F*R*E*E TELECLASSES and Conscious Dialogues with the most provocative line-up to date. . .
I have some incredible news about our October line up of special guests (4 men and a lady) on Conscious Dialogues (including an intervier with Matthew Fox, one of the most respected (and controversial) authors of our times, and a returning guest (back by popular demand). But first, just a little connecting. . .
Last week I received a few interesting emails from folks asking some powerful questions.
One of the questions revealed a strong lack of faith in being able to connect with the part of ourselves that is not influenced by a mind that has been conditioned to see itself as limited. You might want to read that last sentence again,just to see where you travel to.
In fact, I could feel almost an angry resistance to the idea that so much of our lives is created from the unconscious - which really calls into question how much free will we are actually exercising in our lives.
And, I appreciate that the idea of choosing our purpose on this earth we all share before we gain the benefit of a physical brain and a physical body can sound a little "out there." After all, the concept of choice is connected to the ideas we have about the human brain and how it functions as a tool for housing memories, interpreting stimuli (from all the senses - even the ones we don't fully understand), creating beliefs, making decisions, and, how it both impacts and influences our physical bodies, health - and healing.
So, this morning, while listening to a new meditation of ours called Rebirth into Wholeness - Releasing Illusions of Limitation, I had a burst of inspiration (does this come from the brain, the mind, or the soul???) to share it with you (you can use it for a few days when you go to www.powerofmyway.com/awakeningthehealerwithin.html).
I also felt a big push to offer a *FR*E*E teleclass on October 15th called The Power of Faith and Fear - Awakening the Healer Within, along with an amazing line-up with some of the most provocative authors I have ever had the pleasure of connecting with.
I am not going to list a bunch of information about the October 15th call because inspiration does not always fill in all the details when it comes.
Sometimes it starts with an urge, or a picture. Faith and Divine Timing then fills in the rest. What I can tell you is we will immerse ourselves in rich discussion, powerful community, and provocative sharing that may change the way you think about your mind and your body as vehicles for your spiritual evolution and exploration!
We are also getting ready for a bunch of Conscious Dialogues with The Essential Laws of Fearless Living author, Guy Finley on October 28th (back by popular demand), and several others you will want to connect with.
I am absolutely humbled and thrilled to announce an exclusive interview with Matthew Fox, author of the soon to be released (on October 15, 2008) book, The Hidden Spirituality of Men; Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred Masculine, that will take place on October 21, 2008 at 7:00-8:30 pm Eastern.
Thomas Berry, author of "The Great work," "The Dream of the Earth" and "The Universe Story", wrote, "Matthew Fox might well be the most creative, the most comprehensive, surely the most challenging religious-spiritual teacher in America. He has the scholarship, the imagination, the courage, the writing skill to fulfill this role at a time when the more official Christian theological traditions are having difficulty in establishing any vital contact with either the spiritual possibilities of the present or with their own most creative spiritual traditions of the past. Here he has given us abundant selections from the spiritual literature of the Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist and the indigenous peoples of Africa and America to illuminate our understanding of Creation, the Divine, the Human experience of the Divine, and our way in to the future. Out of these sources, and with reference to discovery of an emergent universe by contemporary science, he has, it seems, created a new mythic context for leading us out of our contemporary religious and spiritual confusion into a new clarity of mind and peace of soul, by affirming rather than abandoning any of our traditional beliefs."
This book and the ten metaphors presented by Matthew, the "renegade priest" and author of over 28 books, have come to me in direct response to my own spiritual questions and in a way that has been nothing short of magical. I have had several really "weird" synchronicities as I have been reading what I think may very well be one of the most powerful books on the topics of the sacred masculine and spirituality of men to date. Matthew Fox joins us on October 21, 2008 for an incredible evening exploring the sacred masculine - mark your calendars and reserve your spot at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html Plus, if it couldn't get even more exciting, as I am typing this newsletter, I received confirmation from Dr. Anne Paris, author of Standing at Water's Edge: Moving Past Fear, Blocks, and Pitfalls to Discover the Power of Creative Immersion, that she'll be joining us on October 27th at 7:00 Eastern and guiding us into what she calls CREATIVE IMMERSION (it is a delicious space to be in).
And...it all begins on Monday, October 12th at 7:00 pm Eastern when I welcome the bold and amazing, explorer, some might call dare-devil, and author, Robert Kull, to talk about his new book, SOLITUDE; Seeking Wisdom in Extremes-A Year Alone in the Patagonia Wilderness. "Years after a motorcycle accident left him with one leg, Bob Kull traveled to a remote island in the Patagonia wilderness with supplies to live completely alone for a year. He sought to explore the effects of deep solitude on the body and mind and to find answers to the spiritual questions that had plagued him his entire life. With only a cat and his thoughts as companions, he wrestled with inner storms while the wild forces of nature raged around him. The physical challenges were immense, but the struggles of mind and spirit pushed him to the limits of human endurance. Kull went into solitude searching for enlightenment, seeking The Answer. He discovered that life teaches us all we need to know-once we cultivate the awareness to truly listen."
Sign up today for the October Conscious Dialogues. . .
Many blessings, Anita
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