My life is a constant whirlwind of metaphysical wonders that provide me with some fabulous stories and revelations that I share through my writing and teaching (and preaching!) What I've also noticed is the prophetic nature of what I share.
My prayers (or premonitions???) reveal themselves to me AS I WRITE, speak and teach and today I hope to express the immensity of a miracle you may not realize you have witnessed; one that surpasses any pictures of what I thought possible in my own life.
A few months ago, on April 9, 2008, I wrote an article that described a moment of deep spiritual inquiry. I had also recently "channeled" a spontaneous (meaning unscripted) meditation called I Am Able (listen to it at and included it in the newsletter.
What I realized today is that I AM ABLE was a tender dialogue that emerged (quite publicly - and was recorded at that!) between me and Source (Yes, I do have some amazing dialogues with the Divine.)
See, after a series of frustrating and seemingly undesired manifestations, I permitted myself to unravel and fantasize about letting everything go. I described entering into a void of nothingness-unable to see a vision of my life absent of my writing, ministering and healing. I literally saw nothing, as if all the light in my life darkened my sight and my entire future life.
Giving permission to this exploration was powerfully revealing to me and this is what I said in my closing...
"I open to the emergence - to the "what's next?" and I surrender, again, to asking the bigger questions that we are all, at various times in our lives, both haunted and perplexed by. What is my greater calling? What is asking to emerge through me, on behalf of humanity? What does it look like, feel like and with whom am I sharing space and time with? Where am I to live, what am I to do? Is something within me and my own self-constructed picture of my life asking to be released so that I may birth a new reality into existence?
Well, until some new answers come in, I'll continue to teach what I am teaching, all the while hoping to become completely insignificant, unneeded and unnecessary. I open to a new message and guidance, and surrender and trust that life is unfolding exactly as it should. And, I'll let you know if anything changes!"
Fast Forward to May 2008
It was probably a few days later that I announced to my family, "I'm starting a church in my basement!" and began ripping out walls, clearing clutter, and collapsing into the most incredible longing I have ever experienced. No longer a "choice" I surrendered to a deeper calling to have a physical church - as opposed to solely a virtual ministry.
Just a few weeks later, the weekend of May 18th, Brent and I supported an incredible woman and minister named Judy Elia as she embarked on a Vision Quest (a traditional Native American ceremony) .
Although there as a supporter, I experienced a profound healing during one of the sweat lodges and found myself (and my Divine Feminine) literally being embraced in what felt like the womb of creation itself.
I received a rush of answers to some intense prayers made over the preceeding weeks and was literally "blown away" by the intensity and 100% specificity and synchronicity of all that was revealed in ceremony that day.
A Little Background
In order for you to understand the profound and miraculous nature of the rest of this story, I need to give you a little bit of background. Understand that I am leaving some of the most amazing details out of this part of my journey (such as my shamanic healing experience, the people we met, and the dozens of other stories and miracles that happened over the last few months) but it would sidetrack the point of today's expression...So, bear with me as I give you a little background (again, I leave out major details and specifics, such as my instant healing from Lupus and Brent's personal story of angels bringing him back to life).
See, if anyone on the planet is responsible for planting the seed of inspiration to become a minister, it is Judy. She is the Unity minister I came to in 1997 when I decided to heal my body and my life (which happened in an instant healing a few months after).
Later that year she literally helped Brent (whom I had not met yet) save his own life and in August of 1999, she performed our wedding ceremony.
Later, Judy, who is one of the most adventurous and spiritually curious (and grounded, brilliant, beautiful...) people I know, left Maryland and ultimately landed in Florida, where she now leads the Unity Center for Creative Living in Jacksonville.
The Day Our Prayers Were Answered
So, back to May 18th, 5 weeks after the intense meditation and prayer I described above...
Judy is escorted off "the hill" after two days and nights of solitary reflection and fasting (in the woods, no food, no water, confined to a space the size of a small blanket) over a weekend that was "blessed" with intense rain and winds.
Incredibly, she is glowing. This woman, who has not showered or eaten for over two days is literally radiating with love and light. We enter into the sweat lodge and hold the sacred space to hear the visions of the questors and I find myself sitting in between Judy and Brent.
Immediately, I am overwhelmed (and literally grounded) in a level of gratitude and humility I have never experienced. After all, here I am sitting between two people I credit with saving my life--and soul--11 years ago.
The fire roars, traditional Lakota songs are sung, drums are played, red hot glowing rocks (thank you grandfathers) are brought into the lodge and Diane, our Water Pourer, leads us into what was the one of most beautiful and powerful ceremonies I have ever been honored to experience. Prayers and visions are shared and I am fully aware that I am in the presence of something profound--and big--and holy.
Each moment is a direct response to weeks of prayers and I can tangibly feel myself coming together, unifying, healing, revealing, unraveling, opening, changing, transforming.
It was if I touched the essence of consciousness itself and I knew that something much bigger was revealing itself to me.
The Feast
A few hours later, we come out of the lodge and prepare for the feast and celebration that gently (and deliciously) delivers us back into the world before heading home to our families, our jobs and all else that forms the current details of our lives.
I asked to share the story of the miraculous web of mysteries that healed two dying people, brought them together, and created a family and co-creative partnership and ministry that you have truly only gotten a glimpse of (unless you've been with us live and in-person).
And then, it happens.
Judy, with the most childlike wonder and excitement, plants another seed and invites us to come and join her church (contingent on the board's approval, of course); Brent as the Director of the Music Ministry and I as an assistant or associate minister (details are unfolding).
Fitting for my wondrous life of instant manifestations and miracles, two days later I am informed that I have met my seminary requirements and on May 22, 2008 I am ordained as a Minister of Spiritual Peace Making, five days AFTER being offered an opportunity to minster alongside the woman who inspired me to become one (and become ONE) 11 years earlier!
A few weeks later, during what has become our bi-annual speaking tour in Florida, we are guest ministering and music making at Judy's church and having breakfast (and lunch and house hunting) with Ed (the board president) and Kelly Boardman (yes, that is Ed's divinely appropriate name!).
I remember feeling like I was in a dream and being aware that our lives were changing at warp speed (even though it was a dozen years in the coming) and Brent and I spent the next week in prayer and reflective discussions with ourselves, God, Judy, our family and friends.
I am in a space of such gratitude, grace, trust and surrender that I almost feel as if I have one foot in heaven.
Maybe I do.
When Destiny Knocks, Answer the Door
Maybe this is how it feels when your larger destiny arrives at the doorstep of your life and says, "Congratulations, you've just received the answers to all of your prayers (spoken and unspoken, known and unknown)."
And, what is most incredible, is that last evening, as I chatted with Judy, I felt a Divine presence cleverly smiling upon all of us. I almost melted inside her excitement; feeling humbled, amazed, grateful, and in absolute awe of how creative, loving and powerful the Universe is.
I could clearly see the magical synchronicities and millions of choice points and experiences that lead up to this very moment of our lives and I have no doubt that a Divine Hand was involved in every single twist and turn (and there have been alot!).
Most profoundly, I realized that I have just manifested the next step in a destiny that is unfolding very quickly before my humbled and eternally grateful eyes.
I also feel more surrendered and trusting than I ever have. Most of the details are not even known and yet, I am, possibly for the first time, in complete faith that all things are in Divine Order.
So, amidst packing, boxes, tears, laughter and love, we are saying "YES!!!" to this "What's Next" and we are heading to Florida. Although my own transition will require some creative bi-locating for several months, for the first time since I was about a year old, I am moving from Maryland!
I don't know all the details, but, what I do know is that I would love to see you before I leave, so below, you will find a few upcoming events (a retreat date is coming) including an open house celebration and potluck send-off on July 20th in Annapolis.
I won't even attempt to wrap up a story that is really just beginning, so I'll just end this post by saying...
Stay in the faith of what you know to be right and true. Embrace your purpose and surrender to the destiny that is asking to unfold on behalf of it. Expect miracles and always remember (this one is straight from the bible)...God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called.
And, most importantly, when you are willing you will find yourself able for the journey.
Namaste, Anita
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