Welcome! The 2009 Inner Peace Treaty Dialogue is taking place on Monday, June 8 at 7:00 pm Eastern and Wednesday, June 10 at 12:00 noon Eastern.
We are honored to welcome founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association, C. Norman Shealy, M.D., PhD, noted author and cancer surgeon, Bernie Siegel M.D., and Earth wisdom teacher Brooke Medicine Eagle. Anita Pathik Law, along with Alice Yeager, Founder and President of the American Healing Arts Association, and Jon Mundy PhD., author and publisher of Miracles Magazine will be engaging in inspiring dialogue with these leaders the field.
Please join us live at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Anita-Pathik-Law to ask questions and participate in our chat room during the dialogues.
PRINT YOUR HANDOUT: Right click on this link to download the handout for this spectacular event Download June2009innerpeacetreatydialoguehandout1 _3_ !
You are invited to visit the American Healing Arts Alliance's webpage to learn more about the Inner Peace Treaty™ and offer your meditative thoughts and prayers for peace for us all.
Detailed instructions on how to participate in the ratification process and educational programs are at;
We look forward to your involvement in this two part event with some of the greatest leaders and wisdom teachers within the alternative medical fields and peace building initiatives.
Visit www.powerofmyway.com for upcoming events and programs.
Namaste, Anita