This issue also has important reminders of three time sensitive events; tonight's Awakening Your Inner Shaman call (at 7:30 eastern call
218-486-1300, bridge pin 390863), a Conscious Dialogue scheduled for tomorrow, and a reminder to reserve your spot (limited enrollment) for Straight to Source and travel into the New Year from a place of wholeness, Divine integration and a deep connection to Source.
Last week we visited one of our favorite spiritual communities, The Gathering, in Cocoa, Florida and about 35 people came together around The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel to pray, vision and heal.
Within minutes of wrapping up, two of my own prayers came true (an extra set of eyes to help edit my next book and a monthly speaking engagement in Cocoa) and the next day, I received the answer to my third prayer (this one is HUGE!), and now, I just need to get out of my own way to make way for the prayers to come into full physical manifestation.
My own inner "thought demons" quickly came up to the surface and I was reminded of the self-destructive fears and beliefs within my own consciousness.
It was a great reminder to "Walk My Own Wheel," and today, the Universe conspired to give me the opportunity to practice what I preach and use my own shamanic practice on myself. But, before going into that sweet space of sacred ceremony, I felt the pull to connect with you and extend the invitation to join me in holding a powerful intention for the over 14,000 people who make up the Power of Our Way Community around the globe and all of the people we impact with our own consciousness.
Some active, and some passive, this community is bonded together with some pretty amazing spiritual principles and commitments.
Together, we create a powerful force for transformation, each of us bringing a unique infusion of talents, gifts and experiences that can be leveraged to serve the collective.
Evidenced in too many examples to list here, we can all agree that we are alive at an incredible time in an evolving history of humanity- one of both transition and transcendence.
As we continue to transcend perceived limitation within our minds and spirits, we will witness great openings to miracles that our human conditioned mind can actually block from our perceptions, let alone our experiences.
What was commonly held as TRUTH thousands of years ago became tainted with social, political, and religious forms of control and abuse (all the while enticing people with promises of salvation and freedom).
I am confident that our future generations will see themselves as aspects of the Divine, regardless of the many labels humans used to place upon them (or attempted to) .
Interestingly enough, in this paradixical world we seem to live in, the mere fact that we are "conscious" of ourselves, and have free will (choice) actually created options for us to be unconscious. Fear and exclusion have worked wonders to maintain power and control at levels within our social hierarchies to date, but moving forward I see us gaining momentum and speed within the consciousness movement.
Just as is reinforced in, we will find ourselves more able to see the Divine presencing itself in every single person on the planet.
Race, gender, sexual orientation and religion will become irrelevant when assigning worth to the diverse members of our human family. Instead, we will see an insurgence of compassion, empathy, love, gratitude, faith, and unity within the very fabric of our collective consciousness.
Holy, sacred, and fully integrated, our next generation will better understand their inherent power to create heaven on earth. They won't be fettered by the same insecurities, fears and perceived limitations to what they can create in the world, their bodies, and their relationships.
Mastery will be encouraged by leaders, teachers and preachers because they won't be afraid of losing power or influence. Equality amongst all peoples will be a reality not a dream. Peace will become The Power of Our Way as a global community and all emerging conflicts or disparity will be seen as an opportunity to come together in CommUNITY.
War will become a historical and educational reminder of what happens when we lose touch with knowing one another as brother, sister and cousin - as children of a Divine Source of inherent goodness who loves us unconditionally.
Healing our bodies will begin with with healing hearts, minds and spirits. Energy healing modalities will become the norm and we will learn how to harness new forms of energy to fuel our cars and homes in ways that heal the earth and our environment.
We won't see poverty and homelessness as options for anyone in our human family and no child will ever go to bed hungry or without a family who loves them as God does.
I see this shift happening as a spiritual inevitability. And, intuitively, we know it begins with healing our own internal beliefs and divisions and taking responsibility for our own shifts.
This is why I exist. It is why you exist. It is why we are coming together in such powerful ways and I am honored to be playing my own part in the creation of this new reality.
So, keep it up. Don't give up. Your life is to be lived as a ceremony - an expression of the Divine in physical form.
Be peace, see peace, know peace.
Namaste, Anita
This Week's Events
Awakening the Shaman Within
Monday, November 10, 2008 at 7:30 PM Eastern via teleconference: call 218-486-1300, bridge pin 390863
Download the first call at the bottom of the page at
Gathering in Sacred Circle with special guest, Tej Steiner on Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 pm Eastern at
Also on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - Early bird savings of $500 ends for The Freedom Formula Experience. Get a free audio at from Christine Kloser, creator of The Freedom Formula Experience. I'm honored to be one of the speakers at this incredible event and look forward to meeting many of you in person for the first time! Other speakers include Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, James Twyman and David Neagle.
Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00 pm Eastern, join me along with an incredible panel of visionaries. Paula Languuth Ryan, Christine Kloser, Lorraine Cohen, Kimberly Marooney, Kathleen Gage and your's truly are offering a power-full fre*ebie call as we share our thoughts on fear and faith. You can register at and I can already tell you it will be compelling and unifying! |