Five Powerful Questions for Alignment
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Dear Conscious Creator, After a long day of meeting with coaching clients and teaching, I walked into my bedroom last evening, only to face a shocking realization. As a teacher and coach, I must admit that the themes that emerge often reveal opportunities to make adjustments in my own life. You see, lately I've been talking a lot about alignment; in particular, about aligning eight key areas that my colleague Lorraine Cohen and I have been exploring together for the last year. |
Aligning Desire, Decision and Demonstration A few days ago I even posted a short article about moving from desire, to decision, to demonstration; a quick and powerful alignment strategy that-- through my own experimentation and observation--truly seems to unleash previously blocked flow. You see, most people remained focused on their desires, often unaware that their focus of desire is usually fettered with fear energy and negative expectation. In other words, they want something because they believe it will remove a pain or a problem and therefore they are focused on what they think will "cure" whatever issue they are experiencing. And, more often than not, their subconscious mind (and sometimes even their conscious mind) doesn't really believe they will manifest their desire. In fact, they often EXPECT that it won't happen, or that it will take a long time, or something else unwanted will occur. Their negative expectation gathers more energy the longer they sit in the "in-between" place between desire and manifestation. Part of the challenge is that they have not moved from desire (longing, wishing, wanting) to decision (absolute commitment, conviction and faith) and are often focused on the unwanted and what they believe they don't have (lack). The third ingredient - demonstration - is all about matching your behaviors and attitudes with the decision-the powered up, unfettered desire-that typically asks us to shift our behaviors so that we are demonstrating alignment with the intention. How it All Works Let's look at a fairly common desire around weight, physical health etc. There is a big difference between those of you who have decided and are in aligned demonstration (engaged in healthy, weight reducing behaviors) and those of us (yes, me too!) who are not. Manifestation always seeks a partnered approach. The Universe responds to our expectations, thoughts and behaviors. It is truly a cause and effect world and subtle shifts in the demonstration department say to the Universe, "Yes! I am fully aligned in my intention, faith and behaviors to receive this manifestation in my life!" My Shocking Realization And, last night, one of the elements of aligned demonstration literally smacked me in a moment of shocking realization. You see, a key to the demonstration piece is appreciating what you already have - being grateful for what already is-in both thought and in action. By the looks of my bedroom, it was suddenly clear that I was not demonstrating appreciation to the Universe. Piles of laundry, clutter, and evidence of two large dogs actually demonstrated the opposite. Clearly, I was not demonstrating alignment with appreciating what I already have. So, I made a decision and will clear the clutter, come back into alignment, and demonstrate gratitude by taking better care of what I already have. I can already predict the immediate return of having a beautifully organized bedroom and can imagine (because of my past experiences) that something that is currently blocked or awaiting its arrival into my life will gain the energy to come into physical form. Odds are I'll find some treasures along the way as well, as I always do when I clean and organize! Five of the Most Powerful Questions You Could Ever Ask Give thought to something you really desire in your life right now and examine these questions that will assist you in coming into better alignment with your core desires. 1. When you think about your desire, what emotions are entangled in the energy of your request? 2. What do you expect? Are your expectations a match to your desire or do they bring focus into fears, negative expectations or non-serving beliefs? 3. Do you feel worthy and ready to receive your desire in your life? Does your life have room - are you prepared in all the ways you believe you can be? 4. In looking at your behaviors, is what you are doing and not doing in full demonstration of your commitment - your decision to welcome in that which you desire? 5. Are you avoiding, putting off, or flat out ignoring parts of your life that might be demonstrating the opposite of what you want more of? This process is profoundly powerful and is just one of the alignment checks we'll teach you in our eight week program where you will design your 8 step blueprint to align with your destiny - a destiny that guarantees fulfillment and success when we are aligned to receive it. How I Went From Pain to Complete Comfort in 10 Seconds You see, demonstrating commitment and following your intuition (whispers and nudges from the Universe) is usually a huge opportunity for most of us. Like last year when I intuitively knew it was time to do a full detox and cleanse but put off doing it because of my negative expectations. After a while, as I continued to ignore the guidance, I awoke one morning to the most excruciating pain in my belly. For about 4 days I was literally doubled over. Yet, an amazing validation of what I have just shared happened in about 10 seconds! As I gave my credit card information to the consultant who was providing me with my cleansing kit, the pain completely left my body! I had moved from desire, to decision, to demonstration and I was immediately freed from the pain that on some level had forced me to follow through on a strong intuitive hit! This is how it works folks. It's a lot simpler than you might think. And, for a limited time, you can still get the preview audios and a sample hypnotic manifestation at But, registration for the program is closing in just a few days and I don't want you to miss out on a bargain of a tuition with a two payment option. The material alone will be worth more than what you invest in your dreams. Ø You will uncover powerful and speedy ways to clear negative expectations. Ø You will re-condition your mind and energy to get right, ripe and ready for receiving. Ø You will release negative self-talk and power sucking stories and beliefs that block you from having and experiencing the life you are destined for. Ø You will begin to see the world differently, leveraging alignment with Universal Laws you might not be considering as part of the manifestation equation. Ø You will gain clarity about what is asking to emerge in your life, relationships and commitments. Ø You will gain confidence in your abilities and self-worthiness to consciously create that which you most desire. Demonstrate Alignment Today! Visit and begin this powerful journey with your own personal mastermind group and receive the methods and accountability to make the life and mind changes that will bring you into full alignment with what it is you desire to see and experience in your life! In addition to an amazing amount of content, models and resources we are also addressing the often ignored need to re-pattern the subconscious mind through hypnosis and theta belief re-patterning and healing into the manifestation formula. And, you can be certain, that by the time we begin the class on February 25th, I will be bringing myself back into alignment in a couple of key areas. If you have been considering taking this class and have been procrastinating, just reserving your spot and beginning the pre-work and self assessment will immediately uncover areas of incredible opportunity and shift you into an empowered space of partnering your behaviors with your intentions. Sign up at and get ready for revelations and miracles! Don't pass up this opportunity - take the leap today and reserve your seat at |
Anita Pathik Law, CFCC, MSMC, CHt. Power of My Way |
I am unable to read this article as the website has a schedule insert covering the right half of the text. Can this be removed?
Posted by: Glenda Davis | February 19, 2008 at 10:16 AM