What if part of your purpose was to give Creator an experience of itSelf in physical form?
What if you were here to express the ever-expanding potential of humanity through the evolving application of your consciousness, and through the choices you make in your dance between destiny and free will?
What if the choices you make, in thought and in behavior, formed both your own reality and Creator’s experience of your created reality?
What if healing was as simple as aligning your thoughts and will with that of a Higher Intelligence, one unlimited by physical laws and the interpretations of “reality” that come from our conditioning, and what has come to be widely accepted in the human conversation?
What if your desires were completely aligned with the Original Intention of your incarnation and the purpose you were born to, as opposed to what you have been taught to want, value, and fear? What would you be creating – and un-creating in your life?
What if belief and faith were your primary creative forces, and desire, when aligned with your purpose, was more of a precognitive awareness of what was previously encoded into the naturally occurring potential that manifests when you align your free will with your Divine Destiny?
If all of these what ifs were true, then, it would mean…
You are giving Creator an experience of itSELF in your;
1. Observations – what are you choosing to be fully present to? What are you giving attention and energy to? Are you recognizing and relaying beauty or are you transmitting messages of dissatisfaction and pain? How does this relate to “you get what you give?”
2. Thoughts—are the quality and content of your thoughts aligned with the experience you wish to give your Creative force, and the experiences you came here to have? If a total stranger were able to hear your thoughts, what would they learn (and think they know) about you?
3. Aligned Choices—are your choices in harmony with the will of the Divine and the pre-chosen plan and purpose for your life? Are you choosing to be in service to your greater reasons for existence? When engaged in thought and behavior, are you supporting expansion and evolution into a higher consciousness – or are you detracting from what is wanting to manifest in your life, through constrictive thoughts and choices?
4. Desires—regardless of how healthy or aligned, your core desires will either come from a place of wholeness and spiritual resonance, or they will come from a place of fragmented unwholeness (woundedness and illusion). Are your desires coming from a sense of wholeness and faith or fragmentation and fear? How can you shift so you can create from a higher place within you?
5. Creativity and Manifestation - The subtle, yet profound difference between creating from wholeness and faith vs. creating from unwholeness and fear will ultimately shape your life experiences, relationships, and your sense of self. Like does not just attract like (opposites do attract), rather, your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations give birth to the manifestation of the thoughts that are most prevalent and intensified by related emotions and expectations.
Journal on these reflections and receive this reminder with love…
Dear One,
You are created and born of an infinitely creative force, one of pure potentiality, wisdom, and ability. You carry these seeds of creation within your encoding; therefore, you carry these same aspects within you. You are both created and creator, healed and healer, loved and lover, dreamed and dreamer. You are made of the same substance as the sun and the earth, the stars and the planets. You are air, water, fire, and mineral. You are vibration, electricity and sound. You are emotion and thought, reason and logic, intuition and inspiration.
You are thought and you are form.
You are able and worthy of seeing yourself in the light of this magnificent awareness.
You are a child of an abundant Universal Energy; an energy and presence that we call The Divine Mystery.
Anita Pathik Law, Awakening the Healer Within
Beginning in December at www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html
Join Ani and the Power of Our Way Community for an open teleclass at www.powerofmyway.com/heal.html
Join us LIVE on Tuesday, December 8th at 7:00 PM Eastern we gather for a F*R*E*E teleclass on The Functions of Belief, Faith, and Energy in Activating Your Innate Power to Heal and Create from Wholeness.
Register at www.powerofmyway.com/heal.html and you can download the first two dialogues (with awakened neurosurgeons, Dr. Bernie Siegel and Dr. Norm Shealy).
Uplifting HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS –Why not give the gift of Music (we have a special package of 4 original music cd’s for only 45!) and Meditations with Positive, Uplifting, Healing Messages…? Sample several songs and meditations at www.powerofmyway.com/holidayspecials.html and learn how you can receive, for yourself, what you give to others, as our gift to you!
Sign up for the two-part Intuitive Chakra Mapping Class at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html and learn a unique and dynamic technique that partners traditional vision boarding with ancient knowledge of the chakras.
Clear energetic blocks and expand the inherent potential of creative nature as a vibrational, energetically aligned, being of SPIRIT. Manifest and advance beyond your current external reality by cultivating a different, more harmonious and free-flowing internal reality.
When you register you’ll also receive a surprise gift…reserve your spot at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html
Awakening the Healer Within begins in ONE WEEK! Visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html today - only 12 spots open!