A Road Less Traveled" |
Last week I had a profound experience
![]() Back in 1996 I was stuck and in a lot of pain - emotionally, spiritually and physically. Initially I saw no way out. I felt depleted and hopeless and was facing a miserable divorce and a deadly prognosis (I had been diagnosed with Lupus and my last pregnancy had almost killed me). I had two babies in diapers and a job that barely covered the expenses of being a single mother with a h huge day care bill.
In spite of growing up in a metaphysically minded family, I had lost sight of the power I possessed to completely transform my life. Maybe I needed to feel a sense of desperation in order to wake up, and ask for help (sound familiar?). What I found was one of the most profound and quick ways of manifesting desired change and have seen the immense impact on my own life and with clients who have been committed to seeing change in their lives, bodies and relationships. Ultimately, I learned to identify blocks and then clear them at the belief, DNA, cellular, historical and spiritual levels. I also placed focus on clearing any and all past resentments and two weeks after deciding to heal, I healed. My doctor, Peter Swaby, gave me the space to explore non-western based modalities and to this day, still calls me his miracle patient. After all, not many people heal from Lupus in such a dramatic, instantaneous fashion.
Since that time, I have been on a mission of sorts, one that created the foundation for this newsletter and all of what we do in the Power of Our Way Community. It has been a "road less traveled" and has been both deeply fulfilling and frustrating (you can't talk someone into to recognizing their own power). You too can quickly identify deeply held blocks and to reprogram your unconscious mind and transform energetically. But, working at the highest levels - the Quantum Field, God Consciousness - is often beyond one's culturally induced belief system nd I have found some interesting commonalities that still perplex me.
One is the magic bullet, quick fix, easy way out, "no time to follow through" culture that has people jumping from one thing to the next. Ritualizing your shifting behaviors is necessary. People will spend thousands of dollars (and hours of time) going to doctors but they refuse to meditate an hour a day or buy a $20 CD that will give them the tools for self-healing. Wierd, right? I've been in the same place (before I healed).
As of right now, I am focusing my own thoughts on attracting folks who feel deserving of change and are committed to do their part. I know they are out there and are ready to tap into an inherent wisdom and capability that will help them take responsibility for their own shift and be a force for powerful change in the world.
YOU HAVE THE POWER - IT'S A GIVEN You have the power to re-create your reality and hence choose the world you live in. This is achieved through changing - literally re-writing - your feelings and beliefs.
At the core, the beliefs you hold - at 4 different levels - are ultimately what empowers you to experience amazing success, health and happiness. In addition to working with beliefs (often at the subconscious level), you also have the power to work with your energy - your "chi" and clear the energy centers in your body (chakras), open pathways (think about meridians) through breathwork, meditation, trance work, and various energy clearing modalities. I'll be talking about all of this in the Intuitive Chakra Treasure Mapping Teleclass (sign up at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html while spots are still available!) For instance: Have you ever wondered how you can want money, visualize getting it, pray for money, follow the detailed instructions of various success gurus and Law of Attraction teachings, read countless books on spiritual growth and self mastery and still not have enough money? Or. . . have you intuitively known exactly what to do to heal (your body, relationships, etc.) but don't follow through long enough to see sustained results?
All of the wisdom traditions, in their own ways, teach us that it is our deepest, innermost beliefs that shape our world. They share with us sage advice and ways to pray. We have countless stories of miracles but don't always believe we'll ever experience them in our own lives! Yet, something deep inside of us may remain doubtful or fettered to unconscious beliefs that block transformation.
Setting a Preliminary Foundation
If you house a belief such as "I am not worthy or deserving to be happy or to be healed," we obviously need to address these beliefs before any thing else. Likewise, if you believe that healing will be painful or take a long time, we need to replace that with beliefs that are conducive to ease and speed.
So, we may begin by exploring beliefs such as:
Recently, my 15 year old was crying and doubled over in pain. Her desperation opened her up to ask me to do a healing session with her. The first thing I picked up was a belief that what I was doing was wacky (trust me, I understand) and wouldn't work. In fact, she was holding a belief that nothing would make her feel better, so I asked her permission to clear both contrary beliefs and replace it them with "I can heal instantly and feel better immediately." Whether I am coaching or bringing in Theta, Shamanic Energy Healing and/or Hypnosis, my 3-step foundational process of moving through desire, decision and demonstration is how I help you align with and manifest your intentions.
Desire I'll listen to your story and see what is revealed to me based on the language and statements you use. I'll help point out the beliefs that are running your experiences. I will also take myself into a Theta Wave Brain state and ask Creator to show me or tell me what needs to be cleared or healed. We may do muscle testing to verify where to place focus and through this, your core desires will become more clear to both of us. Decision You decide what you want cleared, canceled or resolved in your story and give me permission to facilitate the healing. Sometimes we actually will find dual beliefs ("I love myself" and "I hate myself") that we need to clear or resolve. Dual beliefs compete with one another and because "you think" you believe all the "right" things, you are probably unaware of the many non-serving and dual beliefs that are running in the back ground and are still causing undesired manifestation or blocked movement. Demonstration After a healing session you need to be very conscious of not re-patterning the beliefs, dysfunction or mental, energetic, spiritual and physical issues we are healing together. You must partner fully with your desire and decisions through a commitment to demonstrate alignment in your thinking, your language, your inner and outer conversations and your choices. You can literally re-story old patterns and blocks through your behaviors, thoughts and inner and outer dialogues. Bringing yourself into alignment through demonstration is very important and is your way to actively participate and facilitate your own healing. Without this piece, the work we do will be temporary at best. You must "Take Responsibility for Your Own Shift." When you do so you leverage your innate power as a conscious creator in your life.
"If you are truly wanting to release and re-pattern beliefs that do not serve you, I would highly recommend scheduling healing sessions with Anita. In the past, I could not figure out how to re-pattern core beliefs that I knew were interfering with feeling joy in life. Anita has techniques that have helped me to recognize and then turn around core beliefs that 14 years of therapy was unable to do. And this was just in a couple of hours. I found this to be miraculous!" ~Cindy K., Missouri |