Are you—like so many others—asking the big questions that have emerged in response to The Secret and The Law of Attraction?
Questions like:
- How can I feel a more direct experience of God/Source/Creator in my life?
- Where do God and other Universal Laws (such as Divine Order and Timing) fit into the principles and practices of conscious co-creation?
- How can I access a higher state of consciousness and move beyond a lack and fear?
- How can I become a powerful manifesting magnet – a conscious co-creator with my Divine Source?
- How can I Unfetter My Desires from conscious and unconscious fears, doubts and expectations so I can be a clear and quick channel for manifestation, joy and love?
The truth is that in the brilliance of their simplicity, traditional Law of Attraction teachings do not always get to other laws and principles that connect us to higher information—information that can bridge gaps in our understanding and unlock the door to manifestation.
What is NOT Being Shared…
Before these ancient principles can work for you in our urgency addicted, magic bullet seeking culture, you need to literally step back and move up into a higher state of consciousness. Only then can you begin to really embrace and apply the wisdom or the more common teachings such as;
“Like attracts like.”
“You create everything”
“What you are thinking and feeling is an indication of what you are in the process of creating/attracting.”
This knowledge, when aligned with your soul purpose and your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors, and applied within the context of Aligning with the Mastermind, will open you to a Power that is asking (or begging) to be birthed from your unconscious…and welcomed into your physical reality.
Think about it, simply using the word “Attraction” implies that what you want is “out there” and fosters the illusion of separation and lack – immediate and insidious Enemies of the Conscious Mind™
The truth is that you are always creating, consciously or unconsciously…and when you go Straight to the Source, partnering with your highest and most authentic self, you will see your life changing right before your very eyes.
The human experience is very different from the experience and the INTENTION of the Soul…As humans we quickly forget the essence of who we are, why we are here and what we came to do, give and receive…
The Divine Forgetting may be hindering you in the conscious creation of your physical reality by creating energetic, spiritual and mental blocks to courageously exploring:
- How you have become who you are
- How you have come to believe what you believe
- Why you are who you are
- What you are destined to receive when you align in purpose, passions, belief, desire, expectation, and behavior
For the most part, Spiritual Amnesia and Divine Forgetting prevent you from accessing and even understanding the deeper principles and laws that are working in your life, such as:
- What you have come to believe about yourself, the world and how things work is largely false.
- Unconscious beliefs and expectations create major obstacles to manifesting that which is asking to be received into your life…
- You came here for a reason and most likely have forgotten it!
- The very experiences you have labeled as ‘bad,” tragic, undesired, or unwanted are gifts that reveal important keys to your purpose, your power, and the peace, harmony, love and joy that is yours to claim.
- You made requests for experiences and soul growth that you later resisted, thus turning away much of your Divine Inheritance.
- You can’t (and shouldn’t) have everything you want from the human perspective (Thank God!)…You get everything you need and wanted from the soul perspective – if you Awaken to the Divine Perspective Within.
- Unfettering Your Desires and Aligning with the Mastermind will open you to your inherent and inborn ability to Consciously Create true fulfillment, joy and deep inner peace
- Shifting the Trajectory and Velocity of Your Energy opens you to Divine Flow
- Partnering with Source is the highest form of Receiving the Bounty of Goodness and Prosperity that awaits your welcome
So, are you already vibrating at a higher level?
Are you feeling an inner knowing, a building interest, curiosity and excitement?
If so, you are experiencing RESONANCE, a Divine Inner Knowing of TRUTH.
And, if you resonate with what you have read and heard so far, please know this. . . I have just touched on the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
- Are you at a place in your life where you are ready to take responsibility and harness your co-creative power?
- Are you ready to release some of what may be fettering you and open to an elevated understanding of the role the past has played in your evolution?
- Are you open to looking beyond common Law of Attraction teachings and harness the wisdom of ancient teachings, energetic alignment techniques, and belief re-patterning into how you develop and maintain your manifestation mind set?
- Do you agree that alignment with purpose, forgiveness and gratitude are the keys to many of your desires manifesting in your physical reality?
- Do you appreciate both conceptual and philosophical sharings along and practical, powerful models and practices that will help you create sustained change in your life?
You can review the main elements of the Straight to Source tele-retreat (at and, if you resonate, you will know that the invitation to join us for the eight week tele-class is going to be the first step in your Divine Remembering...
The commitment you make today to begin Straight to the Source: Re-Awakening to Your Divine Inheritance and Releasing the Myths of Attraction, Ego, and Manifestation will catapult you into the next phase of your own personal evolution.
This process will unleash you into a level of awareness and manifestation that will completely change how you have been looking at your life, your past and most importantly, your future!
Why wait another day to begin manifesting a better life?
It is time to remember and re-kindle your relationship with Source and unfetter yourself from the limitations of the past and the present. Step into your future with renewed zeal, passion, and purpose!
It is time to discover and unleash a power that is aligned with a much higher intention for you and your life – the original intentions of your Soul and the higher reasons for incarnating on the planet at this time...
It is time to remember the Divine Knowledge that was gifted to you before you were even born!
It Is Time to Claim Your Divine Inheritance…to Awaken to Your Divinity and Accept and Receive Incredible Peace and Joy…
If you are a current member of the Power of Our Way Community, You’ve heard bits and pieces over the last few years and have enjoyed numerous articles, our music and movies. And beginning on Tuesday, November 25, I’m going to personally guide you through a eight-session, content rich, live, tele-retreat where you will:
- immerse yourself in your own remembering...
- become the master you are destined to become...
- uncover many keys to co-creation that traditional law of attraction teachings are not sharing with you...
- Become intimately familiar with The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel as a tool for transformation...
- Enjoy meditation, healing and music and movement sessions
And, upon your registration, you will receive an incredible discovery manual - a workbook that includes empowering models and information that you will treasure and use for years to come.
You will also receive an outstanding number of bonus gifts, each specifically designed to support you in becoming a Metaphysical Mastermind so you can always go Straight to the Source!
And, we guarantee that when you reserve your spot in Straight to the Source: Re-Awakening to Your Divine Inheritance and Releasing the Myths of Attraction, Ego, and Manifestation, you will be entering into a life-changing Metaphysical Mastermind Mastery Program with Your Soul…
We are meeting live, via telebridge line for this powerful eight week tele-retreat on Tuesday’s, November 25, December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2008 and January 6 and 13 from 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern.
Plus, when you invest in yourself and pay the tuition of $360.00 (tuition increases on November 21 significantly), you will receive;
- The Straight to the Source Discovery Manual
- Admission to 8, two hour teleclasses (all recorded and shared for download)
- 2 Hypnosis CDs of Your Choice, (a $40.00 value)
- 1 signed book ($16.75 value)
- 1 companion CD ($12.00 value)
- a coupon for 50% off private session packages
The Straight to the Source Discovery Manual is rich with information you’ll be using throughout the eight-week program to help you access your deeper knowing and unfetter yourself from the conscious and unconscious obstacles that may have gotten in the way in the past.
You’ve now seen an outline of what we’ll be exploring over the course of the program…you can feel the resonance…
Are you ready to begin?
Straight to Source begins in 5 Days, starting on November 25, and early bird savings ends today!
Click here to register and pay in full(pay $360 today save an additional $39 compared to the two payment option)
Or click here to reserve your spot and pay in two installments
During this powerful, 8-session tele-adventure, we will also explore...
Unfettering Your Desires, Unleashing Your Dreams™
This powerful session includes an incredible meditative journey into the Superconscious – the part of your mind that partners with higher knowledge, intuition and resonance. Taking Responsibility for Your Own Shift™ is one step in this powerful unfettering…release, heal and forgive what is tethering you to your current reality so you can manifest and receive your Divine Inheritance!
The REALationship Between Desire and Expectation
This session is guaranteed to uncover and release Belief Blockers, thus helping you to Master the Unconscious, Align with the Superconscious, and engage in powerful, in-the-moment practices that will uncover and release unconscious expectations that drain your creative energy.
Awakening to Purpose and Living the Power of Your Way – Manifesting Your Destiny
In order to fully step into your power and be a force for creation, change and transformation, you must awaken to your deeper purpose and live the power of your way…an incredible Journey into Your Inknown...
HURRY! Click here to Reserve Your SpotToday and Get Started with A Surprise MP3 Audio Package!
What we will cover over the course of this meditative, musical, empowering eight-week program…
Re-Awakening to Your Divinity
After exploring what it means to Live the Power of Your Way, I’ll cover empowering, life-changing information about the Soul and The Law of Attraction (The Missing Piece), The 3 Aspects of Self, how Divine purpose, contracts, and prior agreements and desires might be playing an important part in your future manifestations, Attraction vs. Co-Creation, and deeply important information about the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul and the Dance between Destiny and Free Will so you can manifest from the space of Divine Purpose in Original Intention
Traveling The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel™ as the Path to Transformation
During this session, you will be given the template to build your own wheel and we will walk through The 5 Dimensions of Evolutionary Transformation™ and the Bridges of Higher Understanding™
When You Believe You Are Manifesting the Undesired…The Higher Perspective
During this session, we’ll talk about Manifesting from Soul as opposed to Manifesting from Fear or Cultural Codependencies and learn how to uncover the requests you made before you incarnated. We’ll explore the way to recover from Spiritual Amnesia and open to a Divine Remembering…
Aligning With the Mastermind™
After a review of the main principles, you’ll perform an Alignment Check and re-aligning for Manifestation. We’ll cover timeless Masterminding Principles as taught by our greatest teachers, sharing powerful references from the sacred texts that became the foundation for many of the world’s religions. Plus, translations that have been misused, abused and manipulated will be offered as they were originally intended from our greatest masters.
Visit and begin the journey!
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