Even in the toughest of times, there is a lot to be thankful for.
Yet, as you well know, gratitude can be clouded by the many constrictive thoughts we carry about ourselves, others and the world.
Releasing or healing that which fosters a constrictive energy (such as judgment, regret, fear doubt, etc.) creates an immediate and expansive opening to new realizations, creations and inspirations. It actually expands your vision and opens up that part of you that once saw from a different level of consciousness.
This is the path of the awakened healer.
The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel offers a unique progression back to the center of our Original Intention...we can easily see how all healing occurs within one of more of the Four Dimensions of Relationship…
Self – our beliefs about ourselves, self-perception, self-talk, your language, self confidence, worthiness, stories, habits, behaviors, identities, who we think we are…and are not…our sense of capability, lovability, and self respect and self-trust…how we treat yourselves, what we dismiss, deny, honor and celebrate.
With Source – how aligned we are with the beliefs, definitions and perspectives of the Divine, how worthy we feel to actively engage, communicate, and receive from your Source. How we experience our relationship with God/Source/Consciousness, our perceptions of God, unconditional love, miracles, prayer, etc. And, importantly, how we characterize God itself…humans have humanized God…and done a great disservice to humanity in the process.
Others – typically formed through judgments and beliefs that define others as less- than or better-than, and how we live in the past experience of others through resentment, guilt, shame, unforgiveness, blame, etc.
We foster the illusion of separateness when we do not see Source/God within all, and when we don’t acknowledge that what is alive in others is only experienced because it is alive within ourselves. It takes only one person to heal a relationship.
It only takes one person to change the world - and the lives of the individuals and communities we touch.
Earth – Do we experience her as a living, breathing, evolving organism who serves us in return for our connection, stewardship and care? When we see beauty and sacredness in all of her expressions, we are reflecting our own sense of harmony. How is the earth a source of healing and the transmutation of energy? How does she want to serve humanity in their much needed healing and transformation?
The Outer Edges
What you see on the outer edges of the wheel represents all that keeps us circling the edges of a Divine understanding of our Original Intention.
The human experience that both informs and educates towards evolvement can also trap us in illusion and the pain and conflict we self-create through our thinking and the mismanagement of our energy!
Moving Beyond the Outer Edges of the Wheel (The Illusions)
· Cultural Conditioning
· Hurts
· Collective Consciousness
· Fears
· Lineage
· Imprints
· Soul Contracts
· History
· Upbringing
· Beliefs
· Unconscious
· Stories
We are standing at the edges of an incredible opportunity to awaken to our innate power to heal the seemingly un-healable.
Your relationships, level of prosperity, your ability to transcend conflict, stress, and the overall wellness of your body, all respond to YOUR most prevalent thought forms - and the conversations - you are having with yourself and others.
Are you leveraging your innate power to cultivate healing, resolution, reconciliation and re-creation in your life?
You, as a consciously evolving being - one born to give presence to the wisdom and gifts of the Divine - play a critical role in a future that has yet to be decided.
One decision today - to heal the conflict in your life, to heal the stories of your past, to transcend a belief of limitation in your relationships, your body, or the co-creation of your future, can and will make a difference.
The question is simple. What difference to you desire to make-in your own life and therefore, the world?
What changes in your own perspectives - and the life that is born of them - would have the potential to literally shift the entire trajectory of your future - and the lives of others?
This is the dialogue we are beginning in a spectacular series beginning on November 17th at www.powerofmyway.com/heal.html
Join renowned medical doctors, surgeons, authors and experts in the fields of consciousness, neurology, energy medicine, and healing, Dr. Bernie Siegel and Dr. Norm Shealy, with Conscious Dialogue host, Anita Pathik Law.
Sign up today and tell all of your friends!
And...You may not need to wait one more moment to acknowledge that it is your time to Awaken the Healer Within.
Join us for a transformational 13 week training and experiential teleclass (registration is limited to 20) at www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html
The orientation is scheduled for December 8 and the actual program begins on December 29, specifically to usher in the New Year with a heightened consciousness and a decision (not a wish) to transcend past patterns of limitation, pain, and lack!
Check it out at www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html
And, join Anita, Bernie and Norm for three Conscious Dialogues at www.powerofmyway.com/heal.html
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