I have been giving myself a really hard time lately. This afternoon, after "shoulding" all over myself, my best friend Lorraine said to me, "Hey! Stop talking about my best friend like that!" We laughed, I cried and then, for some reason, after we got off of the phone, I started looking for something in my computer but stumbled upon an audio from a class I taught almost a year ago.
I was immediately floored by how much I needed to hear what was said. Again. It is an audio that was really never shared with the general public but needs to be shared today.
It is called Acheiving Your Highest Potential and is a heartfelt, passionate, vulnerable, sharing that I invite you to absorb and receive this today. I am including a picture of The Wheel below so you can follow along (this is related to the hard time I'm giving myself, about finishing this book!) and I hope you join us on January 1 for the Inuitive Chakra Treasure Mapping Class and create massive openings to the greater potential that is asking to emerge in all of our lives. I'm not bothering with a ten page explanation/sales letter and you can sign up right at www.powerofmyway.com
All I know is that I am soooo looking forward to entering into the process we are doing together on January 1 and 8 and am excited about some really cool ideas I have for the maps we create together during the class.
Sign up at www.powerofmyway.com- it is going to be a blast! And, a fabulous way to co-create a powerful, prosperous, joy-filled 2009!
Namaste, Anita