Are You Facing These Challenges? Ready to Turn them into Opportunities?
Over the last few weeks I have been blessed to have some of the most powerful conversations I have had in a long while.
I, along with my husband and my mastermind group have been sharing powerful commitments for the New Year. Many of my clients have shared new inspirations and new challenges, many of which seem to be a theme in many people's lives.
So, here is a Five Step exercise, one where I pose a few questions for you to reflect upon and then rate the degree to which this feels true (or untrue) for you.
STEP ONE: Rate your responses to the following questions on a scale of 1-10; 10 being the most intense "YES!" and 1 being a solid "NO!"
Are You Battling Resistance? Do you find it almost mentally tiresome to involve yourself in methods, techniques or teachings that will cause you to learn, grow and develop? Do you feel a heaviness about diving into an intensive spiritual journey? Is there a part of you that wants to find the deepest side of yourself and a part of you that doesn't?
Are You Afraid of Stepping Outside Your Comfort- Zone? Or are you afraid you could possibly change for the better but in doing so you might actually have to "do" something new or make a change that seems tough or scary?
Are You Unclear as to What Your Purpose Is? Are You Feeling Confused About the Bigger WHY's in Your Life? Have you subordinated your dreams and desires for other people's priorities or expectations? Do you feel a lack of clarity about the bigger reason for your existence?
Are You Feeling Disorganized and Scattered? Do you feel like you have too many things right now - - you haven't even finished the last book or CD you bought and you have numerous unfinished projects and have so many interests that you lack focus and clarity?
Do You Believe That Nothing You've Tried Has Ever Really Transformed You? Do you think because you've been-there-done-that and heard it all, you're just not going to find the answers you seek in another course?
Not Feeling Passionate About Anything? At least nothing you fel like you can influence? Your first thought in the morning is, "another day, another dollar" and you spend most of the day searching for something to get super-excited and jacked-up about?
Do You Have Low or Almost No Energy - Mentally, Spiritually and Physically? Are you running around taking care of so much mundane stuff, that you are not getting anywhere and feeling drained? Do you feel like the proverbial mouse on the treadmill?
Do You Find Yourself Saying "It's Never the Right Time?" You're experiencing the everything- needs-to-be-in-order mindset and you're convinced that "things" have to be taken care of before starting anything that involves YOU? Are you always putting yourself on the back-burner?
Do You Think Too Much - Over Analyze Everything - and Make Excuses For Not Taking Control Over Your Life? Are you seeing too much of the forest and not enough of the trees? So, the everyday actionable tasks just don't get done? Or are you getting stuck in an "analysis paralysis" mentality?
Step Two: Explore What Lives in the Gap
So, for example, let's say you rated yourself a "7" for Battling Resistance. In this case, you probably want to be a 1 or a 2 right?
Ask yourself the following question, one by one identifying what is living in the gap if you rate yourself above a 3 or 4.
What is living in the gap between where you are and where you want to be?
Fear, lack of time, clarity, motivation, faith, or belief? What shows up in the gap?
Step Three: Identify the Underlying Beliefs that Nourish Any Sense of Limitation or Blockage
Let's pretend one of the things living in the gap is a fear of rejection. When you dig underneath the surface and identify and list the fueling beliefs. You might find ones that sound like;
- I'm not good enough
- My family will think I am crazy
- I never feel supported
The key here is to identify the beliefs that fuel or resides beneath that which is creating a gap between what you desire and what you are currently experiencing.
Step Four: Project Yourself into Your Ideal
This is a powerful step, so don't be tempted to skip it. The opportunity here is to imagine if. . . Imagine if there was little or no gap between your current reality and being honestly able to rate yourself a "1."
Imagine if you truly believed in yourself, your abilities, and a greater potential to emerge into your life quickly. Then, answer the following questions.
- What would be different?
- How would you be feeling?
- What would you believe about yourself, others and the possibilities that exist for you?
- What would you be doing?
- What would you NOT be doing?
- What would you be celebrating?
Step Four: Make a Commitment
Odds are you have just uncovered some powerful keys to transforming your current reality. Any one of these can reveal an opportunity you have to make a new commitment to yourself - to be a greater steward to your purpose, your passions and to feel a sense of accomplishment and pride!
What is a commitment you are ready to make; one that you know would change EVERYTHING?
Choose one commitment, share it with an accountability partner and move it forward. Celebrate following through and OWN your part in moving beyond a prior obstacle.
Step Five: Initiate Growth and Learning
When looking at areas of your life in which you lack confidence, ask yourself what growth and learning opportunities are presenting themselves to you. Take a class, work with a coach, read and apply that powerful information in the book you bought six months ago and haven't finished reading.
Consider joining me in an upcoming program like Awakening to Purpose at and take notes when you listen to audios or take part in on-going education and actually complete the assignments that folks have prepared for you!
Taking on challenges as opportunities can become just as much of a habit as brushing your teeth. . .
And, it is a powerfully creative mindset to be in!
Copyright 2007, Anita Pathik Law