Hello Relatives and Friends!
This blog post is being shared with good intentions and a BIG wish to share our music with you...and the world (and give a little back to our elder, at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota)!
By now, I hope you have heard a sampling of the original music, meditations and healing audios from Anita Pathik Law and Brent Law.
If not, here is a taste...
Core Energies Meditation from Transformation...
Good Medicine from Chosen Road by Brent and Ani
Brent's indigenous sounds and Native American Pan Flute are spectacular...Wouldn’t they make perfect holiday gifts and stocking stuffers?
Would You Love to Get Some of Your Holiday Gifts Today and Get Some Goodies for F*RE*E just for shopping with us?
PLUS, 10% of everything ordered from our tiyosape will be sent to our beloved Lakota elder and teacher...for use out at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota...the most impoverished area of the United States.
I am so excited to share three incredible HOLIDAY GIFT Packages that will truly show how much you care…plus, all Meditation, Healing, and Meditation Packages include a link for you, the gift giver, to get the downloads of every audio for YOURSELF for absolutely F*R*E*E!
Visit www.powerofmyway.com/holidayspecials.html and preview these three special CD packages...
1. Our four original music CD set includes Chosen Road, Tribal Voo Doo (Medicine for the Community Between the Ears), Spirit Rising and Breath Sounds and Nature (66 mins of uninterrupted music for meditation and body work). PLUS! You’ll receive the MP3 downloads from Breath Sounds and Nature for yourself for F*R*E*E!
2. Our 4 disc meditation set includes, Meditations for Empowerment (3), SoulFull Meditations (2), Mindfull Meditations (3), and Transformation (3) and includes a bonus download package for YOU for absolutely F*R*E*E.
3. Our 5 disc Hypnosis and Healing Bundle includes:
- The Cultivating Energy Daytime Hypnosis,
- Money and Abundance Intro and Daytime Hypnosis (for removing blocks),
- Living Prosperously Nighttime (for manifesting prosperity and building a magnetic abundance consciousness ),
- Healthy and Fit Nighttime Hypnosis (for weight release, body image and self worth), and
- SoulFull Meditations, includes the Original Intention Theta Meditation (for reconnecting to soul and Spirit) and Rebirth into Wholeness, each 23 mins in length
Order today and you'll immediately receive the download link for all six audios as a FREE Download for YOU!
These THREE Special Holiday Packages (with F*R*E*E downloads for gift givers) are only available at www.powerofmyway.com/holidayspecials.html
Happy Holidays from Anita and Brent Law…
Namaste, Ani and Brent