Over the last week, my husband and I have received several gifts that are supporting us in traveling to Utah for what is known as one of the most powerful spiritual ceremonies on the planet. I believe each gift has been a direct result of us demonstrating faith - as opposed to seeing ourselves with unresolvable problems.
My greatest challenges in preparing for a week in the desert with no running water, electricity, or my usual comforts (like my comfy bed and hot showers), have been sourced in beliefs that limit my perception of what I am capable of – or can handle.
Overcoming false identities and the many labels we walk with have become easier over the last few years. Letting go of what makes me comfortable has been pivotal in my own growth.
Just a few weeks ago, I saw myself in a whole new light. I transcended many barriers and trusted, without wavering, that the Universe would take care of me in ways beyond my understanding. As I sat in the darkness, in solitude, absent of food and water, I found myself amazed at the bliss I was experiencing.
Several years ago, I would not have dreamed I was capable, let alone willing to do a lot of what has become “normal” in my life. Today, I embody an awareness that my mind determines the totality of my experiences. I have reference points for miracles that create a foundation of faith that is both strong and comforting.
What used to be seen as “problems” became opportunities to challenge my own perceptions. I found, as was recently reinforced by both Joel Osteen and Michael Beckwith, that God doesn’t solve problems, rather God responds to demonstrations of faith.
Putting feet to your prayers is not always easy, especially when the basics of our survival are in question. We look at the status of our bank accounts and make statements such as “I’m flat broke,” or affirm, over and over again, “I can’t afford this, I can’t afford that.”
We say we don’t have time or our doubt supersedes any modicum of faith that, if cultivated, would show us an entirely different reality. We negotiate a trial period for the changes that would bring us great transformation if only we were actually committed and granted patience to Divine Order and Timing.
We say, “OK, I’ll give this a try.” and don’t seem to notice that our Ego is taunting us with doubt and keys to the back door so we can quickly revert back to business as usual when things don’t work in the way – and in the timing of our human desires.
Right now, where are you lacking in faith? Where are you not in demonstration of your highest unfoldings and desires? What is asking to be healed and transcended in your life?
What excuses are keeping you from saying “ABSOLUTELY!” to the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you? Where are your own self identities limiting you from truly experiencing the grandness and magnificence of who you are and what you are made of?
Keep reading on for an article on true liberation.
And, don’t forget that only the first 50 people who order the five healing audios at www.powerofmyway.com/awakeningthehealer.html will receive a fre*e* two hour teleclass on Self-Healing.