/sts and, if you resonate, you will know that the invitation to join Anita and Brent Law personally for a weekend of powerful, live and empowering experiences (beginning on January 29 at 3:00 pm and wrapping up on February 1 at 3:00 pm)is going to be the first step in your Divine Remembering...
The commitment you make today to begin Straight to the Source: Re-Awakening to Your Divine Inheritance and Releasing the Myths of Attraction, Ego, and Manifestation will catapult you into the next phase of your own personal evolution.
This process will unleash you into a level of awareness and manifestation that will completely change how you have been looking at your life, your past and most importantly, your future!
ONLY 11 SPOTS REMAIN OPEN at www.metaphysicalmasterminds.com/sts