If you desire justification to stay the same by continuing to live as a victim in a co-created reality, it ain't gonna happen here.
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07:34 AM in Books, Current Affairs, General Postings, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Music, Power of Our Way Peace Experiment, Religion, Science, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Marketing on the Internet, Spirituality, Consciousness, and Business, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I’ve long been heard sharing several foundational teachings found in the work we do with the Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel. Lately, due to the themes I am seeing, one of the most significant of these teachings is;
All conflict is sourced in the beliefs we hold within our mind; a mind conditioned through our experiences and energized through cultural beliefs and teachings.
Conflict appears in our lives in all sorts of ways. For some, it may be a conflict held only in the privacy (and illusionary aloneness) of one’s thoughts. For others, conflict shows up in our relationships, our bodies, or in feelings of inadequacy or lack of control. It may be situational, meaning it appears to be isolated, and is very focused on one area of your life. Or, it may be such that everything is tainted with an energy of chaos. Regardless, in a world where we love to feel “in control” and clear and often gauge our sense of “wellness” based on the degree to which control and clarity is present for us, any sense of conflict can feel uncomfortable.
One type of conflict is doubt. Conflicting ideas about what you believe is possible (or not) and what you are actually seeing in your life can feel discouraging, to say the least. For most of us, however, more often than not, the conflicts, struggles and annoyances we are experiencing in the “here and now” are really a lot less about life as it is today and more about unresolved conflicts from the past. This awareness, and one’s commitment to engage in whatever practices they need to clear out the emotional and mental back log, are major keys to living peacefully in the present. In fact, most of what irritates us was implanted in our pasts and we operate quite unconsciously and obviously don’t even know it.
Down the Rabbit Hole We Go
All of a sudden, we find ourselves spiraling down a rabbit hole of muckiness. Whether reacting in defensiveness, anger, judgment, fear, resistance, avoidance, procrastination, or even a lack of clarity, the conflict is always within. As much as we would like to think that conflict often exists “out there”, the fact of the matter is that the genesis of our conflicts is never really outside of us. Rather, it is 100% sourced in our beliefs and they way we think.
Historical woundings or imprints (conscious and unconscious) surface through various triggers. A trigger can be just about anything and most of the time we are unconscious of what set off the chain reaction of uncomfortable feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Sure, you might know some of your touchy spots, but in reality, most are buried in our subconscious beliefs and perspectives. Interestingly enough, the subconscious is not known for being founded in absolute reality and truth.
Because we’ve been taught to resolve conflict that exists “out there”, because we are not healing the disparity that exists within, the external outpicturing of our lives continues to reflect the internal. When we remind ourselves that we create from our thoughts and feelings about things, we immediately access the wisdom and opportunities that exist to heal within ourselves.
The Divided Mind
All conflict is a manifestation of a divided mind – competing parts within us that are out of alignment and disconnected from the greater essence of the moment – and the opportunities we face to allow our resonance, as opposed to some form of linear logic, to bring clarity and direction in our lives. When conflict exists in relationship with another, it is still a result of two divided minds bringing their personalities, beliefs and histories into the mix.
I ask you to reflect upon that which exists in your life in harmony, clarity and ease? Odds are it is because you have a sense of self confidence and worthiness. In fact, even in places and spaces where things may not be unfolding in the ways we might “think” we would like, it is possible to be in harmony and peace with uncertainty. It is possible to be at peace with parts of ourselves that are unclear. So much of the stress experienced in a consciousness of uncertainty is because we somehow have come to believe that uncertainty is a bad thing.
Trust in Divine Unfolding
Trusting in Divine unfolding and emergence, and having (and exercising) faith in your ability to be present and respond in the ways you are guided – in the moment – create foundation that is less attractive to struggle and doubt. It allows for more spiritual guidance and intervention as well, largely because we are not operating from the illusion that we should know everything or figure it all out ourselves.
What if uncertainty and living in the mystery of your unknowing was something you just simply surrendered to? What if you lay down the weaponry of your own self judgment and stopped “shoulding” all over yourself? Instead of blasting yourself with ideas such as “I should be clear, I should be further along,” we trust in the perfection of wherever it is that we find ourselves. If your tendency is to add pressure by telling yourself, “I should be trusting more, doing more, taking more action…” I ask you, “Should you? Really?” How are you so sure? Where does that belief really come from and who’s voice is actually talking to you?
Awakening to our inner healer (and inner conflict resolver) is largely reliant on becoming aware of our thoughts and how the past has created filters that prevent us from seeing and acting from the highest truth of our beings. We must release all that is not aligned with health, wellness, peace of mind and compassion. Releasing the Past is ongoing too because every moment we are creating a past moment. It is not as if we do a one time “spring cleaning” and life gets easy.
Becoming a Hollow Bone
In my spiritual practice, one of my main priorities (and practices) is to become a “hollow bone.” I seek to be a hollow bone in all of my relationships and endeavors. Easier said than done, right? A wonderful explanation of this powerful concept is found in an article about the Teton Sioux Ceremonial Chief, Fools Crow. Called the “Historical People of Power” and found at http://www.powersource.com/, the author says;
“Fools Crow agreed with Black Elk when he said, "I cured with the power that came through me. Of course, it was not I who cured, it was the power from the Outer World, the visions and the ceremonies had only made me like a hole through which the power could come to the two leggeds (people). If I thought that I was doing it myself, the hole would close up and no power could come through. Then everything I could do would be foolish." He believed that the Higher Powers taught that this healing power comes in and through a person first to make us what we should be, and then flows through us and out to others.
In his becoming a hollow bone, Fools Crow believed that he went through four stages.
· First, he called in Wakan Tanka (Great Mystery) to rid themselves of everything about them that would get in the way, such as doubt, questions or reluctance.
· Then he recognized himself as a clean vessel or tube, ready to be filled with hope, possibilities, and anxious to be filled with power.
· He experienced the power as it came surging into him.
· Finally, giving power away to others, knowing that as they are emptied out, the Higher Powers will keep filling them with even greater power to be given away.”
This is really the only reason we travel into the past. We travel backwards only to develop awareness and clear away anything that could possibly clog the bone of our spirit and mind. And, it really isn’t as painful as we might think. Healing (as I have experienced countless times) can be instantaneous and it often does not require as much mental processing as we might believe. In fact, this belief alone often becomes the reason for staying stuck.
The Wheel offers an experiential tool for all sorts of healing at the individual and collective levels but to truly work with it, we learn other practices (breath work, energy clearing and cultivation, visualization, journeying, energy healing, and intuitive opening exercises).
The Awakening the Healer Within Tele-Retreat in DECEMBER (info at http://www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html) will focus on this and so much more. Only 14 spots are remaining and we begin with an orientation on Dec. 8!
Tap into some f*ree audios on this subject at http://www.powerofmyway.com/awakeningthehealerwithin.html and check out the retreat at http://www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html
Namasté…Aho Mitakuye Oyasin, Ani
Rev. Anita Pathik Law is the founder of The Power of Our Way Community and hostess of Conscious Dialogues. Visit http://www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html , www.powerofmyway.com/heal.html, www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html, and http://www.aligningwithdestiny.com, for upcoming programs and events and http://www.blogtalkradio.com/anita-pathik-law, for Conscious Dialogues.
04:27 PM in Books, Current Affairs, General Postings, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Music, Power of Our Way Peace Experiment, Religion, Science, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Marketing on the Internet, Spirituality, Consciousness, and Business, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: anita pathik law, awaken, bone, conscious, control, doubt, heal, healing, hollow, surrender, unconscious
As I speak to people about our upcoming retreat, Awakening the Healer Within at www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html, I've been surprised how many have lost faith. They've lost faith in the promise of their lives, bodies or their relationships transcending the current circumstances they find themselves in.
The loss of faith may be a byproduct of not seeing enough evidence of true change (a lot you just have not been present to or credited). It may be a side effect of exhaustion (fatigue is not conducive to healing anything). It may be from years of being blasted with fear based, negative, toxic ideas and messages or simply put, it may be a result of the way you talk to yourself and others.
The confusing nature of faith - an unwavering belief in the existence of things unseen, often without evidence or physical proof of its reality - is that you can believe that something is possible and still not experience it in your own life. You can see the healing power of other people’s faith and still doubt your own ability to be at peace with your own.
We live in a world that has become reliant on people being fearful and not really trusting in themselves to make decisions that are good for them. Strong-arming against faith is a subtle yet profound aspect of our day-to-day lives. Just think of how many industries are dependent on us becoming separated from our true natures; an original form of consciousness that knew, from the beginning, that we were all connected (Oneness), that we were all sourced from the same consciousness (brothers and sisters born of the same Source), and that we are made in the likeness and image of the Divine (in all of our unique ways).
We’ve grown accustomed to make decisions from fear. Our friends and family try to protect us from being hurt by warning us to not get our hopes up, or better yet, hope for the best and expect the worst. We are given very few role models of people living from joy, loving unconditionally and trusting in a power and timing beyond what we can always see, let alone understand.
In your original form, you were intuitive, wise of the ways of the Universe, and you knew you carried within you the very substance of the creative force that you felt completely a part of. You felt loved without condition and you knew you had a direct line to the Divine. You probably saw, heard and felt things that the adults around you had lost “sight of” through their own spiritual forgetting.
Upbringing and societal conditioning fed you a very different story. And now, you are trying to unlearn that which, in some weird way, has given you an illusionary sense of control in the world around you. You’ve learned to protect yourself (or so you believe). Hope is avoided so disappointment or embarrassment can be thwarted. Compassion (which again, is part of your authentic nature) is denied because your subconscious mind doesn’t believe it can live with the pain of truly feeling deeply on behalf of a shared humanity.
Anger and taking things personally has almost become an automatic response to the stimuli that distracts us from being fully present in the here and now – the only place we can truly witness, with our own eyes, ears and heart, the miracles and blessings that are constantly in motion in our lives. We keep our mouths shut, not always speaking our truth for fear of rejection – or being made fun of. We save for a rainy day (preparing for the worst) and worry about things we have virtually no control of. We long for a connection that is already there, a love that is vast and always accessible, and for answers that truly lie within. We keep ourselves overbooked, overcommitted, and say no to the things that would truly make us happy and offer us a greater expression of ourselves in a world that desperately needs it.
To me, I see this as an opportunity for healing and reconciliation. I see this is an indication that it is time to come back to our true nature and re-program ourselves (in mind, spirit and behavior) on behalf of a people (a humanity) who yearns for peace much more than war, love much more than hate, and shared abundance much more than greed. But, if we are waiting for things in the external picturing of our lives to change in order for us to grow in our faith in ourselves, our ability (or worthiness) to heal, and transcend culturally conditioned and self-imposed limitations, we are barking up the wrong proverbial tree.
It begins within. It always has. Yes, being supported by the faith of others of like mind is wonderful, and incredibly helpful in all transcendent work. My hope is that those of you whom have chosen to be more active in our Conscious Dialogues and formal programs, have received that specific blessing of Kindred CommUNITY. And…and this is a BIG AND…we all must take responsibility for own shifts.
Initiating the shift within your own consciousness is paramount to receiving – and sustaining - any desired healing. You can not completely heal anything absent of love, and resentments and unresolved woundings from your past are all huge obstacles to fully experiencing the level of peace and harmony most of us desire.
We have an incredible power to transform our lives, and thus, humanity as a whole. It does not require billions of people to see the world differently and lay down the weaponry of their beliefs. It does not require the faith and support of your family, spouse, friends and children. It just takes you; your presence, your willingness, and your commitment to become an observer in your own life and the thoughts and beliefs that have created it…and continue to do so.
You need to see, as Pema Chodren reminds us, where you are still “hookable.” You need to become aware of who or what triggers all that is inauthentic about your true nature – who you truly are - absent of the many cloaks you wear that are created from past experiences and the beliefs you have adopted along the way…
Maybe it is criticism, or feeling unheard. Maybe you are hooked by certain words, or even a tone of voice. Maybe you are hooked by your own discomfort and spiral into unecessary, and often damaging worry that heightens your pain (and actually keeps it around longer than it even wants to stay!) You may be "hooked" by certain people, or certain issues. You may be hooked by someone elses behavior - even when it really doesn't effect you or have anything to do with you. Judgment is one of the most damaging hooks because it poisons your thoughts, a potential for change, and it fosters the illusion of separation.
Whatever (or whomever) it is that sparks a chain reaction into anger, fear, judgment, defensiveness, or any thought of not enoughness, is really an opportunity to see what within you is asking to be healed. These are the very opportunities we have to learn the transformational power of all that is present in The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel - a tool that opens us to an incredible process of healing and power and reawakens you to a truth that is so often forgotten.
I am talking about a grand awakening to who you are; a reacquainting of sorts with a substance and knowledge and capability that has existed within you as part of your inherent spiritual make-up.
Awakening is not about living a life free of obstacles. It's about being aware of them and interacting with ourselves with compassion, honesty and gentleness, and taking responsibility for our own shift.
Awakening to Your Inner Healer – You as the Shaman and Alchemist in Your Own Life is a Process of Rediscovering Your Authentic Nature…
Self Healing is About Tapping into Your Inner Mastery and Remembering that Most of What You Need is Within In You…
And, realizing that you have an incredible resource that is not even a breath away will alter your entire life. Through the power of;
· your mind (your subconscious and use of imagination, journeying, and many proven tools that re-pattern false thinking and misaligned beliefs),
· your Spirit (accessing the innate wisdom of your soul and the ways you connect to Divine Energy),
· your own body and energy (in particular, working with your chakras and energy field)
· your breath (sequences and patterns that clear, cultivate and balance)
· your language (inner and outer, both highly creative)
· your practices (your ongoing practice of the modalities that capitalize on your most natural ways of intuiting and interpreting the world around you),
You too can re-awaken a wisdom and gift that has been traveling inside of you since before you were born!
I could not add one more word here without encouraging you to visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html to learn more about a special and very unique gathering in May and see if you are one of the 12 people who are being called to join us.
Why? Because we all have healing opportunities. And, we all have parts of us that feel stuck or unsure about how to change, or feel better, or find true happiness and peace of mind.
Do you experience yourself as a conscious and loving creator in your life or do feel somewhat powerless to change something that is asking to change? Do you have dreams and desires that you are not seeing as worthy enough or possible enough to have faith in? Are you struggling with your faith? Are you worried that you are losing hope in your life, health, abundance, relationships improving beyond their current circumstances? Do you see growing a deeper connection to yourself, your Source and your thoughts as being core to your prosperity, health, well-being, happiness and fulfillment? Would you love to learn powerful techniques and rituals (like self hypnosis, energy healing, and working with the Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel) that are changing people’s lives?
If so, visit http://www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html and come to our next 4 day retreat (get to Jacksonville , Florida
04:37 PM in Books, Current Affairs, Film, General Postings, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Music, Power of Our Way Peace Experiment, Religion, Science, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Marketing on the Internet, Spirituality, Consciousness, and Business, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
By Rev. Anita Pathik Law, CFCC, CHt.
"Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram" my father chanted in his deep Indian accent, his eyes closed, smiling with his hand gently placed on my back. Encouraging me to join him in this simple mantra, the pain seemed to melt away, and I felt the tangible energy of love moving through the room. As my 7 year old mind absorbed the memory that would be revolutionary later in my adult life, I recited the chant with my father; absent of any doubt that I was not being embraced in a magical moment.
"This is a sacred place Anita, one where two world come together and miracles happen," grandpa Elmer said as he handed me two books; Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss and Exploring the Mysteries of Life by Nellie Cain. As we walked the sacred grounds in the woods that surrounded their simple cabin by a rumbling creek, he had turned me on to the work and life of Edgar Cayce, and had talked to me about the do's and don'ts of calling forth beings of other realms. "Don't play with a Ouija board Anita, the good spirits have better, more important things to do then play games." In between subtle spiritual and metaphysical lessons, he would break out into his infamous dirty jokes, always lightening the mood, his humor and his grand stature offered a unique mixture of softness and strength, heart and might.
"You and your sister have been given a legacy that began with your grandfather, Shaligram and grandmother, Shakuntala. It is to bring together the spiritual and the business, and to continue the teachings of Gandhi," my Uncle Gagan shared with my brother as they stood at the Ganges River
Long gone from this world, my father and grandfathers had planted seeds of healing, of mystery, of peace and of worlds beyond our physical, human experience. As a child I didn't understand the significance of what my elders were teaching me, let alone what they stood for. I didn't understand that my father, Magan Kumar Pathik, had been brought into this world and actually named by one of the greatest spiritual and social leaders in modern history.
I didn't understand the sacrifice my grandparents made when they joined Gandhi's movement long before they even reached adulthood. I didn't understand that Mahatma Gandhi had given birth to a consciousness that would touch the lives of my fellow Indians and Americans; Martin Luther King later adopting his methods of passive resistance and non-violence and paving the way to a new America
The women in my family were not any less notable. As I sifted through several boxes of my Aunt Nancy's books, shortly after her passing, I was overcome with gratitude. As I looked through an amazing library of metaphysical gems, I came across an inscription in a book that was given to her by grandpa. "To One Who Sees From One Who Sees," I read aloud, feeling a jolt of electricity moving through the very core of my being. Her sensitivity annoying at times, I now understand what it is like to live on this earth as a feeler and a knower. In spite of her struggles and personal demons, she never lost her faith and sense of humor. Gifting us the "no thank you helping" and the hilarious Christmas grab bag tradition, Nancy
My grandmother, independent, feisty and always sharing her conversations with God and my mother, a role model for non-judgment, love and service to family, join the other elders in my family as my greatest teachers and heroes. They are all part of who I am today. I remember being about 8 years old the first time mom sat me down and forced me to write a gratitude list so I would shift out of some self imposed, whiny, miserable rant. Today, she doesn't bat an eye when I describe miracles and manifestations; after all, she understood our innate power long before I became fully conscious myself.
How fortunate am I to come from such an amazing lineage? How humbled could I possibly feel? At 39 years old, today seen as a sage and spiritual teacher and healer in my own right, I wish I had always understood how blessed I was. I wish I had asked more questions. I wish I had told them all how amazing they were and how much they had shaped, albeit subtly, without imposition, who I had become, and more importantly, later, who I had un-become.
I wish I could thank them personally for my own radical healing a decade ago and that they could see and feel their spirits move me when I share healing energy with my clients today. I wish I could sit with my father and let him know that I "get it." I want him to know that he did teach me to meditate and pray and go straight to our Source and receive healing, in an instant. I want him to know that even though I was only six or seven when I first recall him showing me this way of ceremony, that his gift is carried with me in all of my breathing moments.
And, on some level, I know they know. I feel their presence when I am working with a client. Others have felt them too. Three completely unrelated healers have recently reported seeing Gandhi, my father and grandfathers standing behind me, without them knowing anything about my family's history. Two have seen my grandmother observing from a distance, both saying that she was learning about this healing energy stuff.
To tell you the truth, most of what I witness and experience in my healing work remains a mystery. I've let go of trying to understand the how's and just surrender to the clear fact that it is just part of how I am to serve. My linear mind has moved out of the way and countless miracles have been received as a result.
Just a few days before her death, as I was doing energy work on my Grandmother, I was glad to have a witness when she literally shot out of her recliner as I cleared her heart chakra. Even the adult proof chair, built to ensure hospice patients don't attempt to walk without assistance, didn't prevent the energy from literally bringing her up onto her feet. The evening she took her last breath, I felt her presence come into my body, so strongly, in fact, that I briefly lost consciousness. As I awoke, I simply stated, "Grandma is going tonight."
A few months earlier, I was blessed to witness my aunt go from moaning in pain to literally groaning in ecstasy as I called forth a healing of her soul in preparation for her long awaited transition. She laughed and smiled as she slipped into the coma that would soon release her into the afterlife. My mother, grandmother, and husband circled around us, smiling and laughing at the sight of Nancy
For the last year, every time I meditate or bring myself into hypnosis, I literally feel hands on me, my body temperature rapidly changing as I receive an energy into me that is beyond words or explanation. Saturday morning I was actually being physically moved around on my bed while in a deep state of meditation and prayer and all I could do was just surrender and let go. I had asked for a healing and clearly received it. My daughter stood outside my room listening to multiple footsteps and movement in my room as she tried to calm one of our cats that was outside my door desperately attempting gain entry. She commented how unusual it was to see Jasmine growling and trying to open a door. When I shared my experience with her, my amazing 12 year old just smiled and said, "I heard them mommy, I heard them healing you."
Is it real, my imagination, a miracle? All of the above? Have I lost my mind or simply regained a divine access to mysteries that lie within our reach at all times? Is it just plain fact that we are all healers, each of us operating at our current state of awareness, one that will heighten as we get out of the way and just simply allow?
I often wonder when the world stopped believing in miracles. Or stillness. Or harmony. When did we forget how powerful we were? Why have so many people lost sight of their innate power to heal, to manifest miracles and to serve one another in love and generosity as a pathway to deep eternal peace?
Maybe that is a big part of why I am here; why I have had the experiences I have had. Maybe it is why I have firsthand knowledge of both the debilitating nature of pain and the liberating rapture of healing. Maybe it is why all I really want to do is share this immense knowledge with others and to teach them-or remind them-of their incredible power as healers on the planet. Maybe my own awakening is critical to the collective awakening. And, maybe, just maybe, yours is too and together, this is how we will change the world; one mind at a time, one heart at a time, one soul at a time. Maybe we have arrived here together to awaken to the healer that resides within and ultimately, we will pave a path to a new individual and collective reality; a new world, a new level of existence that is emerging into our awareness and lighting the path towards a realization of the incredible potential we are here to serve.
Regardless of what I think I know or don't know, one truth is more apparent to me than ever before. It is a truth that we are all connected, all children born of the same Source; divine beings filled with grace and light and a spirit of promise that abides within each of us, no matter the various outpicturings and personalities that are merely a result of our cultural conditioning, choices and beliefs. The world is messy and filled with conflict, yet beauty and love are present in even the darkest of places. The beginning place for a re-awakening of humanity, we travel into the depths of beauty and emerge healed and whole. We embrace the One truth, the divine love of the Great Mystery and we join in a space of knowing that each and every one of us is powerful beyond measure.
Healers in our own rights, our task is ridiculously simple; to love and serve one another as we would our own children. To view one another as brother, sister, cousin, and to experience ourselves as part of the One unifying source of energy that supplies us with our breath and has infused us with the many gifts it fuels and energizes. To use our power for good. To be a source of inspiration for others. To release all of the reasons and excuses we have chosen to stay in pain, or have hidden out in the past. To follow our heart and acknowledge that sometimes doing the "right thing" is not always the right thing. Rather, doing right is simply being right with ourselves and God, and that the greatest wish for all beings on the planet is to just simply be happy.
And, so, this next year, I ask of you one favor; a favor that will serve all of humanity. Make a commitment this year. Be yourself. If you don't know what that means, find out. Follow your heart, honor your resonance and your faith and have a conversation with your fears every time they come into the room. Be kind to one another. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your parents and your children even when you don't want to. Make love like you mean it and stop taking things so damned personally. Grow up and show up, even when it's hard. Be present. Be present to the people in your life and the every day miracles that are gifted to you as whispers and kisses from the Divine. Take a long hard look at how you have adopted the beliefs you carry and release the ones that don't serve a consciousness of healing and peace. Be conscious as you form and pass along new opinions, especially as they relate to the politics, social conflicts, and internationally impactful issues. Don't make everything a crisis. Instead, see everything as an opportunity and grab the proverbial bull by both horns and enjoy the ride of your life!
Forgive everyone and everything from your past. Holding onto resentments is only weighing you down and holding you in a past that doesn't actually exist. Be authentic. Be alive. Breathe. Smile. Laugh. Choose love over everything. And above all, be grateful. Be grateful for your ability to feel, to connect and to experience compassion. Be grateful for the entirety of your life, even those experiences that brought pain, for they are the ones that offered you the greatest opportunity to grow and become a better human being. Be aware that anger is compassion misdirected and fear is usually a temporary loss of faith. And, last but not least, please, please see yourself as the powerful person you are. You are a healer, a creator and a facilitator of incredible change. We need you. We need you to be strong. We need you to claim your power and to remember and serve your unique purpose in the world. In the end, this moment is yet a beginning of a new world, one that we will co-create together and I am honored to be on this path with you walking alongside me. It brings me great comfort to know I am not alone in the quest for a united humanity and that as each of us awakens to the healer within, uniting first our own internal divisions, we unite all.
Visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.htmlto learn more about our upcoming retreat May 22-25, 2009 and get a set of free audios on this topic of Awakening the Healer Within at www.powerofmyway.com/awakenthehealerwithin.html
Copyright 2007, Anita Pathik Law, founder of
01:54 PM in Books, Current Affairs, Film, General Postings, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Music, Power of Our Way Peace Experiment, Religion, Science, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Marketing on the Internet, Spirituality, Consciousness, and Business, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Before you hear my brief story, I want to mention that what I am about to share with you has already attracted folks at Jack Canfield's camp (Chicken Soup books) and The Washington Post (to mention just a few) to sign up for a program that is being offered by yesterday's guests on Conscious Dialogues.
A few months ago, after about a year of procrastination, I made a phone call that changed my life. Feeling lost in my own confusion (and doubt), I had been virtually paralyzed over what to do next with my new book. For years I had heard such negative things about traditional publishing that I had all about given up on ever getting it published. The thought (negative expectation) of shopping agents, only to get rejected dozens of times, was the true cause of my avoidance. I was sharing The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel with private clients and at workshops and retreats (with incredible feedback and amazing results) but I couldn't get out of my own way.
Then, during a Compelling Conversation with Lorraine Cohen, I had an exchange with Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations With God Series, that jolted me out of my own self-imposed stuckness. His no-nonsense feedback to me was the metaphysical kick in the butt I needed and I made a mental commitment to call a contact for a literary agent (Ja-Lene Clark) that had been given to me by my good friend Kimberly Marooney.
The next day, during a conversation with my hypnosis teacher, Laura West, she asked me, "What's up with your book?" I told her about my commitment to reach out to Ja-lene and she asked, "When are you planning to call her?" I said I was planning on making the call immediately following our conversation. "Great!" she said and promptly hung up on me. Laughing (and ever so grateful for such wonderful friends), I dialed Ja-lene's number.
Long story short, Ja-lene and I immediately made a connection and within two weeks, I was having lunch with her (the Universe saw to it to arrange a trip to Florida) and gave her my manuscript. We began to have weekly developmental review sessions and before I knew it, she was back in Jacksonville for a retreat where she experienced the immense power of The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel firsthand. I was also given the honor of giving her a few healing sessions and she was "blown away." When she said she was divinely called to share my work with the world, I knew my angel had arrived in living form.
Following the retreat, we spent the next day and a half going deeper into the manuscript. For the first time in a while I knew how profoundly important this book was going to be. I saw my longing to share it in a bigger way being supported by someone who really "got it" as God's way of nudging me along this seemingly uncertain path. Her experience and knowledge, paired with her unique ability to bring soul into our co-creative sessions, were responses to silent prayers I didn't even know I had made.
Prior to driving her to the airport, I found myself pushing her to share her knowledge (I had learned more in 4 months about publishing than I had in all of my years combined) with people outside of her intimate and somewhat tight circle of literary clients (agents are in extremely high demand).
A few days later, I was honored to coach her through a creative birthing process (one of my favorite things to do with Soul Based Entrepreneurs) and within a few days, she and her business partner, Jo Ann Deck had launched a teleprogram for authors, agents, literary professionals and publishers called All About Publishing and I scheduled them for a Conscious Dialogue. The rest, as they say, will be history and I am excited to have played a small part in getting the word out.
Yesterday, we received so many great questions that the dialog went for almost two full hours! You can listen to it right here and I can not encourage you enough to check out their upcoming teleclass at http://www.shiftinsight.com/publishingteleclasses.html. The content for this 9 hour series of classes is absolutely amazing. And, for only $99 (this price is good thru April 20), you would be crazy to pass up this rare opportunity to receive such a wealth of information from two seasoned publishing professionals.
I could list all of the things they so generously touched on but I think you'll just prefer to hear from Ja-lene and Jo Ann, The Book Angels that are helping me make my dreams of my next book a reality! Enjoy and take lots of notes!
If you don't see the little red arrows, you can click on this link: http://playaudio-345.com/play.asp?m=564929&f=ZYMNXC&ps=7&p=1 or go to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Anita-Pathik-Law and grab it there. Then, go reserve your spot and sign up for the All about Publishing Class at http://www.shiftinsight.com/publishingteleclasses.html
Please forgive me in advance for being a little edgy but I’ve kept my mouth shut for a long time and for all the wrong reasons.
Yesterday, during a dialogue with Chaney Weiner, which can be downloaded at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Anita-Pathik-Law, we spoke of the 7 Fears That Prevent us From Living a Life of Passion and Purpose.
All the while I’m feeling all happy because in my mind (which we also talked about) I’m thinking to myself, “I’m so grateful I’m not dealing with these fears.” Ha! Oh how I love the arrogance of the unconscious…
Anyway, we wrap up the show and I quickly check my email. I’m swept away by a video that is focusing on a subject I am very passionate about. Immediately, I know I am out of integrity. Why? Because I have not written a thing about this subject. Why? Because obviously, as we touched on during the show, I clearly valued being liked much more than I valued what I believed was my number one value; human equality. Honestly, I’ve been afraid. I’ve been afraid of all the things Chaney and I talked about. And, I’m done being afraid. I QUIT!
I will no longer give and live to a consciousness of fear or prejudice…
During the dialogue, we talked about how our behaviors are the truest evidence of our values. We talked about fears of being rejected, disapproved of and abandoned. Clearly I had come into contact with a part of me that has been riddled by self deceit and fear and I immediately felt all of this “stuff” coming up. But here it is. I just can not afford to care about what I’ve obviously been caring about. I can’t afford abandoning something that is core to who I am, even at the expense of being hated or losing some of you to the dreaded “unsubscribe.”
After all, how can I, a woman who feels so passionately about equal rights for all, someone who is supposed to stand for the pursuit of life, love, happiness and freedom for all peoples of all religions, races and sexual orientation for all human beings not say anything?
So, I owe you an apology. I am sorry I was ignorant of this disparity within me. I’m sorry for all of whom may have been supported by me speaking up sooner. I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you (a little Ho’oponopono couldn’t hurt about now). I’m also sorry for thinking that you couldn’t handle (or appreciate) a little rant from me on this ever important subject of human rights -one that is our latest distraction (and justification) for “God Loving” people to spread fear and use biblical references and political strong holding (hmmm, sounds like a form of radicalism???).
It was both my own ignorance and the ignorance (of this commercial) that inspired the self-realization that I speak to today. Gay Marriage Rights. There, I said it. Gasp! See, today I received a link to a video to a television campaign that a “Pro-marriage” (a.k.a. anti gay rights) group is airing in California
I thought, people can’t really be that blinded by fear and prejudice, can they? I’m thinking to myself, how, in the most educated population in the world, can we actually still witness such tactics and arguments work? Heck, we even have scientific evidence that homosexuality exists across all populations, not just of the human variety!
Bruce Bagemihl's "Biological Exuberance," published in 1999 (will morality and science ever support one another?), documents homosexual behavior in more than 450 species. "The world is, indeed, teeming with homosexual, bisexual and transgendered creatures of every stripe and feather," Bagemihl writes. "From the Southeastern Blueberry Bee of the United Statesto more than 130 different bird species worldwide, the 'birds and the bees,' literally, are queer."
Petter Brockman, a researcher on this subject has documented 1500 species and says;
“No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue."
So, why are we, the supposed superior race; a race that has the unique gift of being conscious of oneself, be in such resistance to what seems to be a natural occurance in the order of things? And why do we humans put so much energy into controlling other people's personal choices?
Come on people, it’s not like our culture is all that honoring of the institution of marriage anyway. Quite honestly, over the years I’ve met very few married couples who are actually happy (that’s a whole other subject). In fact, I tend to hear a lot of sad stories about abuse, infidelity and lack of intimacy in traditional marriages. I’ve witnessed horrific divorces where the children became the pawns in the adult’s unwillingness to be grown up. I’ve known hundreds of people hurt by emotional abuse. Interestingly enough, I hear a lot less of this from my gay friends. Actually, some of the longest lasting, happy, loving, caring and compassionate couples I know are gay.
This is why today, I am coming out of the closet. I am taking off my veil of fear and insecurity. And, not to recruit you to my way of thinking either. I’m not sharing this article or the links to the videos that inspired it for some ulterior motive or political agenda. I am simply communicating that sometimes, to not say anything is actually saying a whole lot. My only role is to inspire a shift in consciousness for those whom the shift resonates. I also respect those of you who do not agree on this particular issue. All I ask is just make decisions for yourself. Live according to your own values without imposing them on others by illegalizing a committed expression between two consenting adults who love each other and want to be married.
From a civil rights perspective, Dr. Sylvia Rhue, director of religious affairs for the National Black Justice Coalition stated: "Challenging homophobia is the unfinished business of civil rights."
We have a whole generation of young people who are waiting for us to decide what kind of world we want them to grow up in. They are also growing up wondering if "we the people" will ultimately include them, depedning on who they grow up to be and how they are labled. There will be a day when race, sexual orientation and religion don’t determine who they are friends with, can worship with, marry and love. It’s up to us to look ahead at what really matters. And, as the Beatles famously said…”Love is all there is.” Let love and let live. In the end, how does it really hurt anyone?
Take a look at this video and then click on the link below it to see what sparked this article.
Here is the link to the ad that depends on people being afraid for all the wrong reasons... https://secure.couragecampaign.org/page/contribute/TurnFearIntoHope
04:23 PM in Books, Current Affairs, Film, General Postings, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Music, Power of Our Way Peace Experiment, Religion, Science, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Marketing on the Internet, Spirituality, Consciousness, and Business, Television, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
11:03 AM in Books, Current Affairs, General Postings, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Music, Power of Our Way Peace Experiment, Religion, Science, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Marketing on the Internet, Spirituality, Consciousness, and Business, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
What happens when you host a radio show and your guest doesn’t show up? Well, a few months ago, I wrote an article called “Going with the FLOW? Or Fighting it?” (posted below in it’s entirety) and yesterday I had a grand opportunity to put my money where my mouth is and fully surrender to an unexpected opportunity to shift into hyper-flow mode...
All of us radio and teleclass hosts have found ourselves wondering, as the clock is nearing broadcast time, if a guest is going to show or not. We’ve all scurried to send out a last minute email, had someone make a quick phone call (behind the scenes) and sat in that intense moment when we start to worry about what the heck we’ll do if the Universe has something else in mind. Then, all of a sudden, we hear the voice we’ve been waiting for and all is well with the world.
Yesterday, the moment of relief never came. I found myself with a guest (who had been scheduled for 4 months) go M.I.A. The subject of the dialogue was promoted as The Dance between Destiny and Free Will and the humor of the situation invited me to fully engage in the dance. All of a sudden, I had an opportunity to align with the idea that this was a moment when all things were happening for a reason.
“Go with the FLOW Anita, step into the moment and trust that all is in Divine Order.”
Unsure of what the heck I would speak about, I took a breath and began speaking from the heart. As you listen to the stories shared and the people who called in with questions on the topic, you’ll too see how everything truly does happen for a reason.
Enjoy the audio replay from “The Show that Must Go On” and do visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html to learn more about the Awakening the healer Within Retreat coming up in May!
11:57 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
By Rev. Anita Pathik Law, CFCC, CHt.
This simple phrase of “going with the flow” may be one of the most overused, underutilized, and confused phrases being thrown around. And, it is one of the most powerful – and difficult—to truly embrace in our lives. In fact, there is a lot of societal pressure to NOT go with the FLOW. After all, it requires total trust and faith to engage the higher forces of FLOW.
Let’s look at an example of how FLOW isn’t encouraged. We are smeared with fear based, angry, finger-pointing energy every day (just watch the news). Just this week, I was shocked at a radio commercial that began with “Need more money? File a lawsuit and we’ll give you an advance before it ever goes to court and you get your settlement!” Speak of wrong doings and we’re asked, “did you say something, do something, man, I’d be pissed!?” It’s rare for people to respond with “How can you be more compassionate?” or “How can this situation serve you and help you grow?” We are socialized to fight, fear and worry. Even many faith based movements use fear, not FLOW to influence followers.
I can think back to many situations in my past where the appearances of things looked unfair or unlucky. My ex-husband disappearing. Not being able to find a place to live with two kids in diapers. Losing almost everything I ever owned, and, even having to move into two rooms at my parent’s in a city that was unfamiliar. Yet, as I soon found out, it was exactly where I needed to be during a tough divorce. I met and fell in love with my future husband’s family, healed from Lupus, met my husband a year later, changed jobs to one that was a match for my “what’s next,” and found a community who helped me grow in faith. All because of everything that “didn’t work the way I wanted it to.” 12 years later, I understand how much more peace I would have experienced if I had just fully FLOWed into each moment of that miraculous set of unfoldings, and not seen myself as unfortunate, or a victim for even one second during those important two years.
What is FLOW?
Going with the FLOW is not about giving up, but it is about giving in. Giving in is giving to the “within self” and making space for an experience of peace and grace in your life. Giving in is saying yes to a bigger picture that has not yet made its way into your awareness. It’s trusting that all is in Divine Order and staying awake and aware enough to be a witness to the miracles that are occurring on your behalf.
Next time you find yourself using the phrase (or fighting the FLOW), energize it with these reminders of what “Going with the FLOW really means.
FLOW = Faith, Letting/Loving, Opening, Wonderment
Faith that all is in divine order
This is where we humans, who love to control and evaluate, struggle the most. We fight what is FLOWing towards us. We move into action, obsessive worry, fear, and although we talk faith, we may even walk faith, we don’t always think it, feel it and KNOW it. The faith of FLOW is about giving in to the kingdom of peace by being willing to release our pictures of how we think something should go, and instead, receiving the blessings of all that comes our way – all of it. Going with the flow is about using and leveraging the energy of what is coming towards you and “what is.” Instead of exerting counter pressure (fighting), you move in the energy and trajectory of what has already made its decision to come into contact with your life. If all things are in Divine Order and all is here on our own behalf- stay awake and move beyond patterns of resistance, denial, judgment (it’s not good enough, not what I imagined, not what I wanted). Manifesting from Soul is so beyond material and money. It is about evolution, and the kind that always ends up being prosperous and joyful anyway.
Letting It Go – Loving it All
A biggie, we have a tough time surrendering and letting ourselves move into FLOW. Let go of your pictures, after all, your view is usually limited to what you believe is possible (or believe you are worthy of). When receiving from a Universe that has no spending limit, budget, or debt, we forget the expansive possibility that exists. Let go of what you thought was your desire and open to a higher wisdom that is speaking to you in the form of what is coming into your life. Reflective of our thoughts (and how aligned we are on all levels), if we don’t like the outer reflection (life) of our inner world (thoughts, beliefs, expectations), rather than fight the outer, take care of the inner. Cultivate that which is a vibrational match for what you want and be grateful – for everything. Let go of your stories of lack and aloneness. They just are not really true; just a temporary agreement you have made and a chapter in the book of your life whose page is ready to be turned.
Let go and allow FLOW. Let go of the reigns, the need to control, the propensity for evaluating and judging, and accept, with all of your being, that the Universe is responsive to what you think, feel and believe. Find something (you can always find something) to love in the situation that is less than desirable. Love to the point where gratitude steps in and begins to direct the new FLOW. Remember, your thoughts and judgments about things, people and situations create the experience. Love it, bless it, expand into the gift of it and then watch what transforms and shifts before your very eyes!
Opening to potentials beyond your wildest imagination
Give thought to something in your life that makes you giggle from gratitude. Give thought to that which you treasure and adore. Every single thing. Don’t leave anything out. Now, could you have ever imagined this? Sure, you may have wanted a version of this, but I bet it wasn’t nearly as good as you got. Give thought to something you manifested that was beyond what you dreamed of. Of disappointments that turned into blessings, hurts that resulted in huge growth. A job you didn’t get and the job you ended up with that was a better fit anyway. And many things occurred after a “disappointment” or some sort of hurdle that shifted my life – for the good. I never would have dreamed up, let alone wished for, the life and relationships I have today. Never. Ever.
Having said that, when I look at the details of my life, they do reflect a deeper, soul-based desire that my human mind just wouldn’t have thought possible. I healed from a disease everyone told me would kill me. I married a man truly beyond my dreams and have a partnership that was never modeled or shown as a possibility. Our kids (all five of them) are amazing, unique and each incredibly talented. My friends are part of what we call our mutual admiration club. We serve one another freely, with love and inspire and uplift each other. I, a woman who once shied away from other women, am amazed and in awe of these incredible beings – who love me (just check out my mastermind partners)! And, when I look at the totality of my life, there have been some rough spots but each redirected me towards a more perfect alternative. Each nudge (or push) put me on a higher path. While you may have the guts to ask for one thing, the Universe has something much greater in store for you; a buffet of unlimited possibilities in service to your evolution, purpose and reasons for incarnation. Open to unseen possibilities. Open to the FLOW and the horizon changes before your very eyes!
This is huge. Stay in wonder. Don’t let the extraordinary become ordinary. Be present to each moment’s miracles. Look a little longer. Hear a little more deeply. Appreciate more grandly. Know the miracle of your breath, your body when it heals, water, nature, your spouse, your kids, the sky, and how life is filled with awe and wonder to a degree we rarely acknowledge. Miracles exist. The Universe’s favorite gifts are love, gratitude and wonder (which is so not what we typically talk to God about!) Open your eyes and tune them to beauty and wonderment. When things look different than you desired, rather than say, “Damn! This is not what I wanted (pout, pout, stomp, stomp)”, say to yourself, “Hmmm, I wonder what this is about?” “Hmmm. I wonder!” “I wonder why my client just canceled…must need room in my schedule.” I wonder why my tire is flat, maybe I’m not supposed to get on the road!” Take advantage of the energy of wonderment because it is life-giving, curious, open, appreciative, and present in a really, really beautiful way. Remember the wonderment of a child seeing and experiencing something for the first time? Keep that alive – it is the biggest thank you can give to Spirit, and yourself!
Align for FLOW
Now, imagine if for the next week you were honestly able to end each day with a reflection and realization of FLOW –a conscious experience of Faith, Letting/Loving, Openness, and Wonderment. Imagine Aligning with what is FLOWing in your direction.
Copyright © 2009, Anita Pathik Law, www.powerofmyway.com, www.aligningwithdestiny.com and www.hypnoticmanifestation.com
11:46 AM in Books, Current Affairs, Film, General Postings, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Music, Power of Our Way Peace Experiment, Religion, Science, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Marketing on the Internet, Spirituality, Consciousness, and Business, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Last week I had the distinct pleasure of being invited to expand on what I see as the most important topic of discussion we could possibly be having right now. Host Al Diaz, of Illumin-Ao, invited me back for a second radio interview where we spoke to the innate power we all have to leverage the power of your mind and spirit to foster healing, transformation, prosperity, and peace within ourselves, our relationships and the planet.
To listen to this provocative interview, visit http://powerofourway.blogs.com or click on
As I check into the world around me, I see a great deal of pain and conflict, yet know, without a doubt, that all suffering is a condition of a mind that is asleep to its power bridge into the creation of a new reality.
This bridge offers an expanded understanding of the choice points where we dance between destiny and free will; each choice unfolding into another destined path - one influenced by our thoughts, beliefs and actions.
The last few weeks have been so remarkable and magnificent that I do not have words to describe the ways my own destiny has revealed a will higher than my own. Swept away by a mysterious force that is celebrating prayers (unspoken and spoken) answered so quickly and concisely, it was as if I dialed a Cosmic 30 Minutes or Less Miracle Delivery Service and God actually picked up the call.
Although I believed in miracles since a small child growing up in a mystically predisposed family, I can't say I had faith in them until my own miraculous healing experience in 1997.
The truth is that we can believe in something and not experience it firsthand in our lives. This is where the expansive nature of faith steps in to guide us on a path that is designed to reveal wisdom in bursts that can be managed, integrated and utilized for our betterment.
When you heal from a deadly disease that "has no known cure" it is a waking up moment that tends to direct our lives in ways unimagined and often returns itself in kind as a dedication to service. I know this was true for me on that miraculous day in the woods when my life (and all whom I would later touch) changed forever.
As I reflect back upon the last 12 years, I am quickly brought to tears of immense gratitude and bewilderment. Humble and curious, as much as I have surrendered to a path as a minister and healer, I am aware that I have not a clue about where Spirit is taking me. I am reminded that I too forget to ask for Divine Intervention and when I do, it is quickly delivered. Every day, what I think I "know" is blessed with evidence that we are in the infancy of our awareness of how powerful, supported and blessed we truly are.
This weekend was no exception, when yet again, while in pain, I turned to the Divine and asked for help. 15 seconds later, a wave of energy poured into me and I sat in awe of observing and experiencing the discomfort leaving my body. My only thought was, "Why did I wait a full 24 hours before asking?" The answer was clear.
"So you would actually notice how quick this can be and how easily you forget to ask for my assistance. In the meantime, I just wait to hear you call for me."
As I celebrated a body free of what I usually see as normal and expected discomfort (at certain times of the month for us women) after taking myself into a very brief but effective altered state where prayers are answered very quickly, I became more excited about sharing this potential with others.
It is time to share this awareness on a larger scale. It is time to call forth a dynamic force of positive change that, when collapsed down to its genesis, will begin with coming back to our original intentions for being born into this existence.
A few months ago, at www.powerofmyway.com/awakeningthehealerwithin.html I offered two 90 minute calls (download them today at this link) on the topic of Awakening to Your Inner Healer. Now, for the first time ever, I am offering a four day retreat that will bring together 12 people (maximum registration) for an adventure into the inknown wellspring of knowledge and capabilities that exist within all of us.
To learn more about the Awakening the Healer Within Retreat, visit www.powerofmyway.com/awaken.html and, in addition to learning self-hypnosis and energy healing techniques, we'll participate in shamanic and soul journeying as part of our work with the Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel.
Whether the focus of your desired healing is your body, your past, your relationships, or whatever is holding you in a consciousness of conflict, pain, lack, or limitation, you will want to reserve your spot early and take advantage of incredibly cheap travel deals (I just booked $79 flights on Southwest).
Enjoy this issue, the links, articles and the info on how to join a global peace movement and get my eBook for free. Feel free to pass this information along to others, and join us in the global intention of raising consciousness and building bridges of higher understanding and...taking responsibility for our own shifts. . .
Namaste', Ani
Rev. Anita Pathik Law is the founder of The Power of Our Way Community at www.powerofmyway.com, www.hypnoticmanifestation.com and www.awakeningtopurpose.com
Beginning Sunday's in May, she will be ministering at 6:00-7:30 pm at The Village Gathering in Cocoa , Florida
08:37 AM in Books, Current Affairs, Film, General Postings, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Music, Power of Our Way Peace Experiment, Religion, Science, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Marketing on the Internet, Spirituality, Consciousness, and Business, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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