This morning, as I sat in meditation, asking for Spirit to guide me in expressing the unexpressable, it all came out in a poem that I hope you will receive in the fun way I did!
See, beginning Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at, we begin a new program and I don’t always find it easy to express the essence and value of something that is truly a unique experience. I recommend reading this “poem” aloud to get the cadence of the verse and I send love in every word! The poem is called How Many Winters?
How Many Winters?
How many winters will I walk the same path? Wanting a change but linked to the past?
Patterns and stories I relive again, noticing the desire to fight – or obsess, or pretend…
That everything’s alright, or that I don’t really care. Putting a smile on my face, denying the bear.
Who sleeps in the den of my mind, waiting to awaken, to a life unchanged, because my prayers were never taken?
How many moons will it take for me to see, that the common denominator isn’t really me?
That it’s all just my thinking, and the illusions I carry. They say I should be angry and that the world is so scary.
That my past is unfortunate, and the future uncertain, and that it is difficult, to transcend past burdens?
How many seasons will feel more like an endurance of disappointments and setbacks; of false hopes and broken promises?
How many moments will I waste on old thinking, unable to see the abundance that is waiting?
How many prayers will take me to my knees, begging and pleading, yet unable to receive?
How long will it take, for me to reawaken, remember, and rejoice…in the knowing, that life is not happening to me… Rather it is my choice?
That I can transform my conditioning and re-write my past? Into a story of love and receive blessings that will last?
Maybe it’s simple – much easier than I think. Maybe I just need to change my beliefs. Align a different expectation, cultivate my faith, and develop authentic relationships, ones that change my fate?
A relationship with Source that has no boundaries and no gatekeepers. A dialogue with the Divine that is more intimate and deeper?
Conversations with myself that are gentle and loving. An appreciation of others, with no need for pushing and shoving?
Compassion that comes easily, forgiveness that is freeing. A love so big that gratitude is no longer fleeting?
What if I understood that surrendering to my authentic nature was stepping into my power? How would I evolve, what seeds would then flower?
What if I walked in an embodiment of faith; found Unity within, and trusted my fate?
Divine order and timing, what if it is now, and the when is here? What will I celebrate? What will I no longer fear?
Who will I be when I’m no longer afraid, or guilty, or resentful, or feeling my bed’s already made?
What will be possible when my doubt is released? When I live my purpose and know I am free…to do and be what I signed up for? And love the who that is ME?
What if this journey into the power of my way, woke me up to a brand new day?
Imagine my life taking a whole new direction? One that doesn’t require constant inspection? Rather, awareness and grateful reflection?
Could 31 days really take me to this place, and, while I’m at it, improve the whole human race?
Will healing “my stuff” really serve the whole world? Would resolving my own inner conflicts, make others feel whole?
Is it truly possible to feel completion with my past? To foster the changes I desire, in a way that will last?
I’m ready to commit, in a whole different way. To join kindred souls for the Power of Our Way.
I’ll not be alone on this unique personal journey. And the energy I put in will enhance all of our learnings.
I breath into this awareness and clarity of thought. I release my denial that I not ought…
To think this big and hope this completely. This thought of limitation, I now am releasing.
I am here and the time is now, not tomorrow or next year. I’m choosing to embody faith and no longer partner with fear.
So I say yes to the invitation that comes to me today. To explore and live in the Power of My Way.
Namasté, Anita Pathik Law
Ready to Raise Your Consciousness and Step Powerfully into the Wheel?
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Beginning on Tuesday, July 28, 2009, design the blueprint for your life while you travel through a six session live teleprogram with book, cd, and many special gifts...
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Together, we will;
- design the blueprint for your future life
- expand into the potential that is already yours,
- receive greater levels of abundance that are waiting to be received,
- celebrate healing that is ready to occur, and
- manifest relationships that are simply waiting for you to clear what you need to clear in order to fully welcome them into your life.
"I am so grateful for the experience of the Power Of Our Way Community Call-in program. I have gone through the process before on my own and have found working with the group (two months in a row!) has a wonderful reinforcement value. I am more accountable to myself and also more disciplined and focused. In the last 6 or so weeks I have become much clearer on what my purpose is. I am much gentler and kinder to myself and others. My authentic expression is from a gentle, sacred healing space in me. This realization has opened windows and doors in my world that I would not have not even recognized as opportunities two months ago. I could say much more. Simply put - this experience has been a wonderful discovery and limitation releasing experience. Anita and all the Call-in Community group members have my gratitude." Heather Jenson, Canada |
In just 31 days, past participants have found this process of walking through The Five Dimensions of Evolutionary Transformation; Truth, Forgiveness, Healing, Peace and Power as a powerful path to clearing the clutter that had once gotten in the way of them truly manifesting and receiving incredible tangible and intangible results. Reserve your spot at
Why not “just read” the book?
Have you ever bought a book that you knew could have a powerful impact on your life and then never applied the concepts and principles, or worked the process that attracted you to the book in the first place?
Have you started a new program, like a diet for example, and within a few days fallen off the wagon, ultimately feeling worse about yourself than when you started?
If you answered yes to those questions then you already understand the value of a comprehensive program.
Some people have “just read” The Power of Our Way, and they tell us that the experience is like reading a book of poetry: beautiful words, inspiring messages, good feelings abound. A quick read does not bring about change, however.
Those people who commit to the daily reading and introspection process tell us that positive change in their outlook and their life experiences begins within the first few days.
And for those committed individuals who join a Community Call-in group, those changes take hold, becoming sustainable even after the 6 week program is complete!
The Power of Our Way is a process. It is a 31 day journey into your inknown truth and wisdom. The Power of Our Way is an opportunity for your heart and soul to emerge and reveal higher level truths about yourself, your potential, and your future life –the future life you have the power to create. The Power of Our Way creates major shifts in your consciousness, and therefore your outlook, beliefs, and your behaviors.
Time and time again, our Community Call-In members experience incredible shifts, fabulous synchronicities, and make major changes in their lives.
· They find their passion again.
· They heal damaged relationships and most of all;
· They become incredibly empowered by actively participating in their own self discovery, in partnership with a group of fellow seekers all committed to spiritual and practical transformation.
Our 6-week, author lead Power of Our Way Community Call-in coaching program offers readers of this life changing book an opportunity to share and deepen their journey as they travel together through the evolutionary process offered through the daily readings and self-coaching exercises.
Join us at and begin initiating the deep change you desire. You will be supported every step of the way!