The New Year is always a time of reflection and imagination. We take note of past accomplishments and explore future desires. We attend burning bowl ceremonies, write out our goals and commitments for the upcoming year, and many of us create a treasure map of vision board from old magazine clippings and poster board.
I think I created my first treasure map in 1997, a few years before I truly "got" the concept of everything is energy, produces energy and is created through energy.
Shortly thereafter, when I created my next treasure map, I opened to cutting and pasting images and phrases that I resonated with, more so than what I thought I wanted in my life.
I remember watching the map unfold into the physical reality of my life. A book I never intended to write was written. Our first three CD's were recorded. I started a business out of my home (the images of working at home were on the map but I had no conscious desire to do so at the time).
Over the years, I began understanding the chakras at a much deeper level in both my own healing (and diagnosis') and with clients.
I started to see how we manifested from the quality of energy we held in our minds and memories and how the chakras and electromagnetic fields of a person (or even just an organ) were effected. Angry people give off a different vibration. You don't need fancy equipment to sense it.
Imprinted emotional and spiritual information in the various energy centers of our bodies and the unconscious realms of our minds are directly connected to what is showing up in our lives .
This was key to both what is manifesting in one's life (both desired and undesired) as much as what isn't! You wouldn't put fresh drinking water into a moldy glass and drink it would you? Yet, this is what I see so many of us doing - putting good stuff in (new habits, affirmations, vision boards, watching The Secret 100 times, etc.) but not engaging in a process of taking the "ick" out (judgment, unworthiness, unhealed emotional wounds, non-serving beliefs). Plus. . . maybe we only will ask for what we believe we are worthy or capable of receiving (on an unconcious level) and thus place limits on what we open ourselves to.
The outer is a reflection of the inner. . .
Working with the dying, I further understood how the excesses and deficiencies in the chakras would manifest themselves in one's physical realities. For some, it contributed to their dis-ease and for others it kept them in a body long after it was intended to hang around. Physical manifestations related to the "health and balance of the chakras" occurs in the body, our relationships, jobs, finances and all sorts of things that most would attribute to "chance," luck or bad luck.
When the law of attraction hit the mainstream, I was appreciative yet saddened at the lack of information being shared about the laws of the mind, energy and spirit in the manifestation process. No one talked about soul path, soul purpose or the power of subconscious beliefs. I'd seen powerful shifts in my shamanic work, hypnosis and even with the use of sound, tones and later with the integration of theta waves into my meditations or hypnosis audios. Sometimes, clearing (or excavating) energy held in the chakras would completely clear up a pattern. Other times, straight coaching would do the trick. Still, for so many, simple, non-evasive shamanic journeying would clear up physical and emotional maladies in a matter of minutes.
When asked what I do, it is quite difficult to explain because it never is the same thing twice. But, over the years I've developed a lot of process-oriented models that enable me to share some of what I do in a tangible, active way. One such activity emerged about 5 years ago and uses a template based on the 7 main chakras, the correlating colors, elements, and themes associated with healthy, balanced energy centers.
The Intuitive Chakra Treasure Mapping class is both fun and powerful in that we integrate principles of the mind, body, energy, spirit, resonance and visualization into the treasure mapping process. It is a fabulous way to allow spirit to express itself for us and through us visually and I integrate meditations and energy clearing into the process.
We'll gather on January 1 and 8 at 7:00 PM Eastern (you'll get a 19 page workbook, a meditation and the audios from the calls) and the fee is only 19.95!
Sign up today at and join us on the first day of 2009 for this blast of a class!
![]() ![]() Namaste, Anita |