In my excitement, I forgot to tell you about a special mini-class (The Intuitive Chakra Treasure Mapping and Masterminding teleclass) that I just posted at and then I realized the link I sent out earlier for the hypnosis and meditation package was incorrect.
I am totally pumped to take you through a very unique treasure mapping process for the upcoming New Year; one that uses the energetics of the 7 main chakras as a template and integrates chakra clearing, group masterminding and breathwork into the actualization process.
I've been using this process for several years and I bet there is a lot you don't know about how deepleted and excess energy in your chakras can either block or open the flow in your life, not to mention your body and spirit.
I learned this as I began my own healing journey in 1997. I actually painted chakras in perfect balance for a year and then came up with this inspired application for treasure mapping. I just want to share it with you so you can bring all of your c0-creative power into 2009.
So, start gathering your poster board, glue, magazines and scissors for the first session on January 1 and reserve your spot today at!
And, did I forget to mention that I'm recording the best Manifestation and Visioning audio to date that will be part of the class? It's a really deep one with a brand new musical background that incorporates theta wave technology...
The workbook you'll get has the template you'll use to build your map (and share with the group for masterminding), and includes really powerful masterminding and visioning exercises. I'll be sending it out just prior to January...but you have to register!
The class is called Inuitive Chakra Treasure Mapping, and I'm integrating some never before shared content and tools during the two group sessions, both of which will be recorded for download.
I anticipate it will fill up quickly so I'm giving you a heads up before I publicize it to our newsletter community and the blogs. Go reserve your spot at!!
We'll kick off the New Year by meeting on January 1 and January 8 at 7:00 pm Eastern...
I also just received word that the link for the Manifestation Powerpack was incorrect, so, visit get the remaining bundles (and receive the Manifesting Abundance and Money Audio download for fr*e*e)
Sorry 'bout that! OK gotta run, and I hope to see you Thursday evening (I just e-talked to Cary Bayer and am even more excited about our dialogue - also at
Many blessings to you, Anita