Maybe being told I "can't" has been more of a motivator than a discouragement. Unfortunately, this is not the case for a lot of people.
Maybe being told I "can't" has been more of a motivator than a discouragement. Unfortunately, this is not the case for a lot of people.
I remember back in 1992 when I was told by my boss that I couldn't get pregnant and keep my job and instead paved the way for dozens of women to have children without fearing they would lose their jobs or be mistreated.
In 1993 I was told I couldn't have children without risking death or deformity and I had two beautiful (albeit premature) girls who are happy and healthy.
In 1997 I was told I could not continue to work and live a normal, pain free life. I was told I couldn't watch my girls grow up and that I was facing an early and painful death. I was told I could never heal from a disease that was preventing me from even doing the simplest things. Ha! Instead, through my own unique recipe for healing, I rewrote the story, completely healed, and have remained completely healthy and pain free - my doctor's miracle!
In 1998 I was told I would never find happiness in a relationship and I may as well settle and "feel lucky for what I had." 10 minutes after writing a letter to God, I met Brent, began writing again, got married, and am living "happily ever after."
In 2003 I was told I couldn't publish a spiritual book and music with my husband and be taken seriously. I was told I would ruin my career as a business coach and I should hide who I was. Today, we have an incredibly diverse and loving global community with over 14,000 members all devoted to raising consciousness and taking responsibility for their own shift.
So, recently, when we received a phone call telling us that we could not use the phrase "Having it All" in any of our written materials, I found myself in stitches over the symbolism of being told that "Having it All" was "owned" by someone and I couldn't use these three words ever again. As much as I believed this phrase was a commonly and universally used colloquialism, similar to "Living the American Dream" it just wasn't worth fighting over.
It brought me back to all of these times (and many more) when someone with great authority told me "I couldn't have it all." It reminded me of how many hundreds of clients over the years who suffered miserably with perceived limitations, fears, blocks, relationship woes, and major health and emotional issues because somewhere along the line they were "TOLD" something so tragically limiting and self-sabotaging, and came to BELIEVE it so deeply, that it became TRUE.
Please listen to this because it is critically important for all of us.
I believe the challenges I have experienced in my life have been gifts that helped me understand a potential well beyond what the world teaches us.
I believe I exist to share what I have learned in some very hard ways so you don't have to suffer in a world that has been constructed by your beliefs and expectations, many of which have been taught to you out of fear, lack, greed and selfishness.
We are not given miracles such as I have been given just for ourselves. We are gifted with the treasures in our lives so we can share them with others.
This is why I need (and yes, I'm using the word NEED purposefully) to share EVERYTHING I have come to know about whole life transformation, overcoming the odds and Aligning With Your Destiny.
I need to share the same tools and steps I have used time and time again to create the life I have today; life-altering information such as:
- Universal Laws that you are probably not leveraging (or aware of) that both saved my life and massively reduced unnecessary and debilitating stress, worry and fear
- Principles of healing and transformation that MUST be in your recipe
- Why staying in desire and longing may be fueling your future creations and manifestations with fear, lack, and desperation (the recipe for unhappiness)
- How to easily shift your mind and behaviors to manifest more of what you want (that is aligned with your destiny) and less of what you don't want
- How aligning with your destiny brings ease, grace, joy and peace into all areas of your life
- Powerful audios using hypnosis and theta that will help you heal, release non-serving and radically damaging beliefs and stories, and repattern your subconscious mind to be a match for what you want and deserve.
Time is short and life is precious. I know this more than most.
That is why when the fabulous and fun Lorraine Cohen approached me over two years ago to co-create Aligning With Your Destiny (the program we used to call by those three words I can no longer utter), and literally share everything we have come to know and practice in our own lives, I dropped everything (including the book I'm working on) and said "YES!!!!!!"
What occurred as we wrote the program was a series of incredible miracles and decisions we both made to come into better alignment with my own destiny.
Our premier class in April was equally impacted and have reported amazing victories and manifestations, and now, for just a few more days, you can reserve your spot for the JUNE 30th start date at www.powerofmyway.com/havingitall.html
Please don't procrastinate over saying yes to aligning with your destiny. I am convinced that it is because people fight their destiny and purpose that they are unhappy, in bad relationships, unsatisfying careers, and feeling so stuck.
Listen to the audio that will play at
http://www.powerofmyway.com/havingitall.html and read the letters from our last group of amazing souls who traveled with us in April and May. Many of them are signing up to take the class again - that's how much they got from it!
You can reserve your spot today for just 50% of the tuition and save $150 when you register by June 14th. Because we had severe power outages last week, we are extending the early bird savings, and, we guarantee you will feel like we have given this program away.
Namaste, Anita
Don't miss this opportunity to Align With Your Destiny with a group of amazing kindred spirits who will hold the intention, faith, and space as they walk alongside you on this powerful 12 week journey.
Register today and immediately get the first of 9 transformational guides for living, a bunch of extra gifts, and the details for our first group.
It may be your destiny to align with your destiny today and not waste one more day living a life that just isn't yours to live any longer.