Going With the Flow
This simple phrase may be one of the overused, underutilized and confused phrases being thrown around. And, it is one of the most powerful – and difficult—to truly embrace in our lives. In fact, there is a lot of societal pressure to NOT go with the FLOW. After all, it requires total trust and faith to engage the higher forces of FLOW.
Let’s look at an example of how FLOW isn’t encouraged. We are smeared with fear based, angry, finger-pointing energy every day (just watch the news). Just this week, I was shocked at a radio commercial that began with “Need more money? File a lawsuit and we’ll give you an advance before it ever goes to court and you get your settlement!” Speak of wrong doings and we’re asked, “did you say something, do something, man, I’d be pissed!?” It’s rare for people to respond with “How can you be more compassionate?” or “How can this situation serve you and help you grow?” We are socialized to fight, fear and worry. Even many faith based movements use fear, not FLOW to influence followers.
I can think back to many situations in my past where the appearances of things looked unfair or unlucky. My ex-husband disappearing. Not being able to find a place to live with two kids in diapers. Losing almost everything I ever owned, and, even having to move into two rooms at my parent’s in a city that was unfamiliar. Yet, as I soon found out, it was exactly where I needed to be during a tough divorce. I met and fell in love with my future husband’s family, healed from Lupus, met my husband a year later, changed jobs to one that was a match for my “what’s next,” and found a community who helped me grow in faith. All because of everything that “didn’t work the way I wanted it to.” 12 years later, I understand how much more peace I would have experienced if I had just fully FLOWed into each moment of that miraculous set of unfoldings, and not seen myself as unfortunate, or a victim for even one second during those important two years.
What is FLOW?
Going with the FLOW is not about giving up, but it is about giving in. Giving in is giving to the “within self” and making space for an experience of peace and grace. Giving in is saying yes to a bigger picture that has not yet made its way into your awareness. It’s trusting that all is in Divine Order and staying awake and aware enough to be a witness to the miracles that are occurring on your behalf.
Next time you find yourself using the phrase (or fighting the FLOW), energize it with these reminders of what “Going with the FLOW really means.
FLOW = Faith, Letting/Loving, Opening, Wonderment
Faith that all is in divine order
This is where we humans, who love to control and evaluate, struggle the most. We fight what is FLOWing towards us. We move into action, obsessive worry, fear, and although we talk faith, we may even walk faith, we don’t always think it, feel it and KNOW it. The faith of FLOW is about giving in to the kingdom of peace by being willing to release our pictures of how we think something should go, and instead, receiving the blessings of all that comes our way – all of it. Going with the flow is about using and leveraging the energy of what is coming towards you and “what is.” Instead of exerting counter pressure (fighting), you move in the energy and trajectory of what has already made its decision to come into contact with your life. If all things are in Divine Order and all is here on our own behalf- stay awake and move beyond patterns of resistance, denial, judgment (it’s not good enough, not what I imagined, not what I wanted). Manifesting from Soul is so beyond material and money. It is about evolution, and the kind that always ends up being prosperous and joyful anyway.
Letting It Go – Loving it All
A biggie, we have a tough time surrendering and letting ourselves move into FLOW. Let go of your pictures, after all, your view is usually limited to what you believe is possible (or believe you are worthy of). When receiving from a Universe that has no spending limit, budget, or debt, we forget the expansive possibility that exists. Let go of what you thought was your desire and open to a higher wisdom that is speaking to you in the form of what is coming into your life. Reflective of our thoughts (and how aligned we are on all levels), if we don’t like the outer reflection (life) of our inner world (thoughts, beliefs, expectations), rather than fight the outer, take care of the inner. Cultivate that which is a vibrational match for what you want and be grateful – for everything. Let go of your stories of lack and aloneness. They just are not really true; just a temporary agreement you have made and a chapter in the book of your life whose page is ready to be turned. Let go and allow FLOW. Let go of the reigns, the need to control, the propensity for evaluating and judging, and accept, with all of your being, that the Universe is responsive to what you think, feel and believe. Find something (you can always find something) to love in the situation that is less than desirable. Love to the point where gratitude steps in and begins to direct the new FLOW. Remember, your thoughts and judgments about things, people and situations create the experience. Love it, bless it, expand into the gift of it and then watch what transforms and shifts before your very eyes!
Opening to potentials beyond your wildest imagination
Give thought to something in your life that makes you giggle from gratitude. Give thought to that which you treasure and adore. Every single thing. Don’t leave anything out. Now, could you have ever imagined this? Sure, you may have wanted a version of this, but I bet it wasn’t nearly as good as you got. Give thought to something you manifested that was beyond what you dreamed of. Of disappointments that turned into blessings, hurts that resulted in huge growth. A job you didn’t get and the job you ended up with that was a better fit anyway. And many things occurred after a “disappointment” or some sort of hurdle that shifted my life – for the good. I never would have dreamed up, let alone wished for, the life and relationships I have today. Never. Ever. Having said that, when I look at the details of my life, they do reflect a deeper, soul-based desire that my human mind just wouldn’t have thought possible. I healed from a disease everyone told me would kill me. I married a man truly beyond my dreams and have a partnership that was never modeled or shown as a possibility. Our kids (all five of them) are amazing, unique and each incredibly talented. My friends are part of what we call our mutual admiration club. We serve one another freely, with love and inspire and uplift each other. I, a woman who once shied away from other women, am amazed and in awe of these incredible beings – who love me (just check out my mastermind partners)! And, when I look at the totality of my life, there have been some rough spots but each redirected me towards a more perfect alternative. Each nudge (or push) put me on a higher path. While you may have the guts to ask for one thing, the Universe has something much greater in store for you; a buffet of unlimited possibilities in service to your evolution, purpose and reasons for incarnation. Open to unseen possibilities. Open to the FLOW and the horizon changes before your very eyes!
This is huge. Stay in wonder. Don’t let the extraordinary become ordinary. Be present to each moment’s miracles. Look a little longer. Hear a little more deeply. Appreciate more grandly. Know the miracle of your breath, your body when it heals, water, nature, your spouse, your kids, the sky, and how life is filled with awe and wonder to a degree we rarely acknowledge. Miracles exist. The Universe’s favorite gifts are love, gratitude and wonder (which is so not what we typically talk to God about!) Open your eyes and tune them to beauty and wonderment. When things look different than you desired, rather than say, “Damn! This is not what I wanted (pout, pout, stomp, stomp)”, say to yourself, “Hmmm, I wonder what this is about?” “Hmmm. I wonder!” “I wonder why my client just canceled…must need room in my schedule.” I wonder why my tire is flat, maybe I’m not supposed to get on the road!” Take advantage of the energy of wonderment because it is life-giving, curious, open, appreciative, and present in a really, really beautiful way. Remember the wonderment of a child seeing and experiencing something for the first time? Keep that alive – it is the biggest thank you can give to Spirit, and yourself!
Align for FLOW
Now, imagine if for the next week you were honestly able to end each day with a reflection and realization of FLOW –a conscious experience of Faith, Letting/Loving, Openness, and Wonderment. Imagine Aligning with what is FLOWing (and join us for Alignment 101 TOMORROW at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html)
- What else would change as a result?
- What or whom would be magnetized to you?
- What would resolve itself?
- What would you no longer be fighting in your life?
- What would you be allowing and receiving?
- What would no longer seem like a burden?
- What will emerge as a gift? How would gratitude, wonderment, faith and love change your perspective and what would come to you as an aligned, vibrational match?
Copyright © 2009, Anita Pathik Law, www.powerofmyway.com, www.aligningwithdestiny.comand www.hypnoticmanifestation.com
Sign up for Alignment 101, a f*r*e*e teleclass with Anita Pathik Law and Lorraine Cohen at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.htmland three fr*e*e audios at www.powerofmyway.com/aligningwithdestiny.html
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