I have been reflecting back over the last year and whew, it's been filled with some pretty immense changes and transitions! Just over a year ago, I, along with my mastermind partners, wrote our Letters to Source, projecting ourselves a year ahead and writing about all we were grateful for over the last year. It has been nothing short of amazing - and quick!
Although I've met several in person, I am looking forward to connecting with my entire group of fabulous mastermind partners in just a few weeks when we gather in Los Angeles for The Freedom Formula Experience on January 22. This event is certainly going to kick off the year in style!
Brent and I hop on the plane on the 21st and are excited to see everyone in person! This last year would not have been the same without these amazing women and I take a moment to acknowledge them with love and immense gratitude!
In order of appearance, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to Lorraine Cohen, Kimberly Marooney, Christine Kloser, Jackie Lapin, Kathleen Gage and Charlene Procter. We've traveled some amazing territories this year and I look forward to seeing you all in January!
Are you coming to the Freedom Formula Experience? Ya just can't miss it - click here to get the scoop www.freedomformulaexperience.com?af=4870 and make sure to track me down (I'll save you a big hug!).
An amazing line-up including Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, James Twyman, David Neagle, and Christine Kloser, you'll be participating in a groundbreaking conference that brings together sound business practices with spiritual principles. Plus, Brent is performing some of our original music and we hope to visit a lot of friends on the West Coast for some face time!
Hope to see you there! In the meantime, do sign up to attend several upcoming teleseminars that are posted at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html
Tonight we start the two week fun, energy filled class called Intuitive Chakra Treasure Mapping and you can sign up at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html and then, make sure to register for two more fr*eebies with Lorraine Cohen and Your's Truly...here are the details...
January 7, 2009 - Alignment 101, Saying Yes to the Life and Business You Are Destined For
Are you struggling with results in your life and business that you are not happy with? Wondering how to leverage universal principles, soul path, and business strategies so you can align to live the life you were meant to live?
Join us on Wednesday, January 7thth at 1:00 pm Eastern with Rev. Anita Pathik Law and Rev. Dr. Lorraine Cohen as they talk about Aligning With Your Destiny with several special guests who have said yes to living the life and business they are destined for!
We’ll be talking about:
- Reasons why you are attracting more of what you don’t want and less of what you really want
- Universal laws you may not be aware of or leveraging
- How to begin transforming the stories and dramas that block your success
- The value of bridging your soul’s desire with business strategy
- Why the story you tell is the story you live
- Why Aligning with Your Destiny is a must for experiencing prosperity and life fulfillment
- Our quick and powerful three step process for conscious creation
Sign up at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html for this powerful f*r*e*e teleclass and you’ll also receive three MP3 downloads that will open you to a greater understanding of your destiny!
Sign up for the January 7, 2009 call at 1:00 pm Eastern and Explore Alignment 101, Saying Yes to the Life and Business You Are Destined For at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html
January 15, 2009 - A Compelling Conversation: The Power of Stories, Dramas, & Illusions
We’re all great story tellers. One of the talents our mind possesses is the ability to imagine and create stories around any life situation or person. We learn this skill as children in our desire to make sense of our experiences. We learn to fill in the blanks when we are missing pieces of information. Over time creating stories has become a habit even whether we have the full picture or not. It is natural to place our individual interpretation and spin on what we perceive and experience. We add drama to our stories by the amount of emotional juice and intensity we give them to make them seem more real and alive.
In this powerfull call we will discuss:
- The power our stories have on creating our reality
- How underlying beliefs are revealed in the stories we tell
- Ways we consciously & unconsciously sabotage our dreams & desires
- Tips to begin rewriting the story of your past to create a different future
- Practices to stay in alignment with your soul’s vision for 2009
When: January 15, 7-8 pm EST/4-5 pm PST
Where: Online via simulcast or call in
Cost: FR*EE
Recorded? Yes. As long as you are registered for this call, you will receive the recording!
Register at http://www.powerfull-living.biz/blog/compelling-conversation-stories-dramas-illusions/
This is a preview call to our acclaimed 12-week groundbreaking program: Aligning With Your Destiny – an 8 Step Blueprint for Whole Life Transformation that begins February 10, 2009
Be sure to tell your friends about these powerfull calls and I hope to meet you in person in Los Angeles on January 22!
Namaste, Anita