As spiritual seekers, sometimes we receive inspiration or guidance that can literally knock us off of our proverbial feet.
Metaphysically, feet are the foundation from which we live and represent what grounds us in our reality.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten knocked off my feet many times over the years (thank you God!) and thus, the foundation of my faith has evolved greatly.
My biggest, most pivotal moment happened when I experienced my instant healing from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and several other diseases in 1997, after 15 years of suffering. In order to sustain the healing and become a facilitator of healing for others I had to release almost everything I had been taught about illness, God, healing, miracles, and medicine.
Last week, I had one of those moments again, which I now share with you today! In addition to sharing an article called “Are You Praying to the God of Your Misunderstanding (already getting knocked off your feet just thinking of the title??)”, I’m also reminding you that the the Awakening the Healer Within Training Program begins on April 20 and you'll want to reserve your spot at !
This 13 week program takes what has been traditionally taught ONLY in live retreats and offers it through the convenience, ease, and totally affordable medium of a teleclass format! Don’t miss it if it is calling to you!
Article: Are You Praying to the God of Your Misunderstanding?
“The problem is that people are connecting to and praying to the “God of their misunderstanding and that, I am NOT!” said the voice…in great conviction!
This was the response I got during a recent meditation when I asked, “Why do people have such a difficult time experiencing a direct, consistent and loving relationship with you, the Source of all?”
Over the last few months I’ve spoken to dozens of people who are seeking a more tangible connection to Source, God (you plug in the name of your preference!), with a particular desire to “feel, sense, and know” in an embodied way, as opposed to a conceptual understanding.
Many of them are seasoned meditators and some have an active and consistent prayer life. They believe in God (or whatever word they use), but don’t always, or don’t easily, feel the connection they so deeply desire.
As these words poured into me, I felt the immense truth in this statement. After all, in our society, you can not help but learn (and be told) contradicting messages about God that in the long run, impact everything from faith, religion, and how we see ourselves and others!
For many, turning away from religion and faith all together has been the effect of such confusion. Others find their way into Spirituality but do not associate themselves with any particular faith. And, even if you come to accept certain spiritual teachings as resonant, as true for you, most of us still have that lurking question of doubt…”What if I’m wrong?”
In fact, I began looking at my own relationship with God and how it has been shaped by two specific things that are universally true for all of us, regardless of faith or culture.
1. What we are taught or told about God, faith, and the various religions
2. Our own personal experiences
Many of my clients, for example, were brought up in the Catholic Church. Today, as adults, they have chosen to believe in a loving, non-judgmental God…but…
Their early upbringing has flavored their image, which often remains largely patriarchal, and inaccessible, unless through very specific rituals or by praying to various saints or the Mother Mary. Fear and guilt were so primary to their first introduction to God and faith that it still permeates their subconscious thoughts and thus, the totality of their life experience – especially as it comes to developing an intimate, accessible, responsive relationship with their Source.
Regardless of what they have come to believe – or want to believe, there are some common themes that cause them to feel pulled – or uncertain. This effects their conscious and subconscious beliefs about being good or bad, loved or unloved (if early upbringing did NOT teach about unconditional love, for example).
They are still living in fear that it is possible God punishes and have questions about “What is sin?” and “What happens after I die? Will I go to heaven and how do I guarantee admittance?”
Does God Love All Equally?
They also question who God actually loves because they were taught that God favored certain people who believed in certain things!
Keep in mind, there are actual stories they learned from the bible that describe God instructing the “cleansing of the land” and encouraging genocide of entire populations, races and groups belonging to certain faiths.
So, although you hear, time and time again, this phrase about praying to “the God of Understanding,” when you really think about it, you may still be influenced by misunderstandings that were both taught and interpreted in your early upbringing.
I realize this discussion kicks up a lot of potential feelings and questions, however, I believe it is an important one for each of us to reflect upon.
How do you define God? Do you get triggered by certain words (like Christ, Lord, God, Allah, etc.?) and shut down to certain conversations or spiritual ideas? How do you define your relationship with God? Do you easily feel connected to Source Energy? Do you doubt the validity of your faith and still find yourself hindered in your spiritual life because of early messages or current confusion and questions that remain unanswered? And (this is a biggie) how does your relationship with your Source influence your ability to receive abundance, healing, support and love in all areas of your life? And, how does your faith (or fear) influence you when experiencing conflicts or crisis’ in your life?
If this series of reflections is kicking up some stuff, you are not alone!
An Exercise to Explore Your Relationship with the Divine
Do this quick and highly informative exercise and see what you discover!
1. Take a few minutes and draw two columns, each with a different heading; The God of My Misunderstanding (from your upbringing or conflicting messages) and The God of My Understanding (what you want to believe or think you believe).
2. Now, write down all of the ideas you have entertained (or were asked to entertain) in both columns.
3. Ask yourself, “How do these inconsistent messages impact my life right now?” and “What am I not experiencing in my life as a result?”
4. What do I want to do about it, and why is it so important?
What will be different when you...
· Develop an intimate relationship and direct experience of God?
· Learn powerful tools that will have global application for conflict dis-illusion, healing and deep spiritual and personal growth and evolution?
· Learn and experience various breathing, spiritual, healing, and meditation practices that can move pain out of your body and mind, and open you to your innate healing power?
· Learn how to pray effectively and comfortably – with yourself and others and be given dozens of prayers for a variety of circumstances?
· Open to your innate healing abilities?
· Learn to remove blocks that seem to get in the way of actualizing what you know to be true?
· Heal what needs to be healed and remove barriers to manifesting change in your life?
· Embody Oneness and Faith, moving from concept to deep knowledge, active demonstration, and actual results?
Are you ready to...
· Resolve, heal and release past conflicts, patterns, and cultural conditioning that are not serving you on your path of healing, service and actualization?
· Embody and work with The Core Energies of Transformation; Compassion, Empathy, Love, Gratitude, Surrender, Faith, Unity and Trust?
· Experiment and anchor into your unique way of directly connecting with Source (God, your Higher Power)?
If the answer “YES!” is lighting you up, then please join us and receive the workbook, recorded orientation, and tyour first set of healing songs and meditations as soon as you sign up for The Awakening the Healer Within Teleretreat that starts on April 20 at
The orientation session is important and will give you many tips to fully prepare yourself for the full Awakening the Healer Within Experience. And, for this amazingly low tuition, you get all of the materials, downloads, music, the 13 LIVE teleclass sessions and TWO private healing or hypnosis sessions with me ($300 investment alone).
So reserve your spot today at and join me and a loving and impressive group of folks for Awakening the Healer Within.
This low tuition will never again be offered. The group that is gathering is absolutely amazing and I personally know all of them. They are not “beginners” looking for a magic bullet. Rather, they are coaches, medical professionals, healers, teachers, therapists, and ministers who understand that their innate capability (and encoded wisdom) to self heal, and be a force for massive change in the lives of others, is ready to be expanded upon.
If not know when? If not you, who?
Don’t pass this by if fear is what is getting in the way. That’s only the voice of the part of you that is afraid of your own power to change just about anything in your life.
It’s the part of you that lives in doubt and has become cynical. I get it. It’s pretty darn tempting to not believe in possibility or get hopeful. It protects you from disappointment – or that is the illusion it fosters.
Don’t take it from me. Read about other people’s experiences at
Here’s one…
"How does one describe the experience of being born back into the Source of all love? How does one describe the experience of feeling a heavenly bliss while still being in the earthly realm? How does one describe truly healing and still having the time to integrate that healing so that it is reinforced while in the presence of so much love of others? I don’t know that there are words to describe the Heavenly Presence that we all experienced during the retreat. Anita exudes a Divine-Consciousness that facilitates an immediate knowledge of safety and love within the group. We all followed into that Divine Consciousness. I was able to "wake up" and feel the beauty of my soul and that of others. I felt courage and passion. I felt, for the first time in my life, how emotions are truly fluid without needing to stay "stuck" in any of them.
I came to the tele-retreat wanting to know the Divine. And while I was there, not only did I come to know the Divine…I touched the Face of God.
It does not end there, however. We have so many tools to stay in the presence of Source. We are challenged to "take responsibility for our own shift". And we are shown, over and over, how we can do this. So the tele-retreat does not last for the time we are together. It is the first day of the rest of our lives, if we so choose."
~ Cindy Kalaf, Niles, Ohio
Reserve your spot today at
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