I have an important message for you, one that I’ve been challenged to write about. This morning, as I prayed for guidance, I could feel myself getting even more frustrated.
Do you ever believe in and KNOW something to such a HUGE degree, yet can’t seem to put it into words?
This is where I am today – without the words to express what I know to be true – and share what I see as one of the most significantly important things we can each do to transform what is currently undesired in our lives.
See, I’ve been (once again) in deep reflection and contemplation, opening to pathways of service that I may not be seeing – or surrendering to. In this reflection, I am being challenged to step out of my comfort zone and make some tough decisions.
Maybe it is the time of year. Maybe we are wired to reflect upon our lives as we prepare to usher in a New Year. Sometimes, the reflection isn’t easy, because if honest, we know that something needs to change.
What I can say is, as many of you, I am feeling a little forced to evaluate my purpose and take a good hard look at how (and with whom) I am of service, and whether changes are in order.
Changes are in order. And, I am certain that some will be met with resistance, fear, and all sorts of justifiable reasons why I or we “can’t,” or why “later” is a better idea than “now!”
Rather than attempt to put my thoughts into written words, I was nudged to share a few short and sweet audio clips that will offer a sense of what I believe is going to be important to consider as we move closer towards winter and the New Year – as individuals and as a collective.
In particular, I offer a few perspectives that have been shared with a group of some of the most amazingly courageous people I have come to know and love ( in an Awakening the Healer Within Group!).
To respect confidentiality, I’m sharing a few short clips from what I see as one of the most transformational opportunities I personally offer in the Awakening the Healer Within program. We begin with an orientation session on November 22 at www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html !
I Offer You An Integrated Perspective Returning to Your Original Intention
When Forgiveness is Hard
You Are the Epicenter For Creating Change in the World
Meditation for Cultivating Gratitude for Transformational Experiences (16 mins)
Donna Shares Her Thoughts
Debbie – I’m Happier Than I’ve Been for So, So Long…
You can save $100 off of the full tuition option at www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html
13 Two Hour Teleclasses, PLUS to private healing sessions are all part of the Awakening the Healer Within Program that begins on November 22 with an important orientation that will enable us to dive in on December 6.
A Heightened Sense of Emergence is on The Horizon
As I said in an email a few weeks ago, there is a heightened sense of a new emergence on the horizon – a new level of realization that is asking to be welcomed and embraced for yourself and those that you serve.
What is asking to be healed in your mind, body, spirit, and/or life, right now? In other words, what is causing the most pain (frustration, struggle, hopelessness, etc.) for you right now?
And, most importantly, what are you ready to transcend so you may experience true and lasting liberation and embrace the Original Intention of Your Spirit?
I am here today as not just a teacher and healer, but as a receiver of an instant healing from Lupus in 1997. I know what facing a life in chronic pain (not just physical pain!) is like. I also know the miracle of relief. I know the potential of healing and transcendence that exists. This is part of my frustration of late, to tell you the truth…because I know what is possible!
This knowledge extends into every possible are of needed change…money, relationships, career, and all of the subconscious and conscious thoughts and beliefs that contribute to disharmony on all possible levels.
Foundational to all healing, are The Core Energies of Transformation; Compassion, Empathy, Love, Gratitude, Surrender, Unity, Faith and Trust.
Cultivating these energies is paramount to healing. Think about it. How often are we attempting to heal something we have come to “hate?”
One can not heal absent of love. We can not fully heal absent of faith. And, we must surrender to a will beyond our own, a possibility that may not always be seen or understood, and, above all, we must align our beliefs and perspectives with a power and force beyond our current understandings.
If struggle is present, somewhere, somehow, you have not said yes to something…what are you ready to say yes to?
And, what are you willing to say no to?
You must make a decision, just as I did that fateful day in 1996 when my doctor told me I needed to prepare to die. That’s where I am asking you to begin today – with a decision. Not a desire that comes from fear or lack. Not a longing that conjures up pain or not enoughness.
Right here and now, I am inviting you to make a decision – one that will require you to reconcile all you will need to release, including parts of your identity that are wrapped up in your discomfort or the stories of your limitations, pain or lack.
In the psychology and healing worlds, we talk a great deal of secondary gain. For those of you unfamiliar with this term, what it gets to is the fact that we don’t hold onto anything – not a thought, judgment, or any type of discomfort, unless there is something that we gain from it. Anything we carry (as a burden) enables us to do, or be, or say, or avoid, or not do, or be, or say something.
This is really important. It is one of the primary reasons people don’t say yes to personal growth or healing, or end up sabotaging themselves when they get closer to wholeness or healing.
They are getting more from staying in the limitation than they are willing to give up to be healthy, strong, or independent of the past patterns that caused them pain.
Like the person who will have to work again if they come off of disability, or the person who will have to let go of the excuses that have been hiding them from their destined purpose – and service in the world.
Do we really have the time to waste on justifying our limitations, pain or lack?
What do you believe you need to believe in order to see this level of healing?
Write some things down. Beliefs exist at multiple levels. Some are conscious and some are not. Some exist as a result of your history, your conditioning, and what is popularly accepted at the societal level or within your social and familial groups.
Did you know that you can hold an imprinted belief at a subconscious level as absolute truth, and not believe you believe it at a conscious level?
Memory and beliefs are also held in your muscles, organs and chakras, so a simple sensation can be misinterpreted and spark a chain reaction that effects you emotionally, mentally, physically, energetically and spiritually and not even no what the heck happened to trigger a reaction.
Some beliefs can be carried in from past lives, or are imprinted at the soul level.
Again, what do you believe you need to believe in order to see this level of healing?
What is asking to be revealed in your mind and life?
How are you currently being challenged to evolve in your consciousness (how you think, and your current level of awareness, faith and trust)?
In what ways are you ready to expand and Awaken to the Healer Within?
Reserve your spot today at www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html and save $100 on the full tuition when you use the coupon code HEAL (all caps, upon check-out).
We begin with releasing and clearing blocks to evolution and truth.
· Over-identification with certain belief systems or cultural mores
· Identities formed through our past experiences – I am a person who…I am the type of person who…
· Arrogance – thinking we know it all, tried it all, or that only a quick fix, magic bullet will suffice. The path of the awakened healer is a way of living. It is NOT a temporary fix for a problem that has gotten so painful that you are finally willing to do something different.
· We must release the habit of making decisions from fear and lack, and instead make decisions from faith and an abundant mindset
· Judgments, unforgiveness, and resentments – the awakened healer knows that judgment and resentment are 100% our responsibility to transcend. Our state of harmony is not dependent on others. No one can be to blame for our current state of dissatisfaction – no one and nothing.
· Ignorance or misinformation– being unaware of truth – often this includes the truth that has been passed on by others – by those we seek approval from or see as an authority in our lives. Remember, the entire medical community believed I was heading towards death. No one gave me an option of healing. No one believed it was possible.
· Resistance – of purpose, intimacy, vulnerability, truth, health, wellness, and happiness.
· Limiting expectations and pictures that enable you to hide or deny your gifts and the potential that awaits when you embrace them!
· Withholding – knowledge, love, compassion, and full presence.
· Unworthiness – just as I described the life and death impact of blocking receiving, unworthiness is deeply connected to this. You may not even be aware of why unworthiness exists, but it’s got to go!
· Distractions and Busyness – from stillness, quiet, hearing the voice of soul and Spirit.
· Impossibility thinking, negative expectations – Give thought to what it is you want – today. Now, list your expectations. Are they a match?
· Unbelonging – the mythology of unbelonging has many believing they are alone – in their lives, or their experiences. You may carry a story of not fitting in that is being worn as a badge of honor, as opposed to a beacon to call forth “your people.”
· Separation from the truth of our Oneness – separation from an intimate, friendly, inviting relationship with your Source and the parts of you that have been feeling fractured or fragmented.
Release and Expand into a Potential Not Yet Imagined
· Release the habit of trying to fit everything into a category of good or bad, or right and wrong
· The Universe is much more creative and imaginative than we are
· Trust in Divine order, timing and the highest good that is coming in the form of many miracles and manifestations
· What do you say “no” to
· What do you say yes to?
If you are saying yes to a new reality – you might consider first saying no to the current expectations and assessments that are tainting you from experiencing a potential that you may not be privy to (yet!) on your soul’s evolutionary path.
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