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    July 10, 2008


    Anita Pathik Law


    I am humbled and grateful for your words and truly touched to celebrate this with you and so many others who have been with us from the beginning of the Power of Our Way Community.

    We are blessed and so ready! This ministry - the Power of Our Way Community will continue to grow in its collective awarness of the important work we are here to do - is all in the timing and turnings of the to you Barbara...thank you for all of your support and kind words over the years! Hey, our new lodge is just around the corner from us!!! Namaste, Anita

    barbara halpern

    Congratulations Anita and Brett! Great news! Journey on! I am blessed that our paths have crossed, and thanks to the beauty of the Internet are sure to cross again. Anita, I am constantly blown away at your spirit and divinity, your mastery of thoughts and feelings, and conveying the heartfelt eloquence and awe. You always know the right thing to say, and listening to you is hypnotic, and reading your words is equally inspiring. It is wonderous. I am delighted at the new phase in your lives, and your legitimizing of all that you guys were already doing. I feel touched by greatness and glory. One of these days I will uncover my passion and purpose too. For the moment, I will cheer you on, and follow your evolution. Thanks so much for always being so genuine and authentic and generous. You are a beacon for others to follow. Continued good luck and divine intervention. Cheers

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